Unboxing the $2500 Wilson Airless Gen1 Basketball

Unboxing the $2500 Wilson Airless Gen1 Basketball

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing the $2500 Wilson Airless Gen1 Basketball”.
So this is a very exciting day. Not because of this I mean you’ve seen this before. This is a basketball, a Wilson basketball. It looks a lot like what they use in the NBA, but you may have seen something some previews of something a lot more high-tech.

It is Wilson’s, futuristic basketball, that’s inside of this box right here, and I don’t know what the presentation is like I don’t know what the unboxing experience is like. All I know is that I was part of a select group of people that were contacted and asked if they would like to receive this new, high-tech basketball. And, of course, I said yes and now we are here so the reason I’ve got this other basketball is in order to compare the two, the futuristic 3D printed, high- Tech, basketball that costs a lot of money. I’Ll tell you more about that later and, of course, a standard basketball that you can buy at any Sporting Goods store. I think this one was about 60 bucks, Canadian.

It’S not the exact thing that they use on the NBA court, but it is what we’re used to bouncing and it bounces essentially the same way so we’ll test them both out we’ll see how the traditional air bladder holds up against the new technology without any air. Inside of it at all, well I mean there’s air inside of it, but it’s not enclosed in there. I don’t know how they did it, so this episode has been sponsored by paper like this is a screen protect for your iPad. Now I’ve talked about dedicated devices that can have this effect, where it feels like you’re writing on paper.

Unboxing the $2500 Wilson Airless Gen1 Basketball

But the best thing about this product is that it takes something you already have like an iPad and something that’s much more versatile, like an iPad and makes its input far more satisfying and, of course, artistic make. Your iPad feel like Paper Plus. At the same time, it’s protecting your display, but it doesn’t end there.

Unboxing the $2500 Wilson Airless Gen1 Basketball

They’Ve actually got these little grips for apple pencil. In order to give you a much more comfortable hold they’ve got two that come inside here. Precision and comfort they’ve also just come out with this spray. This will keep your screen squeaky clean. Oh the unit itself is microfiber, so satisfying wow yeah.

So this Pro bundle is styled as a one-pack solution for iPad users. It includes everything someone needs to maximize their productivity and creativity. Bundles purchased online have been updated to carry the most recent stock, so this screen protector has some proprietary technology called Nano dots on the surface. This helps you achieve better handwriting and excellent stroke resistance, while maintaining your screen, Clarity see one of the problems with writing on your iPad.

Is it doesn’t have a ton of feedback? It feels like writing on glass because well, you are writing on glass. So once again, thanks to paperlike for sponsoring this portion of the episode, if you want to check out those bundles head down to the description, I’ll have all the links down there, let’s take the classic out. First now this unboxing experience extremely straightforward.

Look at that! That’S frustration free this one could use a little bit more air, but we’re going to dial it in to the exact PSI suggestion from Wilson. There we go 8.1 that should do yeah that that feels right. That feels good and by the way, if you also like that pump right there, I can I’m going to link that because that’s satisfying right, you see the reading on there.

I use it for the car Tires, Plus it has a rechargeable battery removable and so it can share battery with your other tools. I don’t know what you’re into I’m into that I’m into some things here we go. It is time for us to finally get our hands on something that was teased for a while. I don’t even remember the first time that this was shown off, but I’ve wanted to get my hands on it ever since I first saw it like. I saw the laboratory in which they were developing it, some of those um initial prototypes. I’M surprised it’s it’s even a real product, like I didn’t know.

If it was going to be more of a concept, car type thing that then, would eventually change and trickle its way into the store for some like budget price. Like a toy like I didn’t just didn’t know what it was going to end up being, but it’s kind of the opposite, they’re like no. This is regulation, basketball, behavior and it’s going to cost you a lot of money wow and it starts with the special case.

Unboxing the $2500 Wilson Airless Gen1 Basketball

Imagine buying a basketball that comes in its own suitcase briefcase. Oh oh wow, heirless gen. One welcome to the future of sports.

Wilson is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of sports Innovation with the aess gen. One basketball. This moment marks a historic achievement and we hope it fills you with the significance it holds in the world of basketball. This is kind of like a collector’s item at this point like I got look at this this base, for it mirror base Wilson heess gen one – and I got this tag. That’S so cool unbox therapy custom tag with the basketball pattern. Okay, let’s get the ball out.

Look at this who, like first of all, it feels way different. It’S hard to describe this texture, I mean I have experience with 3D printing. It kind of feels like that. Substrate almost like it’s been sanded or smoothed out and then the other thing I’m noticing right away is the depth of the 3D printed portion.

