Using Google Docs to Create Web Pages

Using Google Docs to Create Web Pages

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Using Google Docs to Create Web Pages”.
In this article, i’m going to show you how to quickly and easily create a web page just by using google docs. So here i am in google drive and i’ll just go ahead and click here on new and i’ll browse down here to google docs. When i put my mouse over this arrow, it gives me some options and i’ll choose blank document. So of course, typically we use google docs just to create documents, just like you would in microsoft, word or any other similar word processor, but watch this. If i go here to file and move down the options to page setup, i can click there and then i can switch from pages layout to pageless layout. When i do that look what’ll happen.

What used to be a document will expand and become essentially a web page. Before i click ok, i might want to go down here and change the background color. So i can select any of these colors here or, of course, i could set up a custom, color i’ll just go with this color of blue. I click, ok and there’s my new webpage. Now, if i know how to use google docs, i also know how to use it to create a webpage. There are some differences, but for the most part, the skills you need are the same. So i’m going to go in here and i’ll change.

Using Google Docs to Create Web Pages

The font size. Let’S say to 56 tap enter and let’s say, as a spanish teacher, i’m making a webpage about the country of chile, so chile country of the poets, that’s one of its nicknames. It looks like my font. Size was a little bit too big, that’s okay! I can click and drag to highlight the text and then i can lower the font size a bit and maybe keep doing so until it fits.

Using Google Docs to Create Web Pages

I can use all of the same tools i would use in google docs when creating a document. Of course i could make the text bold. I can change the text color, i can center the text or right align the text or left align whatever i want to do now. I’Ll tap, enter or return on the keyboard to move down the page and i’ll type in some information about chile.

Now that i’ve added some more text, if i want to, i could tap again enter or return on the keyboard, and i want to show you some of the other things that you can add to your web pages that you make with google docs. It is possible to insert images, so i could do that insert image and then go down here to search the web or i could add the images any of these other ways. That’S okay, too, but if i search the web, let’s say for the map of chile. I can just select it and insert it it’s going to come in way too big, probably, but i could click on that map and use the corner to shrink it down. Any of the corners should do the trick and then i can try to put it where i want it to be, but this illustrates one of the differences between page list layout in google, docs and pages layout. Normally, if you’re in pages layout, you can change how images appear in the document you could make them show up behind the text or in front of the text or wrap text, but it works differently when you’re using pageless layout. I do have some options. I can select my image and i can try to click and drag it up here, but it’s not going to work exactly the way i would want it to so. I’M going to undo that i could use the center button here to align it to the center or to the right or to the left. So i do have those options. Let me show you another option that you have for trying to get an image exactly where you would want it to be. You could use tables, so i can insert a table and then, when i go here to the table area, i just put my mouse over the number of columns.

I want the number of rows, let’s say five rows, two columns and then i click and now that table is added to my page. At this point i could click and drag that image into one of the boxes in my table and i can expand the table out a little bit. So that’s nice. If i wanted to now. I could click here in the other cell to the left and i could type in some information to go with the map. If i want to, i could also use hyperlinks, so i’ve typed some text now i click and drag to highlight that text because of my background color it’s hard to tell that. I selected it, but i did and then i can go up here to the toolbar and choose insert link and then i could type in or copy paste, in a link that i want to have in my document. I’Ll click apply so now what used to be regular text is now a hyperlink when the viewer clicks on that link, they’ll get a preview and then they can click to actually go to that webpage.

So that’s a great option that we have for creating web pages. Using google docs, if i want to, i, can adjust the table so that the left column is wider or so the right column is wider. However, i want to do that and i’d like to add a few more images to this web page. So give me a second to do that and then i’ll resume the video, okay, i’ve added a few more images and also some text describing the images if i wanted to. I could change the text so that it’s right aligned that might make more sense.

Using Google Docs to Create Web Pages

So i can just click and drag to select the text or click anywhere inside the text and then go up here and click right, align and doing that should make a big difference now. At this point, let’s pretend like my web page is done. If i wanted to, i could click and drag to select the whole table that i’ve created. So all the cells are selected and then i could go up here to the border, color and click, and i could set it to be the same. Color of blue. As my background, so that’s a little trick if you want to make the table disappear, but still use the table to help decide where the images are where the text is within the webpage. So let’s pretend like this is completely done.

It’S a beautiful webpage about the country of chile and i’m ready for the public to see this webpage. How do i do that? Well, i really should name the document, so i’ll just go up here and click, and if you do that, if you already have text in your document, it usually takes the first line and makes it the title. So that’s one option and the next thing i could do is go over here to the right and i’ve been working in editing mode. So that’s what i’ve been doing.

I’Ve just been editing this page, but if i click here, i can switch it to viewing mode, and this will give me a preview basically of what the viewer will see once this is a live web page. If i’m happy with that, i can just go ahead and click share and notice by default. This is restricted, i’m the only person that will be able to see this webpage. So i really need to change that i’ll click here where it says, restricted and i’ll change.

It to anyone with the link it’s going to update and now i can copy that link, click done and now when anyone goes to that web address. It takes them to this page and that’s true, even if i sign out of my account, so i’m no longer logged in. If i go to that web page. This is what they’ll see the first time. If you click got, it goes away. They may see this outline here at the left.

You can close that if you want to, but this is a working web page, anyone can go to it and click the links to go to the different web pages. You could link to youtube videos or other videos. You could link to activities to other websites, so just with the ability to type text on a page to add images to add tables and add hyperlinks. That really does give you the ability, anyone that has access to google docs the ability to create a web page.

That’S live out there on the internet. Now there is a downside. You can see the link for my web page. It’S crazy long super difficult, but you could certainly use a tool like bitly. Just by going to, you could sign up for a free account and you could shorten that ugly link and make it a nice short link. That will be easy for people to remember easy for people to click to get to your web page.

So i hope you can see the great potential that’s here in google docs for creating web pages. Students could do this. Teachers could do this. Anyone that has access to google drive and google docs can create web pages easily and for free and make them available, publishing them so that anyone can see their page thanks for watching.

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