Unboxing the Trident Z Royal RGB RAM the WRONG way

Unboxing the Trident Z Royal RGB RAM the WRONG way

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing the Trident Z Royal RGB RAM the WRONG way”.
It’S almost 2019 and the RGB game has stepped up once again, if you guys are not wearing RGB pajamas. You shouldn’t be watching this video, but in this article we’re gon na be taking a look at the very hyped. Rgb RAM sticks from g.skill. These are the Trident Z, Royale and I think they’ve been featured in last year’s CES.

Unboxing the Trident Z Royal RGB RAM the WRONG way

So if I actually have the samples in front of me, will it unbox them and take a closer look at them, so yeah what that said? Let’S do this so actually I’m gon na flip these over real, quick and see the backside. We can clearly see on here that we have a 32 gig kit, so we have four eight gigabyte modules at 3200. Megahertz, there’s really no difference between these two other than the last two letters. There’S our s on this one and then our G on this one, which I have no idea, what those mean we’re gon na, obviously open it up and figure it out. So, let’s actually start up with this one and take a look at the packaging from g.skill.

Now I don’t know if this is gon na be the actual retail packaging, but this is the sample that they sent me to unboxing this video here yeah. Here we go. Let’S do this, what these are not your average RAM sticks, ladies and gentlemen, take a look at this Wow, so we have an old silver aesthetic. It’S actually has a mirrored finish down.

These are blinged up. This is crazy. That actually looks pretty dope.

Unboxing the Trident Z Royal RGB RAM the WRONG way

I’M not gon na lie this house so freakin they look so dope. I just put these aside real, quick I’ll point up these other ones. Man, these are fingerprint magnets.

Unboxing the Trident Z Royal RGB RAM the WRONG way

Definitely got ta, be careful when handling these. You do not want to touch the surface at all. So I’m guessing that s on the back here stands for silver and which makes sense the G on the other. One stands for gold.

So let’s go to put these aside and open up the gold one. I think Gold’s gon na be my favorite. To be honest, let’s put this aside: oh my god, haha look at this yeah. I think the gold is definitely my favorite and it’s so crazy. I think my all-time favorite RGB RAM sticks had to be the original tried and Z from G scale, but I feel like these.

These are gon na, be my new favorite Wow. Look at that surprisingly, they’re actually very lights. I would think they would.

They would make this out of metal, but it kind of feels, like plastic, so doesn’t really had any any weight to this. I’M even scared to put it to put this on the table like I don’t even want to scratch this thing just gon na put it. I’M just gon na put it back in here, guys I’ll, show you some sexy b-roll as I’m talking about it. Obviously, but yes pretty much, not much else to it.

They did send me this box as well, which I’m not really sure. What’S inside, it’s opened us up and take a closer look at it. I would love to pop this in a system and see how these light up on the top portion over here. But let’s see what this is, there’s a compartment down here its pop.

This open looks like we have a micro, USB cable on a microfiber cloth that looks like a jewelry box. Oh what it just looks like empty DIMM slots for some reason am I supposed to I’m supposed to plug these in hold up? Let me let me try something I think I think I know what this is for. Actually, let me plug this in real, quick and pop. These RAM sticks in here and I’ll be right, back hi guys, so I plugged in the USB to my laptop, let’s pop these bad boys in and see if it lights up, I mean audacity. Why else would there be a microUSB cable? Oh, I’m so scared of touching a service. These are so damn beautiful.

Damn I feel like if I’ll wrap our bill, the PC like it would be using these kind of rap sticks, bling it up there they’re rigged, like I guess it’s not lighting up. I think I broke it. I think I’m stick wow. That was easy.

Well, I guess, since we opened it up, let’s take a closer look inside. Shall we wait? I guess you know what my issue was. I guess I’m supposed to push on both sides. I was pushing on only one side and kind of snapped up, so my fault, my fault, and I don’t know guys this might be the engineering samples. So this might not be the actual retail samples. So yeah, just don’t don’t pay attention to any of this.

So this crystal piece over here just sits on top. This is all plastic. By the way, then you got the adhesive script kind of just squeezing everything together.

Yeah! That’S, let’s put this aside: let’s go! Let’S move on to the gold kit all right, take two: let’s do the gold kit, I’m gon na, be careful. This is the one I actually liked. So, okay, I’m gon na try not to break this one there we go for a split.

Second, I did see the RAM sticks light up, though so it’s pop this and I’m so scared. How am I gon na snap this in where’s the? Why isn’t lighting up? Oh, oh, that is so sweet that looks legit that looks legit Wow, okay, let’s put on the other three, actually see how it looks like I’m still scared on snapping in place. You may just got a defective Ram. Stick. He looked so nice though I’m not gon na lie. I would definitely use these in a build.

What would you guys rather see these RAM sticks, and would you want to see the gold sticks in an old gold /black bill? That would you like to see the silver RAM sticks in a black and silver bill. Let me know in the comment section because I am down to use these in an upcoming, build for sure and then I break any ramp sticks, okay, we’re good. We are good, but take a look at this guy’s.

Isn’T that magnificent just want to learn it all the way there we go. So it looks like juice skills sent this kind of display box to showcase how the RGB RAM sticks would light up in your PC, and I think right now. It’S only compatible with Asus are a sync, but you guys can download the software from G skills website. So we’re using a different motherboard like MSI, for example, you can download software straight from the website and configure these. You can configure each stick individually or you can sync them all together, whichever you prefer, obviously for your color scheme, but yes, pretty much yeah. What do you guys think about these meetings too much bling or doing is just the right amount.

Let me know in the comment section as well as what build I should wear what color schema. I should be using these in yeah, I mean they look pretty dope. One thing I noticed is that the crystallized plastic on the top here helps kind of scatter the lighting, so there isn’t any hot spots when I like, I usually see on on the ramp, stick so that actually works as evenly spread across the top. Here I was just thinking what, if I do like a gold and silver build like alternate, the RAM sticks do like gold, silver, gold, silver and then, throughout the case, you would see like gold and silver parts from the cables to other parts of the PC. I think that will look even more unique than just doing to alternate colors.

By guys I pretty much wraps up is quick unboxing and look at the descale Trident Zyl RGB RAM sticks, damn that’s a lot of words to say. I just really hope the final product isn’t as flimsy or fragile, because I don’t think I even applied that much pressure here. We play the clip again real quick. I just feel like the heat subscrip, maybe wasn’t applied on the right way or it’s not strong enough. That’S the only thing I could think of why it pops out, but any who’s, I’m pretty much done here.

I’Ll drop a link below, if you guys want to check these babies out, expect that in the coming build, of course, that’s pretty much it. I love your faces, drop a like. If you guys enjoy the video and I’ll see you in the next article. .