Videogamedunkey Starts BIGMODE

Videogamedunkey Starts BIGMODE

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Videogamedunkey Starts BIGMODE”.
Youtuber video game dunkie starts game Publishing Company big mode, also known as uh. His plan is for Indie Games, indie game Publishing, Company video game Donkey is a popular video game, reviewer very true, 7.2 million subscribers 11 years of YouTube videos, Almost 1 million followers on Twitch him and his partner Leah are starting a publishing company known as Big mode. A passionate voice for Quality originality and fun Indie Games he’s also asked for Indie Studios to apply. The form asks mostly standard questions, but there’s a box to tick at the bottom, to confirm that your game doesn’t include nft’s, crypto or blockchain technology, and there is Elsewhere on the site where it says that they are not interested in those as well uh.

The online community has had some opinions, there’s been a lot of people weighing in on this, which is pretty interesting. Danny O’Dwyer from noclip says uh among many other things, including things that are slightly more positive, like wishing them good luck and stuff like that, if I remember correctly um, there is one quote, though, in his many tweets where he says we got ta drop the naive Schtick that having opinions on games is a qualification for understanding just about anything about development, and I will, I will add, in square brackets or publishing, um Rami Ismail, which I hope hopefully pronounced, that correctly um vlanbier co-founder says: if what a publisher has proven is money And ute and a YouTube channel assume the worst case scenario for your business considerations. They might f up those and thus the game might never ship or not be supported.

I will also say that again in the expanded portion of his tweets, there was more positive notes and he mentioned that away kind of around. This is to ask for more money until the publisher is more proven, which seems pretty reasonable. Flying beer has been around for a while that probably comes from knowledge and experience the oh, you put the thing in front: the Celeste developer, uh Noelle Berry. Hopefully I’m saying that right as well. No, no, no is a is pro donkey. I don’t have exact quote from the tweets, but you can look them up um and then Mike Rose, who I don’t remember.

I think he started a publisher here. I’Ve got my I’ve got it up. Three different huge YouTubers, not dunkie, asked for calls with me in the last 18 months, saying they’re starting their own publisher, and could they get some advice so pretty sure we’re about to see an influx of? I could do that YouTubers having a pop at publishing, yeah yep, yep yep, it’s interesting! It’S very interesting there’s a lot of. I could do that YouTubers right now, yeah. I could make a screwdriver yeah exactly. I think it’s pretty interesting.

I think it’s pretty cool. If I was an indie developer, would I hitch my horse onto this hitch, my Carriage onto this horse? There we go. I got there um. I don’t know not so sure about that. I’D be interested in maybe talking to him um, but I think the uh Rami ismail’s comments were actually very good. If you read through his stuff, I’m gon na make an observation, something that we’ve realized as part of building products that we think have an appeal Beyond just our traditional audience like the screwdriver is that we actually don’t know pretty much anything about traditional marketing.

Videogamedunkey Starts BIGMODE

We have our marketing arm built in to our company, because it’s like the videos – and it is crazy, powerful super powerful um to the point where you know almost anything else just feels like this. This tiny drop in an infinite bucket by comparison just utter waste of time, but lots of companies billion dollar companies do not Market themselves via just making their own YouTube videos. Obviously – and so my concern would be that just because you have some business savvy, I like to think I do doesn’t necessarily mean that you actually know anything about these other businesses, and maybe you have the Savvy to hire people who know what they’re doing, in which Case power to you, but maybe you don’t, and maybe you don’t have that expertise when it comes to HR and business management and um. I don’t know, I don’t know video game Dunkey, so I I’m.

This is all just me. Speaking from my own experience and talking about how my own expertise in one area does not necessarily translate to another, I do know that donkey making videos about games has really springboarded those games in the past. I do think that they were often fantastic games. Gee. Why? Why he made the video about them, and they probably would have done pretty well without that, but there have also been indie games out there in the past that have not really made it. That, I think, were really good and just didn’t make it, because the the word just didn’t get out far enough um. Apparently the the Celeste developer specifically brought up um that Dunkey discovered their game during development and made a very early video that greatly helped their sales, and that makes sense.

