Water Cooling My House

Water Cooling My House

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Water Cooling My House”.
I solved the biggest problems with my gaming setup by running cables through the floor and putting all the PCS in the house in this room in the basement. Unfortunately, I created a separate problem at 31 degrees Celsius, and this is with my computer sitting idle. It’S gotten. So hot in here that I’m getting over temperature errors from the hard drives in my Nats.

Thankfully I have a solution. It involves this radiator from a Chrysler PT Cruiser this bucket with a hole in the side and Alex you know it’s going to be exciting. Just like this exciting message from our sponsor jackery jackerys Explorer 2000 Pro portable power station provides a massive 2 000 watt hour capacity for up to eight devices charging simultaneously and takes just two hours to recharge from zero to a hundred percent.

Water Cooling My House

Get ten percent off of code, Line’s Tech tips at the link down below okay? Before we even start, can we open this door? It’S like actually terrible in here. I am not prepared for 31 degrees. I don’t think we can, because it takes a while to reach equilibrium, and we want to see our result.

I think we we have to work in the heat. The obvious way to cool the inside of your house would be to use air conditioning and conveniently I have an air conditioner right here. We could literally just put a hole, saw to this thing and it would start dumping cold air into this room yeah.

That would be great it’s what like five degrees outside running your AC. In November, we came up with an even stupider plant. We ran these pipes from the mechanical room to the outside of the house, where, in a perfect world, they’ll dump all of that excess heat into the pool. Unfortunately, we don’t live in my perfect world and the pool is not done. No, which means we need a temporary solution. This is very temporary.

Water Cooling My House

I’Ve got the king of temporary solution right here I mean, what’s in here, let’s go how the theory is a very sound and inspired by the way that they cool large data centers data center. Architects have to work under many of the same constraints that a typical gamer would so, while obviously they would love to put a water block on every heat generating component that adds time cost and complexity. So one of the most common ways of water cooling, a data center – is actually to air cool the servers.

So they pull in cold air at the front of the rack and push hot air out the back and then use water to cool down that hot air, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do today. We’Re going to take this car radiator, strap it to the back of this server where the hottest air is coming out. Therefore, the heat exchange will be most efficient.

Water Cooling My House

Then we’re going to run that hot water out to the outside and just how much hotter is it here at the back of the rack 42, I knew it was very unpleasant back here, but my goodness slow cook yourself yeah. This is ridiculous. Oh, this is going to work great Alex. I mean there’s still time for water to spray all over my computers as hot as it is back there and as in interesting is that is the spot that we’ve settled on to take the temperature of the room and gauge whether our experiment worked is right here At the intake for mine and Yvonne’s gaming computers, so we’re going to leave this probe right about there before we get too into it.

I really want to test these and just make sure that they work. Oh, are these quick connects yeah quick connects? Oh that’s. Super handy, but like one time use quick connects. No, you can keep on using them. This thingy right here on the tube push it in the little shark bites come out and then yep gon na fall off. Please please no fall man I need to put in my wheelwood. I want to be buried in LTT. Store clothes, oh wow, that’s it that’s the whole installation.

There we go really yeah. That seems too easy. It feels like cheating – oh, it might have been good to put these elbows on before we connected these things.

Yeah. I thought about that yeah. I can see that because you actually did connect an elbow to one of them, so you know how you said that you wanted to uh, not spray water, all over your circle, yeah yeah, Teflon tape, man having these pipes coming in above the rack, maybe not the Best planning, so in order to get a Barb, that’s three quarters: they don’t exist in the Lower Mainland right now, just because I don’t know they don’t so we have a bar with a hose connector into a hose connector adapter to npt, to npt female female, and This allows us to get soft tubing connected to that.

I spent like three hundred dollars shut up well, you’re, working on that. Why don’t I get the fans attached to the radiator uh? What’S the plan for attaching them? I’M sorry about this. Are you kidding me the proper fan for that’s like 200 bucks instead will be spending way more on an army of noctua fans in a well-designed data center. You wouldn’t actually even need fans on the radiators, because in a well-designed data center, Not only would we not be zip tying fans to our radiator, we wouldn’t need them at all, because the high airflow fans in a typical server or Enterprise network switch are also high Pressure, they can use a combination of either just filling up the whole Rack or airflow guides to ensure that the air is only going front to back with very little leakage and there’s enough pressure to push that air through the fins in my setup. On the other hand, we have none of that. So it’s on there I found a hack.

