Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “We cut off ALL of our power and used THESE 🤯”.
This video is sponsored by ecoflow. What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer and I don’t know if you guys remember an interesting video that we did a while back where we took one of these guys, which is an ecoflow Delta Pro, and we hooked it up to our desk setup down. In my man, cave where the entire setup was able to run off of one of these guys right here, ecoflow was cool enough to sponsor today’s video and not only send us out an ecoflow Delta Pro, but they sent us two of them and they said you Know what Jud they can do more than just power a desk setup. They could power the whole studio, and you know us you guys. We have to put that to the test we’re going to hook them both up and see with all the tech computers all that stuff that we’ve got in here, we’re going to see if we can get them all hooked up to these two creating the ecoflow whole Home Solution now, if you didn’t catch that previous video, where we talked all about this thing, this is a portable power station.
You can think of it as a gig gantic, portable charger, but that’s powerful enough to power things in your home, like appliances can even charge your EV. If you have one, this thing is an absolute unit and in terms of capacity we’re looking at 3,600 wat hours. So that’s a lot of juice, you guys and there’s just like a ton of really awesome features that this thing has, and you know this thing’s got an nap, so you can see all the status updates you need from it, and you can also see other devices That you’ve got connected as well and you can connect a ton of different things here. It’S also got this builtin screen, so you can see everything going on, but I mean check it out. You’Ve got four usba a ports over here, two USBC that output at 100 ws and you also have AC plugs and right here you can power your RV, I think, there’s even a spot for EVS over here. So listen! This thing is no joke.
You can use just about anything and for quite some time now we’ve got two of these guys, there’s one in the basement. I mean it was pretty shocking to see our entire setup powered by one of these. So we’ve got the two here, but now we’ve got to do some extra work to get it all situated with the studio. Now as much as I pride myself in being a tech guy, I am no electrician, so we’re going to need some help. What’S pretty wild here is that we don’t need a ton of things to get the job done. Everything you see here, plus my man, Boris, and we’re good to go and honestly. This is what makes this kind of thing so special. It’S basically plug-and-play with an electrician, of course, but compared to other Home Solutions that could potentially have you waiting for months for an appointment with a kit like this.
You can be up and running in no time all right, so bores did his thing uh. I think he got here around 5 started working at 6 and around 8:00. He was pretty much done. He’S never seen these before, so he actually got to it pretty quickly. So so, if you’ve got a skilled electrician that you know shouldn’t be too bad to install, it should be pretty easy. Now.
What we’re going to do is actually turn off the main breaker and show you guys all the things that are going to be running right off of these two. So, let’s pop this open – and this is the main – and as you guys can see – our lights are still on we’re still cooking. So let’s take a look upstairs, so we can check out everything that’s being powered by these. I left my computer.
You left your computer. Is this still on N? It’S there, man you’re good. So this is our editing room and we still have power for the main editing machine, which is great because for us the idea is to make sure that we can still operate here. Even if there’s like a power outage, we’d still be fine doing all the things that we need to do to run the channel and editing, obviously, the biggest thing that requires power.
So that’s good! Now this is a filming set that we have over here. We should be good, is there internet still, we’ve still got our internet going. We’Ve got power in here as well, so, even if we need to upload we’re good as long as you know, the internet provider doesn’t go down or something we can shoot.
We can turn on our big lights. Oh man, okay, and we still have our filming set over here. We’Ve got lights. Let’S see Sky panel, this a big boy right here.
We can use all of this to shoot. So if we want to shoot our, you know arrow that you guys saw in the beginning, that’s going to be possible. Now we also have our kitchen kitchen: lights are still on. Do we have yeah fridge is set, so it’s important to have your fridge like these kind of appliances. They need power. You don’t want your food to spoil during a power outage now, with our setup downstairs, we picked the parts in the studio that were important to us that we always wanted to make sure. Has you know power, no matter what goes on, but if you have the right equipment, you can basically power 99 % of all of the appliances in your home.
So with the right stuff, there’s not going to be a lot of picking and choosing. Now we don’t have the microwave running through, but if we wanted, we could actually just plug this directly into the delta to Pros. We have 7200 WTS of power and we can use 240 volts. So anything if we wanted to plug in the stove or if we wanted to plug in anything else, uh we can still plug it in without an issue. You know we should have just picked a microwave. We we got the ecoflow glacier over here.
We would have been fine next time next time, but now here’s the test that we’re going to do we’re going to see what it’s like to have Jay, actually working on an edit while we’re still being powered by the Delta Pros. All right, you guys. So we are getting really meta over here. Uh Jay’s actually chopping the vi, this video. As we speak, you see his process all right.
So right now he’s cutting up the video that you guys are watching in real time I mean we’re all still powered by the Delta Pros downstairs: look at J behind the camera anyway, this is pretty wild because we were shock when we had one Delta Pro powering. Our setup in the man cave and now we’ve got two and it’s powering like the whole studio. So it’s pretty crazy to see that Jay is working here.
So, of course I want to know how much power we’re drawing from like having all of this stuff on. Okay, so it says the output is 477 Watts 490, so it fluctuates. Obviously – and let’s see this one – it’s about 200 now, what’s cool about this app is that it can.
Let you know just how long long you’re able to sustain what you’re working on or what you’re powering. So it says currently 6 hours and 43 minutes. That’S fine.
We get that should be good yeah. We get a day of uh a day of work done. We we we’re golden what’s crazy is that this is just like a small part of the system. This is like a starter kit, so, like I said, we have 7200 watts of power here. So if we wanted to add another one, that’d be another 3600 get us to 10,800 watts and it can go all the way up to 21,600 Watts. We’D be good for days.
Imagine getting snowed in and just working on videos for a whole week, that’d be great Jay’s like no. It wouldn’t all right. So obviously this is sick for our use case in the studio here, but this is also going to be awesome for folks at home, like I’m going to have to have one of these in my place.
Absolutely because I got kids at home. I got to make sure that they’re well taken care of. We don’t want to to lose any power, especially in the colder Seasons.
It makes sense for the studio, but at home you want to make sure like your fridge is on. You want to make sure you still have access to the internet if your service provider doesn’t go down all the other little things like being able to play your games. Watch TV have heat all of that stuff. There’S a really nice benefit of being able to switch.
Your power over to these guys versus just what you normally use for your home from your electric company during those peak hours. So when that energy cost a little bit more to operate, you could just switch on over to this and have your energy running on the stored energy that you have inside of the Delta Pros. I believe you can even automate it so that you can make sure it switches over to the power that you’ve stored here instead of pulling from the grid where it’ll cost you more. So you end up saving money, while also just being able to have that backup battery for if things go wrong, and I like the idea of having this as like the backup system, one, the price is substantially less than other Home Solutions. But what’s also great is like you can take this around like I can throw this thing into my car.
It’S super heavy, but I could potentially throw this thing into my car. If I need to charge my car or something I have the ability to do that, there’s a lot more flexibility here than something you would just strap to your home. That’Ll cost a lot more money, dang selling myself over here now ecoflow is actually going to be dropping a new product called the delta Pro Ultra and that just looks absolutely insane it’s coming in January and I think they’re having some early bird specials.
So you guys are definitely going to want to check that out, but this is. This is amazing, like I feel like I want to add more, but I can’t this is The Gamers Paradise. We can’t really take up too much space, but that have i wraps It Up Guys. Hopefully you enjoyed it. I’Ll, of course, have these linked Down Below in the description. Listen, I’m a dab! Now this excites me.
It’S awesome. Peace, [ Applause, ], .