Wearables that don’t look terrible — CES 2016

Wearables that don't look terrible -- CES 2016

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Wearables that don’t look terrible — CES 2016”.
Hey I’m Lauren good with the verge I’m gon na clip the bow with rekt and we’re here at CES in Las Vegas. One thing we’ve seen a lot of this year, our brand new wearables, but one thing that we’ve noticed is that they’re not particularly attractive in a lot of cases which isn’t necessarily a news story, but we did find three that we think look pretty dang good. They do not look like celibacy Dan, let’s go check them out all right, so first up is Mira. This is a $ 169 activity tracker that launched earlier this year or last year last year, guide, which is 2016 9 2016 6 army.

Wearables that don't look terrible -- CES 2016

And then this one is coming out this year, which is just a new housing for the same guns. Basically, and what do you think of it? What is your expert opinion? Okay, when I this? I saw this like a couple of months ago and I really liked it because it just looks different and like it is made of like like jewelry like materials, but I love this because the whole thing is hidden and it really doesn’t. It really doesn’t look like an absurd bracelet to be wearing like there’s a lot of times where these companies try to meld fitness trackers into jewelry or do like a jewelry closure on a sport band, and it’s just something a sense. But this just hides the whole thing. This is definitely a bracelet.

Wearables that don't look terrible -- CES 2016

They don’t happen to have a tracker yeah. It doesn’t look weird at all like this does not look strange on my wrist panel. The one thing that I don’t love is that currently you can share the data to the mobile apps, which is cool so like, if you’re wearing something like that. That’S where you might see your data, but the mobile app doesn’t share with things like health care and google fit.

So if you are also using other health and fitness apps right now, all of your data is trapped in the mirror, a band. I don’t know anything about the mirror. I have you seem to like it when you looked at it yeah.

Well, I have it personalized yeah. It asks prompts that weren’t, just like what’s your height, what’s your weight, ask you that stuff too, but then it asks you things like how like realistically, how much time you have for activity today. When do you have the most energy in a day things like that, so it just felt like a little bit more of a personality lifestyle opener than the average. Just like how tall are you? How much do you weigh but yeah? This is the new fossil. Cue dreamer, this actually came out late last year, but these are new versions of it from what I understand and it costs one hundred and forty five dollars.

Wearables that don't look terrible -- CES 2016

So I mean fossils known for lifestyle, watches somewhat accessible, I’m not super expensive right. And what do you think of these? I lost my mind when I saw these yeah. I got so excited because the material combination is like nothing like nothing else. It does I mean, there’s I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen anything that looks even remotely like this.

The leather band feels nice and I said actually we’re another one for its that, like three or four weeks and the leather got a little bit dinged up after a while yeah started to just call her a little bit need to be really careful about to be On the water on it, you know, is that what it is yeah would you pay one hundred and forty five dollars for this? Well, I would want to know more about what it does, of course, before I made a choice like that, because I want to know if I like app it’s something I would want to live with. But if I was like satisfied with that I’d be like yeah sure I mean one of the things I found in the app it’s called a cute dreamer app. It doesn’t just work with this. It also works with some of their smartwatches there’s this section of the app called cue curiosity where so you’ve got the health tracking section, and it’s like.

I usually walk all these steps and then in the curiosity section it says it gives you these challenges. You know. Take a selfie and post a photo and create something today. Do origami and all this crazy stuff, and I was in the app and I was like I’m never going to you, and this is something that, like I’ve, noticed for sure in in apps. That are particularly like if they’re kind of like designed for women. They have a lot of this kind of like motivation that goes beyond just like.

Today. You walked a thousand steps, but it’ll have kind of a like great job. Today, you have 8000 steps. That’S 133! More steps than you walked last Tuesday you’re on time. You know: there’s another glass of wine yeah, okay, with your friends in front yeah, yeah yeah! Then it gives you the trade off or like, like you’ve, been sitting for three hours. You should get up and move because your mood is gon na, be better and then you’ll be happy and it’s Monday, so this one’s the misfit ray, which, incidentally, now only by fossil they were acquired by them last year.

So just looking fossil here’s another one, but this was a development before the acquisition. So what do you think of this one? Okay, you wrote about this before I got to see yes, so I looked at it online and I was so excited so excited, which is funny because, as I tell more like technology people that they’re like really it looks like something you made at camp or like It looks like a battery on a strep. I love it, but I love the one that has the leather strap the vest, there’s a mixture of having like low shine leather with like medium shine, college crafts together, is really beautiful. One thing I also like about this, too, is at the top of it is pretty unembellished, so you just have that little LED light at the top and then the misfit logo is on the back, but it’s hidden, there’s no, you know glaring the obvious logo anywhere.

Yeah, which is actually a signature, misfit thing they make coin shapes wearable trackers as well, and they don’t put anything anywhere on yeah and I’ve always been attracted to them. Just for that reason, because, like I I like like clean lines, simple like I don’t want jewels, I don’t watch owls, I’m a SmartWatch. I don’t want you old on things and that’s seems to be the common theme or it’s like how to solve, for women. Put jewels on it? No, no! Oh my god! That’S another rant though, but um, but this pledge speaks me because this is like truly truly like genderless. It looks, it just looks good I mean feels like there are still those trade offs like we’re. Looking at really nice, you know bracelet if you want to connect a bracelet, but the technology is still pretty basic in them and then, when you get into more high-powered stuff, the high-powered stuff still isn’t really that attractive.

So those were three wearables. I was really impressed by, I did not think I was going to come to CES and really like much of anything aesthetically, but those guys really really blew me away. So, like we said earlier, looks matter because you have to want to wear the device, but if you don’t like the way that it works, then there’s no point in wearing it. But do I need you here to? Let me know about the guts of these things.

Well, I definitely need your fashion sense because I feel like I have no idea what looks good and what doesn’t, I think the biggest thing for me is not just the looks and not just the feature set, because a lot of feature sets are the same. No, it’s the software, it’s not only do I want to wear this thing, but I also want to open the app every day. I want that experience too, and I think it can be really tough for companies to get all of those things right. Some books, maybe we’ll see better stuff in 2016. I don’t know for more coverage on CES 2016, be sure to go to the verge comm or subscribe to our youtube channel youtube.com forward. Slash live urge .