Welcome to the Studio

Welcome to the Studio

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Welcome to the Studio”.
So I’ve waited 15 years to make this video Welcome to the studio all right so welcome to uh our lot. It’S not a huge home, but it is our home uh it’s about 1,500 ft on three levels, so we are at the top level um. This would be like the bedroom if somebody Liv here, here’s what it looked like before: here’s what it looks like now and in this whole Space the entire Loft we’re like 40 % done. This is the most recent room that we did.

I think the biggest thing we did was these wood panels and they look absolutely awesome uh. They also have acoustic treatment in between them sort of on the back of the panels for sound dampening uh. We got these from wood veneer Hub all this stuff too. If you guys want to check it out I’ll link to it down below really easy to install which screwed directly in I think it changed the entire room, it also made the audio in here sound incredibly good um this set here, it’s not finished. This is going to be for Robert’s main set the Apple Circle. We get the rest of it. Pictures up on the wall maybe get a little brighter.

This side is going to be where, where I’ll probably shoot, we haven’t again haven’t done anything here. If you have any other ideas very open to it, but we haven’t started filming uh up here yet and here’s nothing too exciting. It’S a like a bathroom and a shower. That’S that if somebody ever lived here that would that would be uh where they’d go. So if we come down the hole, this is kind of been our main storage right now kind of where all our internet runs through devices that we’re kind of currently working on here. Um things were still kind of filming and getting ready here, A bunch of UniFi stuff here to help our internet go, we’ve got a switch and the dream machine.

Se also show you some of the UniFi stuff. We’Ve got for our locks. Think that was really cool too um coming the rest way through the area. We’Ve got see a bunch of my old comic books.

When I was a kid I want to get some of these graded um. This is going to be top down set again. It’S haven’t really done much here. We’Ve been in this bace for probably about 5 and a halfish months, but since we’ve been filming here, i’ had a chance to all the build out that we wanted uh I like to do full lights on the ceilings we just come in flip it on have All of our top down stuff here ready to go.

Welcome to the Studio

It’S also so cool because we can see down below. So if we want to get some shots kind of a with a perspective, we can do that and um speaking uh of down below. Let me show you the second floor, so the the biggest part of the space, this downstairs kind of living area. We haven’t done anything with yet uh at all cuz when we were moving stuff in boxes we’re here, we set up the other areas to film.

This is the next area we’re going to start to work on, but at least here uh in the corner. This is where we kind of store all the cameras battery stuff that we’re using. We tried to keep it pretty organized nothing too exciting. There.

Bounce boards, huge Windows, one of my favorite things too – is this – is actually on a remote. So I can control it goes all the way up and opens pretty cool uh. We set this up to have kind of a home, theater setup.

But again we haven’t done anything with these walls. It was sort of makeshift to get it up, so we could use it, but eventually we want to get the walls fully treated uh. That’S an LG G3 in case anybody’s wondering uh. I get a lot of comments on the stand that we use uh, for this too I’ll put a link to that. Also um down below the rest of this furniture was from the old Studio.

We just kind of brought it here, a lot of times for filming monitors or we need a desk setup for something. This is what we’ll use. So we just kind of left it here um we ultimately want to get set set up where we can film in the corner. I could film uh on the stairs uh and then we’d really like to set something up here in this corner.

Welcome to the Studio

We’Re thinking about setting up two LCD TVs and kind of making them look like virtual windows in this corner, but we haven’t gotten that far yet can’t have anything with copyright on it in the back of an image. So this is the closest I could get was allowed to do. Uh to show some some love to the LA Rams couldn’t do much else there. This you’ve probably seen this set up in a lot.

Welcome to the Studio

We do our TV videos, usually the TV is on this – stand. We’Re not currently filming a TV, so this is the one main one we use in the studio Sony mini LED. It’S been been really awesome for us, but again this whole area like needs to be done. I want wall treatments. I’D really like to do a full rig of Lights, uh on the ceiling, so we walk in. We can just essentially flip switches and ready to go to film it’s going to take a while you that I got to see about bunch of money to be able to afford to do that.

But at least that’s the ultimate uh goal here, as we come on in here, we’ve got a bathroom uh. This is just a little NFC thing to connect to our internet. Here it’s awesome on Android cuz.

It connects automatically on the iPhone pulls up a wi page with the password it’s a little Annoying um. Our main set we’ll talk about in a second you’ve, seen uh, it’s actually in the kitchen that gets used a metric ton, that is the Terra Cafe tko2 uh. We use that for espresso coffee bunch of different drinks.

You can see all the syrups we’re kind of getting like a mini Starbucks um up in here. We don’t do much cooking, but we could, if we wanted to the microwave, gets the most use. This set, though, is probably what you guys have seen the most here’s, what it looked like before here’s it looks like now. We did the most work in here early on this.

Just we had to get in it to be able to film. It was just a white empty space, so the walls we painted a matte green or had them painted uh, a matte green. That came out absolutely awesome. These we bought special for the studio, and then we went to like a home store and bought like a bunch of stuff to uh fill it. This was a white wall. We put up this kind of brick looking material and I say looking cuz, I don’t.

