Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing The World’s Biggest Smartwatch”.
Well, sometimes you see, you see a box, you arrived here a studio and you just you sort of know, you’re in for a good time, see that right there it’s tipping the cap, it’s like the dude in Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter, Mad Hatter. What do I know about this? Not very much wills gon na fill me in as we go along. Look at that, ladies and gentlemen, that is a massive display that it’s a watch, bang Wow. This is the world’s largest display SmartWatch on planet earth straight from China. There’S a number of different ways you can get it track this thing down on Aliexpress and elsewhere, an actual SIM card tray, so not isom. Like the Apple watch, it’s like a tiny little smartphone flipped into landscape. The difference in scale it’s more than two of those Apple watches screwdriver in the package that I mean, that’s how you that’s always fun. Well, will you see something like this mmm but to get your hands dirty, yep? Oh, this is how you charge it. Okay and then you do this – maybe it’s like this Jack ain’t got a little bedside clock going on. You’Re gon na have to interact with this at your own risk.
If you go order, one up, I was checking out the Express and some of the ship dates are months from now just understand the risk involved in adopting a product like this and a screen protector. It has a camera, a front-facing camera, so you can videoconference. Take a selfie so forth a mic speaker, so you can answer and you could talk phone calls.
Well, they say waterproof. They say life water pair, the displays apparently 640 by 480 resolution. It’S got a mediatek processor. I should tell you right now. This thing is heavy. Oh wow display at that scale is actually pretty nice, though the Play Store. Will it’s all gesture-based, there’s some stuff, pre-installed contacts phone messaging settings browser? Presumably it’s some version of Android on here, which is kind of nice when you scroll up from the bottom by default. There’S some fitness acting stuff there’s also some quick toggles over here. What is that auto brightness half brightness? It has three brightness settings. Sleep mode airplane me like a phone sort of not as uncomfortable as you would expect. It’S happy it’s happy and I’m hitting and it’s heavy and I’m hitting, but look look. They actually did pack a fairly large battery in here.
The battery reading is twenty. Eight. Eighty, that’s no joke! Twenty eight! Eighty look at this. I can type on here. Okay, I’m typing, I’m searching the text is very small. You would not want to do a lot of reading on here.
Obviously, you can watch a video on this you’re in high school or whatever you can’t be either like no smartphone check. It’S not a smartphone like that. You’Re like it’s, my watch leave me alone. I mean it’s definitely got ta inspect their gadgets, Dick Tracy vibe, going on so the audio is from a watch. We’Ve got a very high gadget back yep. This is a huge commitment, we’ll all right.
The people probably aren’t ready for it. Is it really that crazy to imagine a future in which imagine something at this scale which somehow expands some sort of a projection or something in order to make the screen bigger? When you need it, yes, well, you wouldn’t need a phone for that. Well, we’re just talking we’re just off yeah we – and this is heating up on my wrist, but oh okay, yeah! No! It’S because I’m getting cooked right now! This is a smart phone on your wrist, that’s what it is and they kind of adjusted the OS a little bit to be more suitable for that and added some fitness features.
But ultimately you are looking at a smart phone for your wrist. Let’S go ahead and launch the camera real, quick, I’m happy that this kind of crazy stuff exists. It’S like sometimes the fringe stuff actually could be ahead of the time, because if they don’t have the same restrictions, they can go out and just make it and see what happens, and maybe one day we get to a place where this gets a little more miniaturized.
Thinner, possibly even flexible matter, you saw flexible display on the wrist and maybe it doesn’t seem so crazy anywhere. Maybe you get into that science fiction zone who me? Oh this? No one else gon na have it so you better be able to back it up. You better be able to come, tell people why it is you’ve made this commitment now, someone’s gon na have to go, beat them, and next thing you know this is this is what is this? What it is next well perfect? .