We’re Excited for 2024!

We’re Excited for 2024!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We’re Excited for 2024!”.
Uh, first time listener longtime caller. What are you looking forward to gaming wise in 2024? I was hoping you’d have something for this? Is there any games you’re looking forward to? Is there a followup to cross code? Anything I want to try. I want to oh uh yeah when’s, radical fish’s next game coming out radical fish, I’m one of those people where I just like. I don’t really follow things as they’re coming up. I just I just wait for them to arrive and pleasantly. Surprise me um. I games project Terra working title um. Our list of games is short. We’Ve been around for over 10 years, something something: okay yeah. No, I I don’t know at some point. New action, RPG yeah sounds great.

We’re Excited for 2024!

I’M really excited to play that um. Eventually. At some point I don’t know I heard Halo infinite’s really good again and I want to I I’m down to play some more feels hard to believe, but I’m down, I don’t think, allowed to talk about what it is. But I tried a new piece of Hardware. Oh, that blew my mind.

I swear to you. Okay, you have you gamed with plof before no okay, I don’t think so. Very respectable, gamer yeah dude’s a gamer yeah. I could see it. Okay, we were shooting uh.

Unfortunately, we didn’t catch all of it on camera, but some definitely caught some of on camera, but we’re shooting this video and I’m putting together combos of just like off the rack scopeless head shots. I don’t think I have encountered a piece of Hardware that has changed. My gaming performance like this. What that I can remember what what I know what I was like dude, I’m de like I know how to operate: wasda and a mouse, but you know I’m not this good and he’s like dude.

We’re Excited for 2024!

I know, but it was the same for me. He actually went on a trip to try this thing a little while ago before it was sent to us in the studio, and he was like brother. I was on some wireless mouse on a tablecloth just putting together kill streaks. What is it is it like? Does it can’t guess it’s it’s embargoed. I can’t talk about it yet, but there’s a video coming. Okay, so I’m like not allowed to guess we’re talking.

We’re Excited for 2024!

Multiplayer games, there’s no cheating, but I just I couldn’t believe how much it changed things. So I want to guess so bad, but I won’t. I won. I’M definitely excited to jump in some like Halo, infinite public lobbies.

Wait. Do you have it yeah, nice, okay yeah. I haven’t taken it home, though I was kind of thinking should, should I should I just like buy everything at retail for my house from now on. What do you think? No? Well like okay, I mean sure, there’s the obvious reasons why I shouldn’t like. If there’s one sitting collecting dust in a warehouse here already, then maybe I should just borrow it and play with it instead of like buying another one, but also I feel like it would make for some good content, because it will force me to encounter some of The same challenges that other people would around availity as a piece of content doing that sometime might be good, but I don’t think you should do it always.

I think it could be an interesting approach to certain things, though I just feel like. Sometimes we end up with kind of dumb stuff in the videos, because, okay, here’s an example when we put together the land Center, we bought a lot of it and the stuff that I bought has a way different rationale behind it than the stuff that we got For example, so I think I think you approached it in two different ways. Is this a more recommendation, Style video or is this a like showcase Ferrari version type of no? It’S just for it’s just for like what we’re going to talk about like we.

We we went with 3080s from EVGA cuz. I thought it was pretty cool to build. You know gaming, PCs, with EVGA gpus for the last time, and so I bought those what what what EVGA is going to like send me: gpus, no um, and so you know, there’s a cool story there, but then for our ssds.

We went with these. Like n 5 t700s from crucial, because that was what crucial had in their like sampling inventory. Not because there’s any compelling reason to use that and in fact we ended up with fine the build just kind of imbalanced.

Because of that we talked about it in the video we basically said: yeah we recognize that these are as long as that’s addressed in the video. I think it’s fine, but I feel, like there’s been a um. I don’t know man there’s been like a a a new new resentment around us doing crazy projects with stuff provided by sponsors in our videos and if we just bought it, then maybe people wouldn’t be mad or do you think people are just mad and it doesn’t Matter I think people are still going to be mad. Cuz then they’re going to be mad that you had the money to buy it. Um I mean that’s sad. Yeah just means there’s like nothing I can do about it. Then, in your mind, I think so I think there’s always going to be a certain pool of haters. Okay, so tell me this: you know we we’re going to have the video coming on the 115in TV um. Do you think it would have made any difference to the video if we hadn’t paid for it? We unbox it? Yes, actually in this case, because I think a very interesting story is how you got it.

Okay, so then shouldn’t part of the story of any project. We do be how we got it to a certain degree yeah how we got it. Is we dialed a phone number and someone put it in the mail for us um? Isn’T that just boring yeah? Okay? So if it needs it, then I don’t know yeah like I I I think that’s part of the story.

If you’re like we’re going to try to do the most insane home, theater room ever and we’re getting all this stuff sourced for us and it’s going to be balling sure I don’t think you need that prequel story right. I see, but I think with the TV. Yes, it’s like the most insane TV I’ve ever seen in my entire life and watching it in person was wild, but I think that story actually helps that video a lot like the getting this is actually wildly difficult if you’re not in China. Tv is like an interesting story.

You can’t find this in North America yeah, I don’t know, that’s tough Tekken photo Enthusiast in float plan says I think, buying it yourself may help review it differently than it being handed to you and told the price for it, but, like I I I go out Of my way to review things as though I am the customer for it like when I like, I took a bunch of flack for this. I talked about this last week for the PlayStation portal. I’M not going to buy a PlayStation portal, I could have unlimited money and I would never buy a PlayStation portal because I’m not interested in the PlayStation portal, but I reviewed it from the perspective of someone with a PlayStation who wants to play games their PlayStation games. Specifically away from their TV – and I think that you’re you’re never going to be able to bridge that gap between people who can understand that.

I’M trying to review this for the customer for whom it might be applicable, um and people. Who don’t understand that. I I just I just don’t think, there’s any way to bridge that um yeah F fast Philly says I yeah Luke. I think if there’s an interesting story like the TV, it should be included, I mean, could the could the story be as interesting? As you know, yeah they provided it, but getting it exported was a challenge.

I was going to say honestly, I think, even if you got the TV for free supplied, the how you got it and how exclusive it is and hard it is to get out of China and and some of the details that I know about it. That might be exclusives for the video, so I’m not going to say I’m not sure um. Those things would have been interesting anyways. I don’t know, but I do think there’s an angle like if your next computer, if you were like, I bought everything for my own computer I had to like I don’t know, the thing is like the decisions more, we buy a lot of stuff and my whole Thing up until now has been that should never matter to the content of the video yeah.

Like I’ve talked to you about that extensively, you should one of my aside from disclosure, My Philosophy. This whole time has been that from the conclusion of the video and everything that we say about the product you shouldn’t be able to tell if this is a brand that sponsors us and sends us anything that we want a brand that doesn’t talk to us at All and we have to buy absolutely everything or anywhere in between you should never be able to tell mhm has always been our philosophy and in some cases, we’ve even swung a little bit hard. The other way um, like I think, we’ve gone pretty hard on Intel, for example, at times, knowing that as a longtime sponsor we’re going to be under increased scrutiny for the way that we treat them. But that doesn’t seem to have. I don’t know it doesn’t seem to have really like resonated that doesn’t seem to work anymore, so I’m just trying to figure out. What’S the what’s the new meta right now, I don’t know .