We Just Cost Twitch $8,000

We Just Cost Twitch $8,000

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We Just Cost Twitch $8,000”.
Hi lldd, you’ve spoken of the difficulties running video hosting Services, think there’s a wisdom to be gleaned from the older sites, for example, new grounds on track to 30 years of Hosting user content. Actually, we were having a fun conversation right before the show started about uh twitch and the no good very bad week that they’ve had um pokem man announced that she’s no longer exclusive. She will stream wherever she pleases, um and you know obviously Pokemon pokem Main’s, not the biggest Creator on the platform but she’s. Certainly a prominent one and she’s just one of many prominent creators who have left or uh or or multistream now to platforms such as YouTube and kick and um. You know part of the conversation around you know, oh, how could they let pokem man go or whatever is probably going to end up coming around to money and uh Luke came across a calculator that I think you guys might find very interesting. Can I switch over to your screen yeah, so the calculation that I have on screen is roughly for this show on public channel. So I think there was like 2000 and something on Twitch. There was like almost 13,000 or something on YouTube, and then I threw in 20 for good measure. Cuz Facebook exists um and I did the standard plan CU.

I don’t know whatever there isn’t a big difference between standard and basic, so I did standard and then 1080p cuz. That’S what we’re streaming in I’m saying the W show is roughly 4 hours. We have that many viewers uh and then this is average viewers. So I did 100 % of the stream cuz.

We Just Cost Twitch $8,000

I don’t have the total amount of viewers in order to give a lower percentage, so we did 100 % of the stream and uh yeah $ 8,000. Now this isn’t some number that Luke pulled out of his butt. No, this is from Amazon’s actual cost estimator. This is Amazon, IVs cost estimator.

We Just Cost Twitch $8,000

This is the thing that kick uses and twitch yeah effectively yeah. This is someone mentioned pirate software yeah i’ had seen this before, but I saw his thing on this uh and that reminded me of this site, which is why I showed lus he’s poft is really cool but um yeah. Then I looked over here and was like how many people are live right now on these different websites. So let’s go uh 3262 channels, yeah.

We Just Cost Twitch $8,000

Let’S, let’s play a game: let’s, let’s play a game: 3262 channels. Oh, that’s a big number um and let’s go viewers right now, uh, what’s their like aage, let’s kind of let’s kind of let’s kind of eyeball this. Let’S eyeball, this grab grab halfway up a slope. They look like halfway up.

A slope is around here. Actually, okay uh, maybe even higher this is. This is fairly low, as far as I can tell for average, let’s say 100, let’s say 180,000 sure and then okay and then let’s um, that’s all yeah, that’s all the time, but that’s not 4 hours. That’S all day.

Ah, yes, now obvious viously, they would have volume discounts, probably very significant ones mhm. Obviously this is marked up. This is not Amazon’s raw cost to to run twitch, oh and twitch is, has I mean way higher numbers? Let’S have a look at what twitch’s numbers look like two 2.2 million viewers and 140,000 channels. Do we even want to input this? This number obviously means nothing just to be very clear.

It’S just fun! Uh, don’t take, don’t don’t take this too seriously um, but it’s it’s entertaining to throw it in the calculator anyways um W for a day um. Obviously this is not representative for, like a billion different reasons. So again, don’t run for 727 billion different reasons, but obviously doesn’t cost that much. But the point is that it doesn’t make sense to give gigantic payouts to streamers, to stream on your platform when streaming is expensive, when those are the only ones that you’re making money on anyway.

Um and you are you’ve basically been operating at a loss from the moment. You acquired this company until now with absolutely no end in sight for it operating at a loss. Uh.

The only reason kick exists at all is that it’s just gambling money, yeah, so yeah, and then you throw like uh Amazon, Prime free subscriptions into the pile as well like Dam. So a lot of people have asked us hey, Flo plane. Why are you guys like slacking? Why don’t you like have a free tier and why don’t you do more on streaming and do this and do that? Because, because we don’t cuz, we don’t like putting money in a fire yeah streaming streaming. We we offer streaming on Flow plane, but it’s like it’s it’s an Avenue that I honestly wish. We never went down uh. We can’t take it back now, but I wish I mean we can yeah, but we shouldn’t we shouldn’t um and yeah.

It’S it’s rough. What what I like in my head kind of wish, we did was was just develop. A live chat that detects if uh, a twitch or YouTube or whatever else stream is live, then generates a subscriber only live chat for you or something like that.

I don’t know. Um pretty cool, but I mean we did it it’s here now, so we good job team. We we do the streamings um and it’s just it’s a fun. It’S a fun calculator to to to play with. I guess yeah! It’S it’s rough too, because something that was actually very surprising to me using the steaming uh streams, charts site – I don’t know how accurate it is. I just found it uh today, but stream charts Twitches was really high right, 140,000 channels, 2.2 million viewers.

This was surprising to me. Yeah YouTube is lowkey kind of a big deal. It turns out. I didn’t think, for live streaming, though dude I didn’t think they’d have like twice the viewers dude. It’S YouTube, wow everyone who’s like yeah man, like you, know, rumbles. You know YouTube YouTube sucks, it’s we’re gon na YouTube is just unfathomably powerful.

They they peaked. What is is this yesterday, seven days ago, they peaked at 8 million viewers. Yeah they don’t they don’t they don’t need need to. They don’t need to offer giant packages to prominent streamers, they don’t need to, I mean they can if they feel like it, but they also just don’t need to yeah.

That’S wild cuz like I was looking at our numbers and we had yeah 13,000 Live on YouTube and then 2,900 on on Twitch um. I don’t know why anyone’s watching on Twitch uh Colton insisted on turning the ads back on. So that’s why they’re back on nice. So you should just good watch on float, plane or watch on YouTube or watch on Facebook.

Apparently cuz, that’s a thing. Yeah yeah! I don’t know it’s just it’s an interesting. It was a. It was a fun dive uh because I yeah yeah, it’s just a fun dive.

Seeing the numbers of these companies is interesting and you know you know, there’s going to be like insane volume discounts, especially when you start getting to the numbers that we were talking about. Like it’s going to be a totally different world um, but it’s still interesting to see it’s a lot of money being pumped through IVs yeah. This is uh. This is from Arcane.

Can on Twitch uh twitch no longer offers big streamer contracts, because Dan Clancy said I can tell you the cost of retaining those streamers would have been far more than the revenue generated. That is something we’ve been very clear about. We don’t want to do that because the only way to do that then, is to have this imbalance where we make up for that on smaller streamers yeah makes a ton of sense, yep, yeah, yeah, it’s pretty wild um and like it’s, it’s an interesting, the streaming Economy in general is really interesting, because there’s all these companies just losing money hand over fist and then the viewers and a lot of the streamers uh are really mad, because the viewers are angry because uh sites like twitch, are inputting more ads or making different viewing Experiences uh worse in certain ways or potentially pressing the creators that they, like so they’re mad for the creators to do like their own transcoding or whatever else we’ve seen um and a lot of the creators want to make more money cuz. Obviously, why not? Why would you want to make more money? Everyone wants to make more money um, but all all the money is being burnt.

So I don’t know it’s interesting. Vc money is a hell of a thing. Yeah .