Unboxing the Shroud PC!

Unboxing the Shroud PC!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing the Shroud PC!”.
What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer and we got a very special package hand delivered from our friends over at main gear and if you don’t know main gear, they make the absolute best custom pre-built, PCS that I have ever seen. We’Ve been using them for like six seven years. I don’t know it’s been a long time, but they’re still the best that I’ve ever seen and today they wanted to partner up and show off one of their newest PCS, the main gear mg1. So, let’s not waste any time, let’s get right into it, shout out to the Jerry rig everything unboxing knife. This thing is sharpest knife I’ve ever seen: oh nice, they got instructions on how to unbox this. We don’t follow instructions over here on this channel. I’M just joking, let me see how it is and real quick for those of you wondering what’s in here right here: we’ve got all the extra pieces and parts you might need if you want to change anything with the build power, cable, even RGB, controller.

Unboxing the Shroud PC!

Okay. So now no worries. I got this we’re professionals now this is blue. This is blue because this is actually in collaboration with shroud, and this is really cool because main gear collaborated with shroud in designing this PC – and I got ta say shroud – was one of the ver shot was the very first Apex streamer that I’ve watched. He got me into watching Apex streams and YouTube. Videos he’s definitely the OG of that to me and it’s really cool to see his whole PC come together with the folks over at main gear, and let me tell you this mg1 is in Beast now. My particular rig is equipped out the Wazoo which we’ll talk about, but what’s great about. The mg1 is that it starts at 1200 bucks and, depending on how hard you want to game or create on this, there are going to be different, pre-built tiers that you can go for, or you can just customize it to your own liking.

Now my rig looks like this, but what I’m most hyped about is the fact that this thing has a GeForce RTX 4090, and it’s actually going to be my first time getting to try the card out personally and seeing what it can do for some of the Latest games like Diablo 4, you know I got ta play a little bit of Apex and that has me really pumped okay, so this is. This is my first time even seeing the 4090 in person. That’S a thick boy, so check it out. You guys, you see the front panel. This thing is actually removable, so you can take it right off. Oh man, there’s RGB! Oh, this is gon na, be crazy. All right! Let’S power it on easy all right, so we just threw it up to one of our desk setups over here uh one thing I’m really liking about this. It’S got like this rubberized texture in the front, feel it Jay yeah nice touch anywho. I guess we got to do this part right. We got ta, we got ta peel this off.

Oh man, that’s nice! Okay! So, let’s boot this thing up for the very first time I’m super excited. I love it already. Oh oh check out the front panel rgbs man.

Unboxing the Shroud PC!

I knew they were gon na look nice, but this is clean, dang all right, so we’ve got our PC set up. The main gear also sent over these three boxes, pretty sure they’re front panel, since it’s interchangeable. So, let’s see what we got inside of here, all right, so the first one is ho ho, of course Diablo 4..

So some of you might know, Diablo 4 has officially dropped and manger even dropped this custom panel to celebrate it and, of course, on this PC. It’S going to look absolutely amazing, so of course you know what we’re gon na do. We’Re gon na play some Diablo 4., so we definitely got to throw that bad boy on, but we got two more to check out. This is the second you got ta be hitting me, I didn’t even know they were making this. Are you serious? Oh yo, I’m sorry Diablo 4. Why would I put you on this? Okay, this thing looks nuts yo shout out to the main gear team man. This is why I’ve been sticking with them for all this time. They just absolutely Crush everything that they do shroud, who yo look? How quickly go? Oh, my God, that’s insane! Now, I’m just I’m just playing shroud. We know who you are. This is your. This is your PC right here. I got it the last one.

Oh another shroud play, but here you go. We got another panel for shroud all right. So with all that said and done, let’s do some gaming, some Diablo 4.. Shall we? Oh, that’s nuts, either way all right all right, we can stop. We stopped we cut. First thing we had to do was swap out that monitor to really get the full picture of what this PC could do and we weren’t disappointed, like I mentioned before, we had to jump on Diablo 4., since it could take advantage of some of the awesome features That the 4090 brings to the table like Nvidia dlss frame generation, and I’m not going to try and get technical here for my average consumers out there. But what dlss does is it uses AI to generate entirely new frames during your gameplay DLS S3 helps multiply performance or your frames per second at 4K, buy an average of 2.5 times so they’re going to absolutely give you the performance to render games like Diablo 4. At the highest detail, levels and resolutions to keep it simple, the more frames, the smoother and more butterier gameplay will look now with something like the 4090.

I went ahead and tried it out at its Max, but this feature is available across the entire RTX 40 series. Lineup and when you combine that with nvidia’s reflex lowly NC Tech, you get improved responsiveness to to match that good. Looking gameplay, so just to be clear. Nvidia reflex is a low latency tool that helps to reduce input, lag basically giving me a more responsive and smoother gameplay for games like Diablo, 4 and, of course, Apex Legends and the tech behind the dlss frame generation is actually pretty interesting, but ultimately, what matters is How good it makes the game feel and look and from what I’ve been seeing in Diablo 4.

It does a really good job from what I can tell, even though I swapped out my monitor, it still held me back from what it looked like. This thing was capable of and with the overall power of the 4090, we could see that this thing can go way past what the monitor is capable of and when you turn the dlss feature on the numbers just got insane. So I’m pretty much all set to grind it out with Diablo, but you know I had to see what Apex felt like and man. It just looks so good and honestly, that’s all.

I need to see, because this thing is going straight into our streaming setup here at the studio once we get it all set up, but all right, y’all main gear, does it again again I mean I’ve. I truly feel like these guys can’t fail when it comes to putting a PC together and honestly. I like that the mg1 has like all these different tiers. So, depending on what your budget is, you know you could pick what works best for you.

Unboxing the Shroud PC!

You don’t even have to think about it, let main gear put it together and it’s just ready to go. Jay we built a lot of PCS. Reese, like in the past few years, looks like. I bent the pins on my motherboard.

We pay twelve hundred dollars. Instead of doing it right, I’m with you, we we have the experience. I could put a PC together pretty solidly, but we can’t do anything like what these guys can. So for me personally, as like the average PC person uh, I rather have somebody else.

Do it – and these are the number one guys that I would go to um Brian stop, kissing up to main gear, I’m a reviewer! I got ta be tough on these guys. Oh, my God, of course, I’ll have everything linked Down Below in the description for you guys to check out Dom even has a main gear PC like where is we’re a main gear family out here all right tone it down Chad until next article guys, it’s your Average, consumer peace, it’s the UAC main gear, collab yeah, Oh, I thought it was a scratch about to die. .