We’re Making a 2000 Inch TV

We're Making a 2000 Inch TV

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We’re Making a 2000 Inch TV”.
Let’S do let’s do our? Oh, oh, no yeah, we’ve got topics here. Okay, we get to do topics so Luke. Wasn’T there I kind of feel bad for not inviting you to what you probably would have wanted to come. The full projector wall thing the the world’s largest gaming displays.

Do you know the Weird Al song which one Frank’s 2000 inch TV, I don’t think so hold on, sounds awesome? Does it have a music video? I actually I actually don’t know if this has a music video uh, it would appear that it does not uh, but it’s it’s a weird l song from I want to say the late 90s or something like that um anyway. The point is that he sings this song about you, know kind of poking fun at keeping up with the Joneses and uh and flaunting your wealth through fancy, electronics, and it’s sort of this. This guy, who buys this endgame TV that can only be delivered through ju.

We're Making a 2000 Inch TV

Just utterly decadent means – and you know, but you know thank God – I can watch The Simpsons from 30 blocks away. You know anyway, so it’s it’s it’s it’s really funny, because it’s weird all and he’s always funny um so is what you’re trying to say is that those pictures of that were edited no, oh. What I’m trying to say is that that display was too f.

70. In we did it, we made Frank’s 2000 in TV, that’s pretty fantastic yeah, it ended up being I I forget the exact number. So don’t quote me on this.

We're Making a 2000 Inch TV

Just wait to watch the video. If you want to know the exact numbers, but it was something like 170 ft wide yeah yeah that makes sense, but like wow by like 30, something feet tall, absolutely enormous and oh okay right Dan was there yeah, um Dan, I’m G to say something. That’S going to sound controversial and then there’s no pressure to agree with me, but I would love to hear your take one of the games that we played on. It was flight simulator and I felt that it was more immersive than VR depends on the well okay. So I was, I was playing Microsoft, flight simulator uh. So I can’t remember if I even watched anybody do it, I’m not sure I would uh. I would say no, in my opinion, um, certainly not playing it. I felt very claustrophobic in the cockpit it seemed uh. It wasn’t kind of far back enough, maybe if we had tweaked the settings and it would be a little bit better um looking around wasn’t really possible in the cockpit.

We're Making a 2000 Inch TV

You know. Maybe if I turned my head something like that, that’s a really wide flat display would say I would say it’s a different. It’S a different kind of immersive to VR VR is like you’re sitting there, and this was kind of like the next best thing. This is everywhere, it was kind of more like it. It wasn’t as as presence and as real as being in VR oops. So I played some of the other games, but I didn’t actually play Flight Sim mhm. I watched Dan play Flight Sim, so I was um like I was the passenger of the plane and maybe the fact that I didn’t have to be focused on the middle. You can look around and I could like really look around out over what feel like. Life-Size Vistas, but because the display was so large that it occupied almost my entire field of view, even moving my head around a little bit, the sense of scale was incredible. I got that a lot too, and – and I wasn’t – I wasn’t looking through a periscope. You know and modern VR headsets have reached a point where the where the field of view is pretty good, that’s right, yeah, but it wasn’t even close, but it isn’t even close to to that experience of having genuine vastness. You actually get the full fov of your eyes and there’s no headset and like you’re you’re there. I think I kind of got that feeling the same sort of feeling of being the passenger and just kind of looking, but I’m focused Dead Ahead. My entire field of view is just you know, langly, and that’s a thing right is that when I’m playing a game in VR, this doesn’t bother me because I’m focused on this, and if I want to see something else I’ll do what I would do in real Life, because we can only achieve our our maximum resolution over what is it like: a 4 % of the area we can see, and only within, like a certain area like it’s, not it’s not actually out here that you would so you would turn your head anyway. So that’s really natural, but if I was if I was an observer through that tunnel, I wouldn’t like it whereas being an observer on the giant wall.

Oh there’s, there’s like more prop turns with this. I don’t think this is the right term, but suspension of disbelief. I think is also hurt by something strapped onto your head, like you’re, always going to be at least somewhat aware. Like yeah, you might be convinced that the plank you’re you’re, not convinced, but your brain might be freaking out because you’re walking on a plank above a high-rise and your brain’s like I don’t want to fall, even though you know you’re in VR.