I’M a flanker says if you’re an indie Dev bear in mind that the average game on Steam makes a grand total of seventeen thousand dollars so the risk, if you aren’t picked up by a mainstream publisher um, I don’t know it kind of devolves here yeah. I guess it’s big um, so maybe the influencer yeah, maybe the influencer, could do better than seventeen thousand dollars. I mean almost certainly I guess so.

Then it’s it’s Daniel Dwyer says some stuff that I think is pretty interesting um. Where is he give me one sec? I don’t know where his comments were. I thought it was Danny. That said it apparently that’s the average, not median yeah.

So that’s scary, because that includes games that you know make tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. Yeah well think about like Barrow, there’s a lot of junk on Steam: yeah, okay, no offense, Barrow, Barrow, Barrow, 2020. yeah, it’s mine and Luke’s favorite game yeah.

Videogamedunkey Starts BIGMODE

Let’S see how many, let’s see if we can sell seventeen thousand dollars of Barrow 2020. at the price. I think literally all of you would have to buy it.

Videogamedunkey Starts BIGMODE

It’S so cheap um Danny talks about some of the things that uh video game Publishers have to do. I think it was Danny. I don’t know, maybe it’s someone else. I don’t want to put words in his mouth.

I can’t find the Tweet right now so uh disregard, but someone made tweets talking about some of the things that video game Publishers have to do and how he questions the ability, slash experience of people that haven’t ever done it before yeah and basing the entire publisher Thing on uh, dunkey’s knowledge and experience with games, and also his YouTube channel is a lot uh when there’s other things that Publishers do like. If I remember correctly, it’s like finding QA, uh yeah, getting localization support, sure getting certain deals from different platforms like like consoles and stuff like. If I was. If I, I would expect my publisher to help me with, like music licensing potentially like, I would expect them to make connections for me, there’s more stuff to it traditionally than just some input, which could be really good sure and also um being able to advertise it Effectively, maybe like a smarter way would be for Dunkey to like, and I I I again I I don’t.

I’Ve never watched one of his videos. I I take this for what it is uh, but maybe maybe uh a less all-in. You know, angle would be to find you know, say: you’re looking for indie game projects to like invest in um, be more of like a like a like a king maker. Like a connection, a connection maker uh, you know help people get from the point of having like a really good concept to to getting on board with a more traditional publisher.

I don’t know I’m just I. If I had to guess I’d say it probably comes from a good place, like I’m sure, there’s problems in the industry in the Indie publishing space and maybe he’s trying to solve them, but maybe there are. Maybe there are other ways that that could be done. I mean who knows maybe five years from now, you know they’re going to have a bunch of you know, really amazing Indie Games published and they’re gon na absolutely crush it, but I just don’t know maybe yeah right well, Barrow is seven dollars and fifty cents. Now don’t buy it for that. I think I bought it for way too expensive.

I’M pretty sure it was a dollar yeah. Don’T don’t spend more than a dollar on Barrow 2020.. We bought it as a joke because it was a dollar. Don’T seven dollars is a little bit more than a joke um.

What was I going to say? Yeah, I don’t know I. I do think that there has been a lot of comments made externally without a ton of comments made from Dunkey the site’s up and there’s a video and that’s it. He hasn’t responded to anything. Maybe they bro. I know him and his partner Leah started it. Maybe there’s more people there.

I there’s a talent search on the website that says they’re hiring people. It does say that they’re hiring people involved with making games not necessarily hiring people involved with publishing um. But like I don’t know, I wouldn’t write it off yet um donkey’s been around for a long time. I’M sure this isn’t just like you know stupidly made I’m sure there’s a little bit more thought process to it.

I hope so we’ll see, though I don’t know the website does obviously feel very early on the fact that they have a tab for games already, even though they launched like now. Um is optimistic. Yeah takes a while to make things. You know okay, yeah Conrad from the float plane team says I have total faith in Dunkey all right, all right.
