Welp – that’s it for Huawei!

Welp - that's it for Huawei!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Welp – that’s it for Huawei!”.
Ah, nothing like host and tech linked on a holiday when there’s no one else in the office got the got the tech news all to myself, not lonely at all. Oh, unless you count Dennis yeah hi Dennis I forgot I forgot you were here so remember. Last week, when the US government banned American companies from doing business with Huawei yeah turns out that’s a really huge deal in compliance with the White House order. Google suspended business with Huawei, which means Huawei will no longer have access to the latest. Android OS and system updates Huawei devices will still have access to the Play, Store and updates for their apps, but on a system level the company will be restricted to using whatever version of Android is available from the Android Open Source project or AOSP. Like a like. A common peasant, but guess what other companies are also American and have to comply with the order Intel, Qualcomm and Broadcom, who are also suspending sales of components to wow way now, for their part, Huawei have guaranteed their customers will receive in-house security updates.

But it’s clear: this move will have a significant impact on the company’s global ambitions and its customers experience. It’S important to note that all of these anti Huawei developments are occurring, despite a lack of concrete evidence that the company is being used as a spying tool for the Chinese government. Us intelligence apparently showed classified information to tech giant executives in recent months to brief them. On the dangers of companies like Huawei, but any proof of spying, if it exists, has yet to make it to the public.

The American Commerce Department actually said that parts of the Huawei band may be scaled back to mitigate the potentially disastrous effects. This situation might have on the businesses of both Huawei and American companies. All this to say, if you were thinking about getting a Huawei phone, maybe just wait until the dust settles a bit. There’S lots of other, really great Chinese phones.

Oh no! No! No Intel is facing a crisis of their own in the fallout from last week’s revelations concerning more speculative execution vulnerabilities found in the company’s processors, Intel chips will soon be getting patches for the flaws known as zombie load. Our ID fallout stored, elique, forwarding and collectively known as MDS AMD, has taken this opportunity to let the public know their chips are completely safe from these attacks. Thanks to Hardware protection checks in their architecture, not only that, but Intel chips will suffer a performance hit thanks to the patches and according to firaon — ax. That could mean anything from a sixteen to fifty percent decrease depending on the workload. Meanwhile, AMD’s chips are sitting pretty with a minimal impact from any fixes that need to be applied, so the whole intel chips are best for gaming might not be true for very long. I mean it’s kind of a net negative for overall chip performance, but I like to celebrate the small wins with AMD: keep going guys, you’re doing great and Google glass is coming back.

Welp - that's it for Huawei!

Why it’s anyone’s? Guess you want a Google glass Dennis. Do you know anything? Google? That’S it sounds dangerous. You want Google spying on you, but the division behind the wearable, formerly known as Google X and now known simply as X, has officially unveiled glass Enterprise Edition to running a qualcomm snapdragon XR 1 system on chip. The device also features improved camera performance, Bluetooth, 5 and the exact same physical design.

Apparently, it looks like the ex team responsible for glass are moving out of alphabets moonshot division and into the AR / VR division of Google, where it will continue to develop its products. Alongside the daydream and AR core teams, maybe in a post, Pokemon go and Minecraft earth world there will be a bit more acceptance for people with computers and cameras on their heads, but not computers and cameras for heads. I’M sorry Dennis we’re just not ready for that.

Now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by brilliant look, you’re a smart person. You know that it’s good for your brain to keep up on the tech news. So do your brain another favor and check out brilliance daily challenges. They provide a quick and fascinating view into math logic, engineering, science or computer science or any other science. Whether you’re stuck in a Commuter just want to learn something new every day. Brilliance daily challenges are a fun bite-sized way to master concepts by applying them and they come with all the context.

You need figure it out yourself so head over to brilliant org, slash tech linked and finish your day, a little smarter and the first 200 of you to do so will get 20 % off the annual premium. Subscription whoa sounds like a deal to me. Mm- was it quick bits or was it yeah? Another story from last week with continuing fallout? Is the epic game stores mega sale? Apparently the communication between epic and game publishers wasn’t so solid and, as a result, some games, including Borderlands 3 and vampire masquerade bloodlines.

Two have been removed from the store. Previously you were able to pre-order those games, but they’ll be apparently unavailable until a sale concludes on June 13th. Whoopsies, but also you shouldn’t be pre-ordering things anyways, and maybe you don’t like that.

Welp - that's it for Huawei!

I’M telling you what to do well. I’M not ruin the industry and your own life see. If I care I do care, please don’t do that.

Welp - that's it for Huawei!

You’D! Think that Sony making a deal with Microsoft about cloud gaming would concern the gaming part of Sony, the PlayStation team, but apparently they weren’t even aware of the deal was taking place, and now they have to do business with their bitter Xbox rivals. Well, at least they’ll be able to talk to Nintendo because that company is joining the powwow and is apparently looking into using Microsoft’s cloud tech for their own streaming solutions. Wow, it’s like Microsoft is the nerdy kid at school who was bullied until the cool kids got her to do their homework and he thought they wanted to be friends, but they just wanted him for his cloud streaming. Technology classic story, Google’s newly released pixel three, a and three Axl phones are doing what newly released pixel phones do and experiencing problems. Users are reporting, the phones are shutting themselves down booting into safe mode or performing a factory. Reset may help the issue, but until Google gets a patch out, all three a users can do is take this opportunity to put their phone down and look around at the real world for pete’s sake.

You don’t have to see everything through a gender swap filter. You do want to see everything through that Dennis early builds of Microsoft’s chromium-based Edge have been out for a while and now Mac users can try it out for themselves or try out Firefox or just regular Chrome. Just anything. That’S Safari just get out of there and a forum called og users, which was a popular place for hackers, and cyber criminals to trade stolen account. Credentials was itself hacked last week with forum users, usernames passwords emails, IP addresses and private messages being leaked along with the source code for the website itself. Now we just need someone to hack the hackers who hack the hacking forum and the rest of us will probably be safe.

I mean we can just you can just chill just let them fight it out among themselves. You know, I’m I’m sure, that’s how that works and it’s safe to say that’s enough tech news for one day guys thanks for watching and if you want more tech news. Well, it’s as easy as clicking that subscribe button and the bail icon so you’ll be up to date as soon as we’re up to date, and then we tell you about it: it’s a good system. It works.
