Were EVs a Mistake?

Were EVs a Mistake?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Were EVs a Mistake?”.
I got something good for you. Dealerships can’t shift EVS. Around 4,000 American Auto Dealerships have signed an open letter asking the federal government to moderate its EV adoption targets because they are struggling to offload an excess supply of electric vehicles. Despite EV sales hitting record highs.

Were EVs a Mistake?

They currently have over a 90-day supply of EVS. Only a 30-day supply of internal combustion engine vehicles and a mere 2 we supply of hybrid electric vehicles, Tesla leading seller V is not included in these numbers due to its direct consumer model. There’S a bunch of other stuff in here, but my point is: I was right: Chevy Volt, dude yeah, the hybrid electric.

I want a hybrid electric Acura TL. I would be so happy back when I bought the volt. The only reason I bought it was that the traditional car companies – Honda – do you know how many many Honda clarities they allegedly. This is just based on hearsay from a random Honda dealer. So I don’t know if it’s accurate or not, but apparently it was like less than 20 clarities. I thought it was like four entire model year and I think it was a lot less than that, but I am going higher than what I recall just to make sure that’s the a greater chance that it’s right.

Were EVs a Mistake?

It was like I’ve seen like two on the road ever um it was it was. It was the car I wanted to buy because it has the advantages of EV. I get to drive in the HOV lane.

Were EVs a Mistake?

I get to um, not burn gas. On my daily commute – and it has the advantages of a gasoline car in that I can go long distances and quickly refuel without having to worry about finding public charging infrastructure. It was so obvious, but only because I happened to be a tech nerd and did a whole bunch of research into it. And I am pragmatic to a fault most people that I know that know of like like good hybrids like the Vault or sorry most people that I know don’t know about good hybrids like the Vault yeah and the problem is that the dealers apparently just had no Idea what was going on and people didn’t understand it. I remember talking to this other guy at a dealer who was like yeah, this guy traded in his vault, and I was like talking to him about it and he was like yeah.

Sorry. What I I just put gas in it the whole time he drove it for years, and I’m just I’m sitting here going. Are you kidding me just you don’t it doesn’t even have to be in your garage. You could just run extension cord.

It comes with a charger that just plugs into the wall, there’s literally no reason in BC, Canada, real. There is no reason not to use the cheap, cheap electric power that we have yeah. It’S like the only thing we have going for us and it’s financially. Toyota figured it out like the the Prius Prime sucked, the first couple Generations, I shouldn’t say it’s sucked, but the range was not enough not enough for my daily commute, not enough for a lot of people’s and so you’d have to put gas in it.

On a very, very regular basis, I believe the latest model has way better all electric range and the Rav 4 Prime is killing it. I have no idea how long the weit list is for that thing now, but it was just. Everyone was going. Oh, the problem with gas is, you know this? It’S just gas emissions now and forever, and gas is super expensive and blah blah and the problem with all electric is the range and these batteries that are so costly and environmentally devastating to extract from the earth. If only there was some solution, but there isn’t and it was staring them in the face the whole time and not to single out a person, but a person 123 on Flow plane said uh the big problem with plug in sorry, my my throat’s still a little Bit messed up, but the big problem with plugin hybrids is you have the cost and weight of of both drivetrains? Not really, my not quite because you also don’t have the weight of all those batteries, and you also don’t need the same kind of HP in your ice. Drivetrain right and you’re not running because that’s the thing like the volt for all of its being generally a very boring dad car, actually not that bad right off the line because it uses the battery. It uses the electric motors and the Volt’s a weird one, because it’s technically an EV with an onboard gasoline generator yeah right but like at the end of the day, I sort of don’t really care how you do it as a consumer.

All I care about is well. I’Ve got enough power that I can pass someone if I need to, and they can be very efficient, very, very efficient, you’re talking about the weight. They can be crazy efficient.

Even if you are Peak dumb and never plug in your volt, it is a crazy, efficient, gasoline car yeah. It’S just way too expensive because you paid for a bunch of batteries that you’re not using because you’re big big dum dum. That was dumb, but the the like plug-in, hybrid Priuses, crazy, efficient, the plug-in, hybrid volts, crazy, efficient, I’m not worried about the extra weight yeah and the man. I I remember talking about this back when we were going into the pandemic. Gm canceled, the volt at the worst possible time, the wor they would have sold so many volts, because the big problem with it was that it was expensive with a with a value proposition that was difficult for people understand and then all of a sudden cars were Just generally more expensive, so they could have made margin on it and gasoline went through the roof. It’S like oh whoops, like they.

They they would have sold thousands and thousands and thousands of them y GM hates money, says William comartin yeah. I know right it’s like they try to make the worst possible decisions. I just don’t know how to deal with it like to be I’m not like a fan or anything. I don’t care, but just that car it just made so much sense. It just made so much sense and uh. It’S it’s validating. I guess to see everyone going well.

This makes sense yeah, that’s why they only have two weeks of stock of hybrid electric vehicles, because they’re so awesome, they’re a great middle ground. Yeah people are not into gming their decisions in general, I am into plug-in hybrids, though I I would like to eventually have one. That’S the only thing I feel like I’m lacking with my car literally love, my volt, so much that after I replaced it, I bought it from myself seriously. The car or the company owns it now and we just use it to run. Little errands makes a ton of sense perfect for that, because, again, the plug-in hybrid, it’s going to be borderline, free to drive back and forth between the Office Buildings, it’s going to be borderline free to run into town and grab something and come back and then, if It needs to run really far, then it can no problem.

We have to go pick up a CRT in the interior BC. Cuz. We don’t want to ship it for whatever send it. No problem super efficient, yep comfortable, easy going atlus that car made no sense on Transformers like the movie what the Vault was in Transformers.

I believe so, okay. That is really why Vol Transformers that is not how I might have promoted it. Um super car. No oh wow! I can’t afford that jolt.

This wasn’t okay. This was a huge. This was a huge problem for Chevy. They had the bolt okay, which was like an entrylevel EV.

They had the volt, which was a completely different car, the plug-in hybrid vehicle, and now I’m only just learning about this. They had jolt a character from Transformers that is a vault. Are you kidding me? That’S really stupid. It also looks really stupid. Like the transformer looks dumb, ah I’m sad now very sad. They like Nintendo wi ued this car, like what looks like bumblebee but Dumber yeah. I thought that, like bumble, blue thing under him was like his beard, their flying their flying electric vehicle called the MTT yeah. Like exactly that’s what it’s really close to molas .