We’re Doing Another Whale LAN

We’re Doing Another Whale LAN

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We’re Doing Another Whale LAN”.
Uh yeah, oh oh uh, no hit us with one more merge message, sure sure absolutely uh, let’s see um as the wart hog driver on Linus’s team at wh, stop stop stop abort abort. He was toxic and I was very bad, very fun and looking for more uh, looking forward to more lands, sounds good I’ll, see you there hey. That was a merch message. Oh yeah, I actually have an update for you on the yeah, so we have an ETA from the construction company.

They are saying end of March cool. Hopefully we are also for that time. March 2025. Right, don’t March, run. Let’S go run to the waiting got it.

We’re Doing Another Whale LAN

It’S a joke, cuz March is like only a certain speed, totally yeah, it’s like two years away: yeah yeah, exactly wait! So what’s the delay? Can we talk about this? Is this a meeting we can have on wano? What’S going on here? We have to have infrastructure in place for to have a land, well, what some Network switches? What what’s the delay yeah we need to get them. I mean we already have them from the last wh land. What are you even talking about? No, we need more stuff than that, there’s more than just that. What does that borrow some network switch from the office? Then? What could be wrong with that? Your track, history of predicting the time frames from moving into buildings, has not been particularly consistent over the last two years.

We’re Doing Another Whale LAN

In fairness to me: okay, no! No! No! No! No! Just all the time! That’S my experience in you sold the one I built in just as we finished it. Oh man, sorry continue. Okay, look! I did not expect a bigger lab to a be required immediately before we even moved into it. I don’t know if it was required.

We’re Doing Another Whale LAN

I think it was desired and you ask the lab team how they feel about that. They’Ll tell you Reed, I think the scope CH they’ll tell you required. I think the scope Chang they’ll tell you required. Think the scope CH.

I think the community is going to be happy. The scope change it’s required and two two. I didn’t know that that building at the end of the road was going to just become available for sale. It just popped out of nowhere.

I didn’t know good choice. It was a good choice. I like it. It was one of those things where our options were that or something really far away. Yeah, it’s literally perfect yeah yeah. We weren’t expecting the AC to take long to go Alex and I hugged it was.

It was quite the Glorious moment we felt we we, I smelled the off gassing and was like. Oh no is the building on fire. I was like, oh my God.

It’S happening, the infrastructure team, like bursted out of our little room, trying to figure out what the heck was going on mine was positive. I was like I know what this we turned on: the air conditioning in the lab or well the HVAC. So it’s a heat pump uh, so we turned that on on Thursday, Wednesday yeah yeah.

We turned it on this week and if you attended the first whale land, you will – and you talked to me about the janky cooling setup that we had in there at that time. Cuz, it took place in the middle of a heatwave and we had to bring like like job site, uh rental uh air conditioners in uh. I probably told you yeah. The plan is to have it up in like the next few months – yeah.

No. It took until now uh we had ordered them like five months before that, as well just getting stuff done with contractors. Anything involving building code permits. It just takes a long long time and there’s certain things that we could do to expedite it, but sometimes there’s just nothing. We could do to expedit it. So the good news is that permits are done for for the Badminton Center.

We actually have final final permit. We started this ages ago um, so all we need is to do it and then get final inspection, and then we should be good to host events there, like immediately and in terms of in terms of running a land. There I mean we don’t need POS terminals set up, we don’t need necessarily all the speakers and cameras and everything necessarily all we need is the switches we already own from whand and from LTX and then what a couple more switches as long as those fiber runs Between the I feel like you would want the buildout to be more permanent and also better. I feel like you would want the audio stuff in and working I mean I think, you’d be upset. That’S all I’m saying I’m saying we need to be ready in time. That’S all I’m saying I mean look, we ran one in my house and that was a blast.

This can’t be any jankier than that was oh yeah. That video is coming, that video is totally coming. It’S going to be awesome. This is another part of the.

Hopefully, it’s ready in time is you need to release the video of your houseand yeah so that things can be ready in time? We we owe ubiquity a make good on uh on featuring their products uh, so that video sponsored by ubiquity was supposed to be shot at LTX. There was a miscommunication, it’s only like half a year later, thankfully ubiquity are Bros, they are as Bros as we love using their products, but we owe them a video man, but we owe them a video. No, I reviewed it today, it’s great or not. Today I reviewed it a couple of days ago.

It’S like it’s great, it’s a great video. We packed what was it over 80 people by the time we were done into my house for a land party, it was fun. It was very fun.

Whole thing powered by ubiquity, we ran all weekend from Friday night to like we went to like Sunday like late afternoon right or was it night? I don’t remember anymore, it was a blur. It was definitely nighttime on the last day was that Sunday yeah it was definitely night time. Yeah yeah, it was, it was freaking awesome and what’s going to be great, about whale at the Badminton Center is that there is no oh well.

The landlord policy can’t stay overnight or can’t do multi-day event, blah blah blah guess who’s the landlord buddy. Let’S go, oh, so we’re going to have some fun. If we want to put like you know, freaking projectors places we want to do whatever we’ll just do it. Yeah see but then that’s going to have to be possible, or else you’re going to be sad, and I don’t want line is sad, so we got to be ready in time.

That’S you know what I think would be a super cool tradition. This is the thing about Traditions. Is you got to come up with them before they exist? Oh, I know I know I know uh all right. Fine. You talk first saying you’re going to move in at a certain date and then moving in a year later. That’S not, Traditions can be set unintentionally.

Look why don’t you reply to more merch messages? Yes, sir sorry, sry um, you know what would be a really cool tradition is remember that thing we did at that LTX, where everyone decorated my car just just chill just chill. Okay, just relax, L is shaking just relax. Okay, wouldn’t it be cool. If, if every event we cordoned off like a vertical slice of wall, no don’t do it.

Can you stop for a moment? Please we get that um, that clear UV, reactive paint and markers so that in daylight you don’t see it but under UV light you can see it and then we have like, like a decoration station and people can people can write their names so that, as we Host more and more of these lands, can you erase? Can you erase like UV? If you really need to yeah, I think so yeah. So so, as we host more and more of these lands like every time, we could do different color cuz, you can get orange and green and pink and blue. Well, you wouldn’t be able to do different color every time, but I think you get my point. Quite a few um yeah, so oh you could rotate, though so that they’re not next to each other.

You have like a fourcc color cycle or something, and so if, in the long term we we like uved out the place so that during lands we could just go like full UV like land party mode it would. It would light up these walls for every land and then the more we have like the more the more like trophy walls. We would have that’d be freaking sick, having like some details like if there was some tournament or some like yeah man having like the winners or something on there would be kind of cool yeah like oh. This is the this. Is the Robot Unicorn Attack tournament winners of of 202, and it would just be like to all the people who come and play badminton it? Would they wouldn’t even know it’s it’s just a wall as long as it’s possible to erase things I’m down, yeah yeah. I think that should be fine.

Okay, we we’ll we’ll figure it out, we’ll figure it out, but and we might not do it, but I do think that we should come up with some traditions stuff, like that’s cool, that’s a really cool idea: yeah yeah, just just stuff like that. .