Unified Flight

Unified Flight

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unified Flight”.
[ UPBEAT MUSIC PLAYING ] [, INTERPOSING VOICES ] On the first day of Unified Engineering. We ask: why are you here –, why you’re, astro And basically the underlying current is passion about space aviation rockets, air engines, propulsion going to Mars., You name it! It’S all about! Airspace., It’s a unified flagship course of our department.. It equips the students with fundamental skills.. Students are exposed to all the disciplines at the same time.. There’S hands-on experience as well.. It’S two terms. In the fall. We have Materials and Structures with Professor Zac Cordero and Professor Raul Radovitzky.. They co-teach that part. [, INAUDIBLE, ] four. In Signals and Systems. We have Professor Jon How. And now in the spring, in fluid dynamics, we have Adrian Lozano-Duran.

And then I’m teaching the thermodynamics and propulsion. And those lead into our flight competition, which is towards the end of the term. –, students working in teams conceiving designing, building and flying an airplane in a competition. Mark Drela is involved there flying the aircraft type and build and setting up the design challenge.

Every year. It’S a different objective. So this time it’s going to be flying in circles. And the objective function has been mass times.

The rotational rate of the aircraft. There’s different strategies to do this and different teams might approach it in different ways.. We also say certain strengths: you shouldn’t touch, but others you might be able to relax at your own risk., See where that [ leads. ], So you’ll see different aircrafts flying and behaving differently, because students push the designs in different areas..

Unified was also an excellent vehicle for mentoring, bringing on junior faculty and basically co-teaching with senior faculty, and also training graduate students to be TAs.. The concepts are deep and learning it’s hard work., So it’s always a new concept of. Maybe you should spend a little more time if it wasn’t so clear. And of course all the fundamentals have to be there..

Unified Flight

But there are many other things: –, communication teamwork, having a real understanding of the economic, social and political implications of what we do and then how could you push the boundaries.? The applications might change year to year. Right now. There’S a lot of excitement about space and rockets., But there’s also excitement about the sustainability of aviation climate. Change. Students go in all kinds of industries.. They end up at Boeing and Airbus.. They end up with Pratt Rolls GE SpaceX..

Unified Flight

We have many successful alumni at great companies and being great leaders. So with the field evolving and changing we’re in this together. [ INTERPOSING VOICES, ] .

Unified Flight