We Used to Suck at Business

We Used to Suck at Business

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We Used to Suck at Business”.
Yo Linux just got hired as the first salesman for a video game production company looking to grow video production company, video production company. Sorry there’s split here: uh looking to grow. How did you know it was the right time to build out a sales team and who’s? The first sales hire I knew it was the right time because I didn’t have time to keep doing it. I was the one who was doing all the like sponsor negotiations um and it was a ton of work. Like obviously understand the product really well, I I can sell it um, but what I ended up doing was not selling it for as much as I could have, because I didn’t have time to negotiate and I couldn’t get back to people in a in in a Timely manner, and so our customer service wasn’t very good and stuff and our first hire was actually Luke’s friend because I don’t know he might know business stuff and stuff. I don’t think I interviewed a ton of people for the position I yeah. I was wondering what your recollection of that would be um, because I was annoyed with lonus for giving money back to companies.

You remember this. No, we would like do a project and they’d be happy with it and you’d be like a it. Wasn’T good enough and they’d be like oh we’re like pretty happy with it and you’d, be like no take some money back. You did that multiple times I know one of them.

We Used to Suck at Business

I know I remember one of them very vividly, but I know you did that more than once, um which, which one do you remember vly, I’m super curious. Now I don’t remember that. It’S probably fine for me to say the company name, but I’m just going to type it like one of my whole things I talked to the sales team about this um now is. The idea is not to do a one-time deal. I can probably just say it, but I just okay: the idea is not to do a one-time deal.

We Used to Suck at Business

The idea is to deliver enough value that they want to come back for more and to and to to have a recurring business relationship with with anyone who engages with you, because it’s so much easier to retain a customer than it is to attract a new one Which, I think is super legit, but the original price was already low and they were happy with it yeah. So he says it was Corsair. But what what was it, though? Do you remember what project it was it was.

We Used to Suck at Business

I was it the sword, one. I don’t. Even remember a sword anything no. There was like I jumped off a fence with a sword. It was that time FR be quiet. Okay, it was that time frame, but I’m pretty sure it was Corsair hm. I think it was around that time time, though yeah I’m not sure I could be wrong, but it’s been too long. Was it a production job like did the video belong to them? I don’t think it would have been Corsair at that time, then, because I don’t know that we were a little.

They were building out their own internal video production team at that time, and I think they were like trying to not be dependent. I could have bits wrong, but I remembered it was like it was frustrating being a part of the team and seeing lus sit at his desk for extended periods of time when he could be doing other things. Um doing business deals and doing them in a lot of in, in my opinion, uh in a lot of ways. Poorly, so hey did your paycheck ever bounce, no, all right, then I don’t want to hear it, but I was like it’s up to me how much I mark up your labor, sir.

This is a signific I didn’t make this system, but damn it I’m going to participate in it wait what this is a significant potential growth is to get someone else to do this. Cuz, maybe they’ll do a better job and also Linus’s time being used for this. Also just sucks so there was.

There was like a two-fold thing, so I brought Nick out for like dinner or something – and I was like bro. You need to like quit school and come. Do this crazy thing with me.

I know it’s nuts. I know your parents are probably not going to be stoked mine, weren’t stoked, but it’ll be fine. His parents are okay with it now yeah yeah, I I I chatted with them about it recently and then yeah that that happened. They seem chill with it.

Now. I think you interviewed like basically no, I think it was basically just yeah. I think I might have just interviewed Nick yeah um yeah yeah. I don’t think that was a stage where we were exactly getting like a lot of and by the way no Luke’s paycheck did not include room and board.

He had to pay. He had to pay rent, not much uh yeah. That’S what I was going to clarify and when he was living with us at our house uh it was even worse because we had to feed him and it was was your idea. I know which was awesome.

Look I was trying an insane deal. I was trying. I try I try to create an environment that is mutually beneficial, Luke yeah, I just I remember I remember I don’t know if I overheard it or I might have even just genuinely been there for the conversation, but I remember ion like kind of breaking down the Cost of like ingredients, even not even counting like her time for cooking it, which, by the way, is valuable, yeah Y and it she was like this just really doesn’t make any sense.

If I remember correctly, you guys were like negative just on the ingredients, let alone giving me a room to live in, so I was like wow. This is an incredibly good deal, um yeah. As long as you don’t mind, hearing your boss, Bang Yeah, which I mean see – I didn’t realize until much later, how paper thin those walls were yeah cuz, I never. I never went in that room. I didn’t care like that, was not a room that I would go into.

I lived directly across the hall yeah, like literally direct our our doors faced each other yep yeah. That’S all it’s all good yep! I had headphones like it’s, it’s actually like fine. I don’t know you just play music, do something else. It doesn’t matter.

I can’t the the place I lived before that was uh a like shared living scenario, with a bunch of college age, people yeah the place I lived before. That was another shared living scenario. With a bunch of college age people, this was not a new thing.

I was already fully desensitized to this see. The thing is, it was for me. I never lived in a shared space with a bunch of college aged people and uh. I just had never really gone in that room and said: hey hun. Can you like make noises and I’ll see if I can hear them turns out yeah, so there’s that yeah yeah .