USA Supercomputer DESTROYS Competitors

USA Supercomputer DESTROYS Competitors

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “USA Supercomputer DESTROYS Competitors”.
Can we do it like a new girl? Can we have like a frame? I just be like who’s that guy it’s Alex. China has held the trophy for the world’s fastest supercomputer for the last five years, but now the United States has climbed to the top. Once again, with summit, an AI powered supercomputer developed as a joint project between IBM Nvidia and Oak Ridge, National Laboratories in Tennessee, the previous champ, has 93 ped applause of processing power. While summit hits a staggering 200 peda flops, meaning it can process 200 thousand trillion. Calculations per second, the system includes 4608 compute servers, each housing to power; nine CPUs, which use non x86 chips designed for server and AI workloads and six nvidia tesla v 100 GPUs, giving it more than 10 petabytes of memory.

USA Supercomputer DESTROYS Competitors

That’S 10,000 terabytes! I haven’t taken that many bytes of anything in my whole life, we’ve all had the experience of revisiting an old game and being surprised that the graphics suck way worse than we remember like Star Wars, Battlefront like oh, oh, but now, Nvidia, is trying to keep that From happening to future games or Lisa s, what their new patent infinite resolution textures suggests. Oversampling old games super high resolutions. We use today introduce artifacts that look yucky and that’s because the textures using those games were designed for a particular scale in mind. The new infinite resolution textures, though use scalable, vector graphics, that automatically adapt to the screen resolution. The game is running on, so I guess, when I’m playing rocket league on my 16 K, 720 Hertz monitor in 2030, the graphics will suck, but at least there won’t be any scaling. Artifacts neat, but not all patents are cool. Google is seeking a patent that would give it broad rights over compression technique. That’S been open source for years.

USA Supercomputer DESTROYS Competitors

Asymmetric numeral systems compression was created by doctor, Oh slaw, Judah from the jaga. Why would you do this to me James University, in Poland, who dedicated the technique to the public domain, but since the technique was introduced in 2014, Facebook Apple and Google have all created software based on it, and now Google wants to patent one of their specific applications. A video encoder in this case, which they say, relies on additional work from Google engineers, but Duda argues that Google’s patent just applies a and s to a conventional video decoder and doesn’t want to see it go through.

USA Supercomputer DESTROYS Competitors

Unless Google guarantees that the patent will become open for all to use and pinky swears, don’t count, I’m not spitting on my hands and now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by question. Mark u.s.. What oh by us, not the US US LTX 2018.

Is the meet-up and tech event coming up on July 14th at the Richmond Olympic Oval here in beautiful British Columbia, meet the Lynas tech tips team and participate in everything from cable management challenge to a LAN tournament to VR and 12k gaming stations? That’S only a glimpse of what’s on offer so come out and see us take us are just 35 Canadian pesos and you can buy them at LTX, Expo calm or in the link below quick click. Click Computex is over now, but there’s still some stuff to be excited about in the afterglow like new prototype coolers from Doc duaa, the prototypes focus on improving either motherboard clearance to make room for that tall, RGB, Ram, you’ve been eyeing or raw performance with extra heat Pipes and increased surface area – oh and chrome axe coolers that are gon na be available in all black. In case you, like your PC to run in night mode. The first 1000 flamethrowers from Elon Musk’s boring company, made it into the hands of customers on Saturday.

This first round of units had to be picked up in person at the company’s HQ in LA while the remaining 19,000 due to customs rules will be shipped with a new name on the box. Not a flamethrower silly Royals deserve silly workarounds. Future Apple watches will be reportedly physically clicky as these physical buttons we swapped for solid-state haptic buttons, all of the iPhone 7s home button. It’S unclear whether the new buttons, which will be in the same configuration as before, will appear on their new watches. This fall are not until 2019, so watch watch out.

I hope this isn’t the ending pun. Is it Wow, oh, but that wasn’t. The end III is happening now and already a bunch of sweet games have been announced, including halo, Infinite, which runs on three four threes.

New slipspace engine and a new Gears of War game, that’s just called dears five, and even at ease of Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls, 6 aka Skyrim you’re, one of those gen Z, kids, j-jake, oh and battlefield 5 is gon na. Have a battle royale mode because it’s 2018. They are awesome, but we only need pub key, so that’s probably a good spot to end it with a broken game. So thanks for watching guys be sure to hit that like button, get subscribed and tune in on Wednesday for more linkage.

Yeah dick linked .