We sent him a MOLDY PC…

We sent him a MOLDY PC...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We sent him a MOLDY PC…”.
Uh, why don’t we jump into our next topic, which is sad and happy? Remember the spiffing Brit TPC that had that teapot pouring as part of the water loop well um. We have an update on it. Unfortunately, as we feared, it did indeed break in transit and, as we feared, the tea in the loop did indeed start supporting life. Okay, so here’s a question right off the Hop it broke in transit. When did we send this? I don’t know a thousand years ago yeah what well he hasn’t been using it, but hold on the story. The story continues. So this is this.

Is the spiffing Brit PC? What was up with my hair that day, I you were on a. I have no idea what this was only a year ago. Is this that YouTube thing where it was like essentially two years ago, this was a year and a half ago, yeah man look at this is awful anyway. The point is: here’s the finished PC did we ever actually yeah there we go, we did an actual Montage, so you could check out the system.

We sent him a MOLDY PC...

Absolutely inredible Alex out did himself uh got that got that teapot got that teapot action. Unfortunately, the system has not been in action, uh finding loopholes and exploits on the perfectly balanced YouTube platform. According to overclockers UK who repaired the PC, the GPU moved laterally in transit, causing the Riser cable to essentially split in half uh. I’M only going to check out this closeup here because you guys should definitely go check out overclockers UK’s video.

We sent him a MOLDY PC...

They did a whole video on this I’ve seen this before uh. I wish it surprised me but Yep. This is the thing that happens. You can see it. It broke so that would explain why it wasn’t working. Normally. You want to ship those separately, but water cooled in yeah gets a little harder, not always an option. Um, the repair team didn’t have an identical replacement, so they used a Gen 4 fantex Riser cable with an adapter bracket. The water block radiator and loop, despite being gross, were successfully cleaned, though the pipe through the teapot was apparently too disgusting and had to be replaced. Yeah I mean that makes sense.

We sent him a MOLDY PC...

Oh I think they’re saying the GPU block was successfully cleaned. The CPU block apparently turned out to be restricting the flow rate and had to be replaced as well as the D5 pump interesting. Are they saying that it was because of the growth or because uh must be it d5s are? It was just very restrictive, no, the block um, any I’m surprised they weren’t able to clean the D5 as well anyway, but well. They said, as well as the D5 pump right, interesting, meaning that had the same problem anyway. The te has apparently been replaced with a combination of EK cryofuel. That is then died to resemble te, and everything else seems to have arrived in working order. Uh. They apparently added their own branded mug to the build okay.

That’S the last thing that I am going to check out. I want to see I want to see how they integrated their stuff into into our original build here here here it is uh, so here’s their footage, so they’ve added a barrow CPU block and where’s their where’s, their mug where’s, your mug at boys. I honestly I looked for it. I could show me your mug. I found no, not that mug get it face the Yorkshire Tea box, I don’t think, was originally there. I believe it was actually oh that would have been an Alex Innovation.

I don’t see the mug yeah I I couldn’t see it well anyway, great job, thanks for getting that fixed up. Why do we ever build computers for creators? They always get broken in transit H and the funny thing is like we even we man we went out of our. Was there okay, we we we create things. We like carers are just determined to destroy.

You know what it I think people don’t appreciate. What Transit does to things? There’S a reason that PC companies are like yeah. You know what we only build computers in America for Americans, because the longer something goes, the greater the chance that it will essentially vibrate itself into pieces.

Um check this out. Um here hold on I’m just trying to find this thing here we go uh the no. Where is it dang? It there’s this new, it’s either new or it’s uh. It was recently in the new cycle um. Ah, it’s it’s a hard drive, Destroyer data, sanitizer thing inama jig that works solely on vibration. What’S the company called? No? No, that’s not it. I I bloody well hate it.

When here we go Garner there we go here. It is okay. This is a promotional product. So I have no problem showing this video in its entire or it’s a promotional video for a product realistically they’re not going to get mad at us. It’S called the dismantler patent pending from Garner. You put the hard drive in check this out.

It shakes it. That’S right, friends, see you later, that’s some vigorous shaking everything is disassembled. It apparently does it in just a couple of minutes or something like that, and I think people underestimate what sitting on a truck or in the cargo hold of an airplane or being anywhere being on it being on a ship with those with those diesel engines going Under it, I think they underestimate what these conditions due to a product heat cycling, increasing, decreasing, shaking and vibrating um. I think I’ve told this story before, but I used to have a very reliable client when I used to do like it stuff on the side.

Um, who was a trucker who was actually on, like some Trucking TV, show at some point or whatever, but he would often have his laptop running on his passenger seat and it would just shake itself to death because they were all hard drives back then, and he Would come back to me, you know every, however long and another hard drive is dead. He doesn’t need a better laptop. He uses it for like almost nothing, but he just needed a new drive and I would have I had like his favorite desktop background, which was like him standing next to his motorbike or whatever. So I would like set it back up exactly how he liked it with the programs that he liked.

I didn’t have an exact ISO cuz like obviously some things would change whatever um and and I just rebuild it for him every time and then ssds became like a thing, and I was like well man, I like hate to say it, but this is the last Time, I’m going to do this this for you and he’s like why I was like. I got you a new thing: I’m not going to bother, explain it, but it’s not going to die anymore and he was like oh okay, cool and then yeah never heard from him again. It is what it is: um apparently uh yeah, it’s apparently doc. I sorry this is totally unrelated, apparently doc Martins, you know, like the shoes is really struggling right now and uh big part of the problem might be that they have kind of qualed themselves into uh financial trouble, because their stuff, just like, lasts for a really long Time, yeah um ssds because of the grow in capacity in performance initially and then especially capacity now, I think, have kind of Saved themselves from that, but I hate to I hate to be this guy H.

This is a really scary thing to say, but I feel like we’ve reached the point now where people aren’t going to need to upgrade their ssds. That much anymore, like one terabyte, has been kind of the the magic sweet spot for what is definitely good enough for a boot drive for a long time and I might buy some more storage, but that was not the way it worked before. I was essentially replacing my drive for a long time as we made our way through 60 gigs, 120, gigs, 256, um and yeah sure you could run your OS on it, but for convenience people were getting a new system, they were just getting a new SSD. That was a much greater capacity. I feel, like we’ve reached the point now, where it’s just not really necessary anymore, and unless you are, you know, pulling apple and lock the SSD to the system.

Yeah you’re going to be stuck with people just wanting to carry their drives forward. .