Unboxing The World’s Thinnest Gaming Laptop…

Unboxing The World's Thinnest Gaming Laptop...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing The World’s Thinnest Gaming Laptop…”.
So in front of me, I have a gaming laptop. This gaming laptop actually claims to be the smallest, the thinnest 15 inch gaming laptop ever and it’s from Razer, and I think, that’s exciting. I think it’s interesting. It is one of the downsides of gaming laptops. They tend to be bulky in order to fit in those heavy duty, graphics that you’re looking for then in light and gaming to this point haven’t really gone together in a package that has made sense. Razer claims to have fixed. That here is the specification. It’S the blade 15.6 inch, and here you can see the spec line. There is the 144 Hertz gaming version of the panel of the display, which is only 1080p and then there’s the one I have here, I’m just a junkie for resolution. This is the 4k version. Uhd at 60 Hertz this 4k version.

It’S also a touchscreen, if that’s important to you, including the 512 gigabyte SSD gtx, 1070 baked-in as well. Oh, you know what they might be right. Look how thin this boxes holy, smokes very thin, laptop box power. Brick is no joke, that’s a bit of a powerhouse and you can see that its proprietary mmm, simple branding, simple product design, matte black finish, it kind of looks like a tool.

Unboxing The World's Thinnest Gaming Laptop...

It looks industrial I like that. Ooh, nice and simple. You see the keyboard layout, the speaker location, what a perfect location for speakers! Why not a larger trackpad as well? I noticed straight away: gtx 1070 max-q design and, of course, that 8th gen core i7, which is 6 cores 12 threads up to 4 point 1 gigahertz holy smokes on your laptop and you’re, really complained, probably not, and even though it’s 15.6 inches in display size. It’S actually smaller than the previous version, 14-inch razor blade laptop, so they’ve packed more into less. Here we have Thunderbolt 3 USB 3 1 HDMI a mini DisplayPort and a Kensington lock and then over on the left. We have the power port 2, more USB 3 ones and an audio jack. Very sturdy, though immediately we get the green backlighting. It is quite brilliant, as you can see there on the sides. We have this crazy, slim bezel and even the top which houses the front-facing camera is pretty slim comparative to what I’ve seen in the market and the trackpad very smooth texture, as well as a precise response. I am impressed at this point.

This is also a touchscreen, so I could just reach up at any point and touch the display if I choose to all right. So let’s get a taste for this display. This video I mean you’ve, obviously seen this video right can’t skip this bit. Look at that look at that thing so far display 4k.

Unboxing The World's Thinnest Gaming Laptop...

Oh man, that’s an image! Now the speakers I don’t know, are they good? Let’S turn it up with this. We’Re not liking the speakers so much right now. Let me load up some SoundCloud. I always sort of put them in line to average territory. I think people are gon na be more inclined to use headsets anyways is it the arrow is with the game on.

Unboxing The World's Thinnest Gaming Laptop...

Does the speaker sound a bit better in pub G here these speakers sound a little bit better. We’Re gon na see what this thing is like in its wheelhouse. This is pub Jean Forte, 3840 UHD. One thing I can guarantee you guys is that this is not gon na last long. Oh wow, that’s nice little weapon straight away! I’Ll! Take that let’s go find some 186 alive. The sound effects they sound so much better than these speakers did, with music someone’s in a vehicle. Where is that [ Applause, ] [ Applause, ]? Look at this maniac [ Applause ]? Oh, he got me that’s why a lot of people are gravitating towards razor.

In the first place they want the GPU and so on, but, as I said before, there’s different ways: you can spec up this laptop to suit. However, you see yourself using it starting 1899 with a 1080p 60 Hertz display and then all the way up to the model that I tested here $ 28.99 for the 15.6 4k display and then the 144 Hertz versions in the middle. Something to mention the weight of the device does change, depending on your screen: choice as well in the entry-level model, actually, the most portable, it’s gaming, it’s for gamers, it can game, but at the same time it sort of has the appeal that, like a MacBook, does For creative professionals, where it’s a simple design, it’s not screaming at you, I’m a gamer! You don’t just game on air that becomes your main laptop. You spend a fortune on it.

So do you want it to only distinguish one part of you, even though you do all these other things on that system? It’S your work laptop, it’s your creative laptop and it’s your gaming laptop and I think, Razer from a design and brand perspective has done a good job of finding that balance. So there you have it the brand new blade. I have a link in the description. If you want to learn more about the specs or see the other models, its power, when you need it, its simplicity, when you don’t it’s kind of a do everything type of setup, today’s episode of home box therapy has been brought to you by hims.

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