Unboxing LEGO Dimensions!

Unboxing LEGO Dimensions!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing LEGO Dimensions!”.
What’S up guys lew here back with another video and today.? This is something that I am actually quite excited for. It is Lego dimensions. Something a lot of you guys might not know about me Is that I am a huge Lego fan and Lego. Video game fan Dimensions like it Brings everything together, Multi, universe, Expansion, packs. You got this portal now for minifigures as well as vehicles, which can then be Customized and, as you can tell, I am legitimately excited for this dimensions. Starter kit also comes with some legit Lego. Actual Lego pieces because, as you can tell the portal here, is something you will build now in the back of the box kind of get A description of Exactly what’s happening here.

You can see that you build the portal which you will then put the characters on to each Character, of course, will then show up in the video game or vehicle for that matter. The vehicle is Customizable, as I mentioned before. You can see here that each one is [ three-in-one ] and, as you change the build in the real world, it will then be represented in the video game. There are so many different brands Included in this ecosystem from Ghostbusters to lord of the rings. These expansion packs will be purchased separately, But you don’t need to buy them to play the game. This starter pack already includes Minifigures, as well as some vehicles to get you moving. You can venture through any of the worlds in the game, With any characters. Chances are you’ll, never completely 100 % complete the game, But that’s a good thing, because it means that you’re going to get hours and hours out of this thing and as you purchase more Expansion, packs you’re, going to continue [ to ] have different experiences on the Top of the box here you’ll see the entire minifigure Inventory available for Lego dimensions. These aren’t included in the starter pack, but, as you can see, there are different waves of Releases for characters and with each wave you’re going to get the availability of more minifigures from these various brands that are available within Lego dimensions. I’M a bit of an official when it comes to Lego games, big fan hungry for those gold bricks. You know Gold Bricks, stud collecting if you’re unfamiliar with Lego games. You don’t know what that stuff is. When you crack this open you’re going to find out real quick, so let’s jump inside the box Inside here, you’re going to have Batman, Wyldstyle and, I believe, gandalf very nice game here. This is for the PS4, but this games obviously also available for Xbox one or Nintendo Wii.

U [! Oh ]! What do we have here? Look at this., It’s a poster so that you can keep track [ of ], the various expansions and the ones That you have and the ones that you want old school stuff that even dudes like me can get excited about. Like Ghostbusters jack. You remember [ ghostbusters ]. What about the green guy [? I ] think his name was slimer, Something like that Slimy.

This is our portal. This connects to your console super long cable, so you [ could ] keep it like near the couch or wherever it is you’re gaming from and Swap out characters while you’re playing now in here. This is the actual Lego for Completing the construction of the portal, as well as your minifigures.. Let’S jump in here, real quick Check it out a couple. Different packs. You’ve got step-by-step guides here for how to complete the construction [, alright ].

So I’m going to go ahead and build the Minifigures here we have Batman, Wyldstyle and Gandalf. I believe there’s wild style with that angry face., That’s gandalf and Batman has two looks, wouldn’t give him that kind of like Somewhat aggressive look. Oh, I missed her. Hood goes on first. Is she also have two expressions [? She ] does so she can just go on this base right here and Now, just like that, She’s capable of being put on the portal Coming to life right [ in ], the game now gandalf. [, uh, ], the beard, of course, the beard in the hand.

I can only aspire To a beard like that. One day, I’m not there yet working on it. Though., Now Batman, time., Cape wait, a sec gandalf also wears a cape Jack, There’s two capes and this one’s black..

This is definitely Batman’s cape. Of course he has a cape, I mean what he’s a wizard [ wizards ] always have capes right. Look at these guys, Batman, Wyldstyle, gandalf, pretty cool how about expansion, though we have marty McFly As well as the hoverboard, the legendary hoverboard and the legendary Delorean. I still to this day I Kind of wanted Delorean. Now There are a few different types of expansion packs.

This back to the future Pack is something called a level pack means it comes with one character, one vehicle and one gadget, But there are also team, packs and fun packs available, each of which comes with its own combination of these characters. Vehicles and gadgets. Where’S McFly MCFly’s enhance., There’s a shirt guitar of course, Pants head nice little red Guitar here onto your base. You go look at this group right here, guys, Look at that! How cool is [ that ] for people of all ages, even even old dudes like me, So there you have it.

Unboxing LEGO Dimensions!

The Lego dimensions, Starter pack, Unbox right here on Unbox therapy, big thanks to warner brothers for setting that out.. Let me take a look early Hope. You guys appreciate this content if you did make sure thumbs up down [ below ]. If you want more information on this game, This kit, the expansion packs. I’ll, have the links down in the description should definitely go check it out. Now. I’m going to go. I’M gon na play the game.

Unboxing LEGO Dimensions!

[, alright, ] later guys, .