If you lie on the floor, it’s a lot cooler. We know for a lot of people 31 degrees, not that hot, but we’re Canadian, okay, correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is, we are just soft tube down to there yeah the permanent solution will obviously involve nicely routed pipes, but we have to do something About this, because I’m afraid my hard drives are all going to die, we’re gon na. Do it properly? Are you if this works well? Do you think you’re actually going to do a properly? I have to and I’ll explain why later there’s also the problem where, if the power turns off the bucket, that’s over, there is going to flood this room. The original plan for the pump was the one from the original whole room – water cooling, this little guy right here. Sadly, it has seen better days, so you guys know the inside is not supposed to be orange, but the pump that I got is excellent. This is the grundfos non-submersible circulation pump one six of horsepower, and it is excellent because turns out. We have this one right here been here since the 90s and is still working, so this guy right here should work for what another 20 30 years. Let’S hope yeah the best part of that is it’s a total coincidence. If he got here and was like normally a pump like this would be hardwired in. We are not doing that and uh absolutely never do this. We’Ve said this many times. Oh you’re doing that again: uh, I should have got a grommet, but I didn’t so.

Instead, I’m going to make a ball of duct tape. Well, what’s the worst that can happen, you blow a breaker. Who cares? No, the worst that can happen is that my house floods and lights on fire at the same time Alex you stole it right. Why didn’t you just put the things through the fence? Well, I didn’t think of it. Obviously, now that the radiator’s mounted, I need a way to power those fans and what better way than an old door stop power supply with a whole bunch of fan y Splitters hanging off of it. Normally a computer power supply doesn’t turn on unless it’s plugged into a computer, but you can get around that by jumping the green wire with any black wire.

So I put this little piece of wire in here just kind of jam that in there. So if I flip the switch there, we go and spinning and okay, it’s really hot here – that’s very unpleasant cool. Well, I did my part. What have you been up to Teflon taping things? Do you want a Teflon tapes and things? Ah? Do you want to see how smart, how I did this bucket was coming out of this bucket is a barbed fitting yeah, which means we have to go to a Barb fitting hose adapter npt adapter three quarter to one inch, but this is attached using a hose Adapter to npt, so if I had just flipped it are you kidding, we could have gone straight into the pump and now we’ve got JB Weld all over it.

Yeah the odds of us having a leaky fitting today are basically 100.. I agree, which is why I did this: oh, my God, we can fix any leak, epoxy, Flex tape, JB Weld. I haven’t, went to Robertson Plastics to get aquarium putty, but sadly they don’t carry it anymore. This is on it’s extremely loose. No huh. This pump is almost certainly going to vibrate.

Fortunately, we’ve got a jury rigged, anti-vibration pad courtesy of lttstore.com, which way do you plan on doing this. I plan on pumping out so we’re running this kind of up there and then running the other end to the back. Oh wait: I forgot about running back to the reservoir, hey all right, and it’s only just a little bit right in front of my camera. Looking at what a gorgeous job they did of all the plumbing over there. I feel so bad putting this in the same room. Theoretically, this goes out. Should we test it? The way this was supposed to go is there were going to be four pipes here: two to go to those water, heating, solar panels on the roof and two to carry hot water from the mechanical room, also to the pool. Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication with the plumber and we ended up with just two, since most of the heat is going to come from the solar panels, the need to go to the solar panels, which means we’re going to have to get creative about removing the heat From the server room now we still have these pipes, which means we can just put a radiator out here to blow the heat into the atmosphere as we’re planning to do today. But in the long term there are actually those buried pipes that go from the mechanical room to the backyard that we found in the prepper PC video and we’re hoping to use those for the mech room. For today, though, we got to uncap these and see if the concept even flipping works the shark bike. Oh oh, that thing you showed me earlier, okay right hold on, I’m just pulling it.

Oh. How does that work? That’S like magic! You guys ready, yep. Okay, I’m firing my laser.

Oh, it looks all cool. Oh yeah, it’s like a water slide. Theoretically, we’re about to see water make its way into the pump. It looks like the Worm. Drive. Clamp is not holding this boy. So if it’s just that connector beside the pump we’re fine, if it’s coming out around the Worm Drive, then we have issues. Oh you know what Alex, I think we’re good.