If you can hear it, it’s 100 % styrofoam uh. We got to find a way hear it. Like 100 % looks better on camera than in person. We got to find some way to make that look a little more natural, maybe we’ll put some red paint or kind of splatter up some gray paint to make it look more naturally, bricky uh.

This made its way over um from the old studio just to stand at the record player. We really time we film outside a ton if we want to you, have curtains that can come down to block some natural light for us um, but usually when I’m filming this is where I’m sitting. This is the view you have. What nobody sees is what my view is, and I’m literally sitting in the kitchen all right.

So let me switch in front of the camera uh in wardrobe and tell you about this: video sponsor ban workor. There are iPhone cases and then there are iPhone cases that are special and feel special, like ones that maybe come in a wood box with a screwdriver that you need to install on your phone, so meet the bandwork classic case Al. This thing is about as premium as a phone case can be first all metal on the side, so it still feels like an iPhone. You’Ve got a leather back, but not just any leather back. You’Ve got a waterproof leather back, you’re, probably saying to yourself. Well, that sounds awesome with that new leather back.

Like can I use my mag St stuff and to you I say: yes, it is fully mag safe, compatible. It’S also the band work X, lineup That features a performance, leather, iPhone case and performance. Leather strap for the Apple watch. They make special edition watch bands.

I got one that’s made of F1 tires. This one is completely sold out, but a new one is coming so stay tuned to the bandwork newsletter for all those details. Uh, if you want to learn more about what bandor is doing check out their newsletter and all the stuff they offer got linked to it all down below, so want to show you some of the filming gear we used too. The main lay we Us in here.

It’S an aperture 300D. It’S been a absolute Workhorse for us. We have our Canon C70 right now. It’S set up to the teleprompter, but it lives behind here and if you guys ever seen a prompter setup, but actually the camera gets kind of like sandwiched in between uh and then we’re running it off of this Lenovo and then a monitor. So I can kind of see what things look like: um. We have the Sumo 19m. We bought this used.

I think they discontinued this model uh, but it’s worked out pretty well for us. Our audio kit, I’m especially proud of when I filmed with uh John Morrison. He had the same setup, so I eventally just copied his audio cuz.

It always sounded really really good. So this is just uh a complete copy of what he’s done. Uh, it’s all paired to the Sennheiser mic. Was it the MK uh 50 again XLR cables, all integrated comes down to a mix pre for a preamp, then we’re powering everything from an external battery.

We use the anchor power Anchor batteries for pretty much everything in the studio and just a a c stand here. So let me show you downstairs this: is we haven’t done anything at all with this? Yet um? We do have you call it a vanity wall, but the 1 million subscribers for Apple Circle hitting 100,000 and intercell news hitting 100,000. These are the other channels that are part of JFL network. If you don’t know, JFL network is kind of overreaching company uh that came after TechnoBuffalo John 4 Lakers JFL.

These P are designed to be live, work Lofts all the areas in the complex or all the units in this complex, they’re, various sizes. This one is the smallest, so the way they had it set up, this would be where you would work. You could have your desk here and clients could come and visit you uh. We got a garage door that kind of rolls up too cold to really put it up since we moved in but uh we do have it here. I want to set this space up for boll and have just bunch of stuff set up. That looks really nice, but this is just where all the boxes go um for right now, uh to keep everything kind of safe. Here I have it in my house. I really liked it so we put in the ring alarm. It’S worked out really really well so one of my favorite things is actually this door and how it works. So obviously it’s locked and closed, but I can push to exit and then I can open it.

Um, it’s actually a magnet on top. It has a dead bolt too um for electri security. If we want um but outside, I think is where things get pretty cool too. So I didn’t think we could have just like a ring doorbell here.

I want something kind of a little bit cooler so enter uh, the UniFi access G2 and it’s been awesome. So it’ll. Let me use my phone um for NFC to get in uh or I can create key cards for everybody where they can just come tap on the door. Welcome John, I don’t know if you heard that, but it says, welcome John uh, then I’m able to come right in it helps with like guest access. Also has a camera uh as well, and if somebody Rings a doorbell on it built into it as well. I’Ll get alerts on my phone. I actually have a full conversation with it, so it’s been really awesome uh to have so the last area. Uh, we have a garage, it’s a 2car, uh tandem garage, and this is where a lot of again more stuff for storage.

All those cabinets up there I want to build in more Perman storage. Here, um we actually, we did a video showing uh ecoflow getting installed in the space um with their with the smart panel and battery backup. This is actually what it looks like live.

It’S like a real clean, install only one battery pack. Here, we’ve got 6 Kow on it. The battery pack is the one on the bottom, it’s the inverter. On top, I want to add a few more get a bit more battery, backup, important cuz. Our a lock is obviously needs power and the way it was designed, if you have a power outage, happens all the time the door is set to unlock.

So nobody gets trapped in here, which is bad news if it happens like in the middle of the night, and then you know and just get in all right. So that’s the space we’re probably like 40ish, uh % done we get together, 60 % I’ll, do an updated video and show you what we’ve worked on. It’S not the biggest space in the world, but it’s special space to me and to everybody here at JFL, because it’s ours, I hope you guys enjoyed .