Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “VIDEO GAME KNIVES IN REAL LIFE”.
What’S up guys lew here back with another video and today and today We’re gon na we’re gon na do something strange.. You know I receive boxes here at Unbox therapy and I don’t always know What is in them. These my friends. are REAL LIFE counter-Strike knives. What what do you mean? What so this company here is called believe they’re called Elemental knives? Am I right about that? I’M gon na link them in the description.


You could check them out Interpretations of the knives that you use in the game. This is video games. Come to life., So what we’re gon na Do is inspect these babies and see just how crazy Videogame knives look in real life now. Also inside the box was this little slip here.


You can see with a special code for some cSGo skins, so yeah You want to follow these instructions if you’re the fastest to redeem this some free stuff, first, one of the day now. Obviously this is a Slightly different video than usual, but I’m kind of pumped full disclosure., I’m not a counter-strike player myself, So you guys are gon na know a lot more about these than I do. Ohhhhh Whoa, It’s kind of like a rainbow thing going on Wow. Now my feeling on these things is, I mean They’re they’re, mostly commemorative.


Right, like these are collectors type things that said, I mean holy smokes. This thing is legit. You happened to get attacked by a bear or something while you’re playing counter strike reach for the real deal. Ohhh, There’s something else.. I did not know that this guy has a legit holder open that baby up Whoo get me the box Combat training for years.. That’S what Unbox therapy has truly been about? It’S all a ploy to practice my knife skills on cardboard boxes, Think about it boom pocketable. I guess Flip style knife, oh man., [, oh ]! Oh, these are crazy. Look at that this guy, like the tiger situation in the gold, it has a clip on it as well, So you could put it on a belt, so we got a little pouch here as well..

Let’S see how this guy goes in There, you go sweet. Okay, Man, these are sharp as well.. I Like this one, this one has. You know this piece of steel goes across the entirety of the knife. This is like, from a durability perspective, a very solid, Long, lasting idea here this guy up. Here’S for what like for skinning something, I think this these are like legit hunting knives. This is the biggest one. This could get wild. You guys got to vote down below which one was your favorite. This is the rambo knife right here I mean you’re like almost in the sword territory at this point here. That is a combat knife right there again a crazy pattern on that this. If you need something like this You’re, a pretty serious dude, Sylvester stallone special right there, all right., Maybe something more practical here. Okay, so we got another flip style with that, like Rainbow pattern, Reflective a lot of different colors represented in there, that’s really cool whoa Jack.

That’S not mean you can’t feel comfortable right now., Oh my God that looks dangerous Wow in this case.. It just has a hard shell and Some cord here.. Oh, That is that might be the perfect unboxing.

Look at that Classic combat look here.! You know look at check out that spider-Man pattern on there that one feels really comfortable as well.. Oh Yeah, another Kind of Hook Style going on Different color Pattern. Wow.

What do you think about that right? There, Okay Super gruesome, looking I’ll, probably use it on watermelon myself., I’m a peaceful guy, the last one Perfection [, oh ], It’s another Rambo joint with a different paint. Job on it. I mean come on.

This is still the one for me.. I can see The Hardcore Csgo players getting amped about this knife collectors.. What can I say Thanks to elemental knives? Very cool., You know who you are you’re the man .