Using the Excel RANDARRAY Function

Using the Excel RANDARRAY Function

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Using the Excel RANDARRAY Function”.
In this short Excel tutorial, I’m going to show you how to quickly generate an array or range full of random numbers. Let’S get started in previous tutorials. I’Ve shown you how to use the Rand function and the Rand between function to Generate random numbers. But what if you need not just one random number or 10 or 15 random numbers, but maybe a whole spreadsheet full of random numbers. Rand array is the function that you need.

Using the Excel RANDARRAY Function

So I’m going to click here on cell A2 and I’m going to type equals Rand array. You can see the hint from Excel. It returns an array of random numbers, I’ll put in my left parenthesis, and now we can see what Excel is expecting. How many rows? Let’S say: 100 comma, How many columns, how about 15 comma? What’S the minimum number I’ll say the minimum number is 0.01 comma. What’S the maximum number, let’s go with with one thousand comma and next Excel wants me to specify whether these numbers will be integers or include decimals. So if I type the word false, that will mean that decimals will be included in these random numbers.

If I put true, then all of the results will be integers: let’s try it both ways and this time I’ll go with true, but before I do that, I’m noticing that there may be a problem. True is going to force the results to be integers, and yet I put my minimum value as being a decimal. So, just in case I’m going to delete that out so that it’s 0 not 0.01 and then I’ll go back here to the end of the formula and I’ll type. True, alternatively, instead of typing it, I could double click on one of the two options that appears here, but I’ll. Just stick with typing and I’ll tap enter on the keyboard and look I instantly get thousands of random numbers, 15 columns worth and a hundred rows. It works just like magic now, if you watched my tutorials on Rand and ran between you know that these cells are not really populated with numbers.

What I’m seeing here is simply the result of a formula and that formula exists here in this cell. What would happen if I deleted one of these numbers notice? What happened? It changed all of the other numbers they all recalculated. So it’s almost like these numbers aren’t real they’re, just projections coming from the formula in cell A2. So what if I wanted to turn these into real numbers, real data? I could highlight the data just click and drag to select it or select it another way, but once that array is selected I can then copy it here on the Home tab in the clipboard group I can copy or just hold Ctrl and tap C, but I’ve Copied it and then I’m going to once again select cell A2, and now I’m going to go up here again to the clipboard group, but instead of pasting, I’m going to click here and I’ll choose paste values.

Now, if I click away from my data and tap escape on the keyboard, let’s see the results. If I go to cell A2 here in the formula bar, it shows me what’s really in the Cell. It’S number 708, there’s no formula there. What about this cell here again? There’S no formula! It’S the actual number! Now I’m going to jump to sheet number two I’ll click here on the plus sign to get a second sheet.

I want to do the same formula again, but with a slight change. I’Ll do Rand array left parenthesis. 100 rows, 15 columns a minimum of 0 comma, a maximum of a thousand comma, but this time I’m going to allow for decimals I’ll just type in false.

I should put in my right parenthesis and then tap enter on the keyboard and I get a whole bunch of results, but, as you can see, decimals are allowed. So that’s the difference between using true or false in that last argument in your Rand array formula again, if you delete any of of the data other than the cell, where the formula is stored, then the formula runs again and you get all new random numbers. I’M going to again select the entire array and this time I’ll just hold Ctrl and tap C on the keyboard and this time, instead of going up here and clicking to paste values, only hold Ctrl hold alt and tap V on the keyboard.

That brings up the paste special options and I can just select values and click. Ok, just like my previous example. If you click on individual cells, you can now see in the formula bar that the actual numbers do exist in these cells.

Using the Excel RANDARRAY Function

It’S not just a projection from the formula in cell A2, so I hope you find ways to use this Excel function, Rand array, it’s the fastest way to get a whole bunch of random numbers into your Excel spreadsheets. Thanks for watching. I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful.

Using the Excel RANDARRAY Function

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