Oh excellent, oh yeah, neither of them is dripping. The ones are are on the server. We can just give her with the worm drives and then Flex tape them and call it a day. Yeah.

No we’re good we’re good, we’re, good! Okay, you ready yep, I’m starting it at low she’s going. I hear something haha there we go well, that’s fantastic test! Successful, it’s actually really quiet nice. Okay, let’s see what happens if I turn it off now. Is it gon na just fill my bucket back up? The pump has like a check valve in it.

Oh, that’s amazing. There won’t be a check valve on the other side. That’S the one that will flood it for you. Oh oh, wait! No! That’S bad! Okay! You ready to run the tubing yep yeah! Let’S cut this one like right here.

Let’S make a little bit longer. We’Re gon na need a couple. Zip ties, though we can use the handle of the bucket actually as a way to keep it in place, but we wanted to get fancy. We could drill a hole in this and then duct tape it.

Oh that’s super fancy. Yeah we’ll worry about that. Later, though. Okay, um, it’s quite flat at this point: yeah, it’s not great.

It’S yeah, not the best tubing I’ve ever seen. So you didn’t it’s pretty kinked right. There yeah nailed that as much do you have a zip tie or two manly zip ties suck. Ah, damn it LTT store, cable tie that won’t.

Let me down, we need to hook up our second radiator wow wow. Can you duct tape me no offense, but this is not your finest word, what it’s literally in the name, we’re making a duct? Oh, what an incredible thing the best part is. This is so much better than the last time that the PT Cruiser radiator was used.

So I mean that seems fine right, yeah good enough. We haven’t modeled it out or anything, but the intake air here is 10.5 degrees, Celsius, 30 degrees Celsius difference. We should be able to actually move some heat around. I have no clue how good these are at. Actually, like transferring heat, I mean it’s a big fat mini thin aluminum radiator can’t be that bad yeah. It’S probably fine. Then again it came from a PT Cruiser, not gon na lie.

I’M pretty stressed right now. I have banked a lot of money and a lot of the design of this house on this working. I don’t have another way to move heat out of this room and I’m planning to put more computers in here, and I don’t know if you noticed.

There’S no windows, so why is your right, deer, so cool? Well, I was outside look look at this wow. You could say I’m a cool guy. No just your ears ready! I guess so. Oh there we go. I see it coming in over here. It’S coming in.

It’S coming in and out of this radiator here we go. Tubes are cooling down excellent 27 25. yeah.

It seems to be holding about a degree between the two. It has been over 31 degrees in here all day. My mouth is like cotton. 29.7.

29.6. 29.3. It’S still falling holy crap. This is working better than I could have possibly hoped, Alex and, what’s really cool is we can hook the cold side up to a manifold, meaning that we could take some of our cold water and put it on a radiator to cool the room and some of It directly to blocks in the systems if we wanted to run nice cool. You know, outdoor slash, pool water, cooled water to like your CPU or GPU block and then also cool down the room.

29.1 Atlanta’s come on back here. You need to feel this, so you feel that yeah. So this is where the transmission heater is.

Oh, that’s that secondary Loop so put your hands down here. Whoa yeah, it’s like so easy to tell the top of the Rat – is like 32 degrees down there. It’S like 23 24.. That is it’s unfortunate that the position is not really right, then, because the hottest systems are these top ones here and we want the hottest air going in here for the best heat exchange.

I mean I can’t complain about the results. It was unbearable being back here before something we didn’t really think about. Is that a typical pool temperature is what 26 to 28 degrees Celsius. That’S not going to be that useful, so it may actually end up being a good thing that they didn’t bury.

Another set of pipes 26 to 28 is fine for plumbing directly to Hardware, but not that useful for not for the room, exchanging with the room. This might just not do anything in the summer. I do have a question that I’ve been waiting to ask. Oh, why didn’t you just take that box fan and put it in the doorway right, so we can make a video and segue to our sponsor Micro Center.

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Links for everything can be found in the description below. If you guys enjoyed this video, you might enjoy the last time Alex and I played with a PT Cruiser radiator. No, don’t throw them to that. We have .