But you have this thing strapped to your face: there’s there’s a lot of cues to kind of remind you that it’s it’s not what’s actually happening. Thinking back. There was a number of moments where I don’t know everything just kind of fell away: cuz you’re, looking at a monitor, but you’re you’re focused quite close to you and you don’t have a headset. So you don’t have any of the perception of things touching you or that you’re wearing a headset, that’s kind of harder to forget, but when you’re in front of basically just this window that goes into the sky um, I think that that kind of dissociation happens a Hell of a lot faster than with anything I’ve felt before I did not feel like, I was looking at a wall. It didn’t look like a monitor it.

It looked like I was flying a a window into um into something else, and the sense of of motion that I got was so much more convincing than at least any other flat display that I have ever experienced just because of the sheer vastness of it um. It was a really cool setup. We we actually ended up shooting two videos that day, instead of just one, we shot one.

That’S like a land Center, SL Badminton Center update um, because people had I had to approve Dan’s time for this. Oh okay, yeah people had to um people had more questions, uh that they raised than they felt were answered by the first video, so we ended up talking. Actually, I don’t think I’ve really addressed anyone’s questions from the first video. But the point is: there’s cool stuff.

Uh and – and we and we talk about it – Dan goes through some of the networking stuff. Our armored fiber is on site ready for installation, so we do a little um. We do a little autopsy on the fiber that we’re going to be rolling out and stuff. Like that, it’s a really cool video and then at the end of it, uh Chase shows off kind of what we have planned for a big projector gaming console corner, and we grabbed the 120in screen from my that used to be in my basement, and we put That up and then we go yeah, but it’s dark enough in here we could go bigger and we kind of just throw as big of an image as we conceivably can with the pro that I had in my basement at the wall. Until we realize okay yeah, you can only go so big, no matter how dark it is before it starts to look washed out and and Garbo right.

Then we go from 2700 lumens to working with an AV company that specializes in these kinds of deployments to a multi-projector, 12,000 Lumen setup and yeah. There’S there’s there’s no way to there’s, there’s nothing I can say other than it’s. Unlike anything, I’ve ever experienced.

I kind of did want to see it, but I’m sorry um. Can you imagine that at 240 Herz I know it was only at 60 HDR. 4K. 240 HZ 2,000 in W. I guess what you’re saying is you want to redo it yeah? Do it better yeah, bigger building? No, I no that that’s that’s going to be a no um. Thank you for the suggestion, though Dan appreciate you, you could use it for the new town, There’s not going to be a new town yeah.

None of these people know what you’re talking about it’s on the pre-show. Oh, that makes it better. No inside jokes are not good uh, currently watching live surrounded by a 40ft video wall at Time Square lonus.

What’S your limit on display sizes? If TCL makes a 200 in TV will you get one, I won’t have a big enough room for one. The limit on display sizes is dictated by your space. I think um the the smallest Samsung wall last time around when I was like when I was looking into it, and I was like I kind of want one – I think it was 143 in – and the issue for me was that at 16×9, that was kind of Too big for my space at a wider aspect, ratio 143 in would probably be fine because, as it turns out – and we learned this when we set up the the big display um as it turns out the wider, you go the shockingly little difference there is between The one uh part of that right angle, triangle or the the bottom of the right angle triangle and the diagonal yeah, like the difference between our diagonal and our bottom, was only like 3 ft or something like that at that width um.

So I could probably handle like 140 150 in display if it was a wider aspect ratio. But if I had to go 16 by 9, 120 to30 is probably about as big as I can go in that theater room, which seats comfortably about 7 to 9 people. Um, so if you were to have, if you had a larger room like I sat in this amazing theater room, virtually in the uh in the big screen Beyond app that was like it was like set up like you were a mega baller and you had like A theater room to hold your like orgies in or something like it was enormous and had all this like soft, tiered seating everywhere and everything it’s very relatable yeah exactly uh anyway sitting in there I was like I would need a and 50 to 200 in display At the front of this, for it to for it to be big enough, that everyone could enjoy it and an open relationship um that too it’s very Progressive, that’s all Luke spend is this show over yet Luke doesn’t spend money on anything, but that that’s? Why that’s? Why you can’t buy anything? Oh boy anyway, yeah! I I I think that, for for most reasonable sized rooms we’re there and talking to display manufacturers, they seem to be kind of acknowledging that, like high sense, seems to really Envision itself as competing more in the premium space rather than competing in the big but cheap Space because that’s not going to be a space that really exists anymore in a little while everyone’s just going to have a big, Affordable TV yeah, so you better get real good real fast. Now. The good news is man, though, that 100, that 100 in or one 110 yeah the 110, in that they had at CS, looked amazing. .