Is it’s not a single layer like it’s far more complicated than I expected? There’S an interior and an exterior wall and there’s maybe a centimeter of depth between them with tiny little cutouts in between which I presume are all completely necessary in order to achieve the bounce that you’re looking for now, there’s a couple of other important or like unique Characteristics, you have heirless gen one written over here and you have the Wilson logo over here, but other than that. It’S a uniform design and you can see the way they’ve integrated your typical seams. I mean they’re, not really seams here. I wonder how long it would take to 3D print something like this holding it. I can understand why it has the insane price tag that it does and I’ll just tell you at this point. This thing is $ 2,500, but there’s not going to be many of them. It’S it’s a limited edition, type of thing, at least for now, and it’s probably extremely timec consuming to build this. I don’t know how many people will actually use them versus keep them as a collector’s item like this, for a basketball fan.

That is something incredibly exclusive. The other thing I notice is it’s as you look around the edge like you see here, for example, you don’t have entire cutouts. Instead, This pinch comes through and it’s not completely symmetrical, but I assume that all this has been considered and every indentation and and every puncture is likely necessary, plain original basketball, new airless gen one, and I think they wrote gen one on purpose. In order to imply hey, we’re not done here we’re releasing this for the super fans.

This is going to be a developing space at the moment. The feel Advantage goes to the traditional Wilson basketball, the tech advantage and the airless Advantage obviously goes over here. So, let’s go ahead and bounce what okay first things! First, this the sound! This doesn’t didn’t come through to me on the other videos that I watched the sound kind of satisfying, though maybe you can hear that it’s like a a whoosh that goes through the ball, and I guess I should have expected that, because you’ve got all these openings Here it’s bizarre because it bounces the same way, but yet those other attributes like the the sound difference and that air friction kind of just changes your perception of the bounce, but it does feel satisfying it made me. I mean the grip is a lot different right.

I’M feeling the texture on my fingertips. The grip is the biggest difference traditional so loud. I remember thinking when I was watching the All-Star game. I was like.

I wonder if they’re going to use that airless basketball, but I’m realizing now that it is much more unique than I expected. I was wondering if it would feel anything like a regular basketball. It does not they bounce almost exactly the same way. Just your other senses are all screwed up as to wait.

A second shouldn’t that have a louder sound in order to bounce that way, but it doesn’t will you want to try? I don’t know if it’s intentional, but there’s like a rough surface to yeah like a proper 3D printed object, who it feels like uh, not a basketball. It doesn’t feel like it, but I know it behaves like it wo like it bounces the way that it should. It it it’s almost like the characteristics don’t match up in your mind, because you’ve bounced so many balls in your life soccer, volleyball, basketball. You know what they feel like smells different too well.

Yeah I mean it smells like smells like the future. That’S the thing is the feedback is the same as a basketball. So you don’t even you don’t need to look at it. You don’t need to guess where it’s going to bounce and the crazy part is.

It has no PSI, there’s no PSI and then the question becomes: where are the barriers and boundaries for this? What happens if you’re outside versus inside? What, if it’s hot, what if it’s cold the other? What does the Sun do to it? Like it’s wet? It’S a lot of questions would would it eventually get discolored, so obviously I can’t test the like PSI of something like this. For obvious reasons: there’s no air in it, but what I can test is the weight and see how that compares to the other ball. I’Ve got over there, so uh first. Actually, let’s get the weight of this ball and remember.

This is inflated to just over 8 PSI. That is just under 600 G NBA basketball weight in G. Oh here we go an NBA. Basketball is 624 G.

Now that’s with the ball being inflated between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per inch. That probably has to do with the genuine leather that the official ball uses this one, even though this is called the authentic series, it’s an indoor outdoor ball and this retails for about 60 bucks. So if the official uh weight of the ball is 620 G, then this is actually closer than that ball. At 6102 G anyway, extremely close regard, L think about it, has to be the official size, but then it has to have synthetic leather. Regular leather is going to be heavier, so that’s how you have 600 here, even though it’s a size, seven and then an official NBA ball is 620, and then I wonder if they couldn’t get 620 with this or you know if, whatever compromises had to be made To make it bounce effectively with these Dimensions, maybe 610 and a half was as close as they could get, and I know some people will watch the video and say well, I don’t get it what’s the point. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it like there’s, no way, that’s as good as the existing technology, but that’s not the idea.

If there wasn’t any experimentation, you wouldn’t even necessarily land on where they landed in the first place, so whether you’re talking about sporting equipment or electric vehicles or smartphones or whatever the tech happens, to be it’s experimentation and generation. One of something that eventually takes you to where we end up, which is generation – 2, 3. 4. 5.

10. Will it eventually be the standard basketball? I don’t know. I don’t have that answer.

I bet you even Wilson, wouldn’t say that that’s necessarily the case, but maybe some of their findings work their way into a hybrid, maybe there’s an internal bladder inside of a ball like this. That looks something like this and therefore doesn’t require inflation. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but at the moment this is certainly the most high-tech basketball that I’ve seen and I’m extremely grateful to be one of the first people in the world to interact with it. That’S pretty cool .