Unboxing Cool Survival Gear

Unboxing Cool Survival Gear

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing Cool Survival Gear”.
Deep Breathe. “ Takes Deep, breathe” whats up Guys, Lou here back with another video, and today i have something in front of me as usual., but this time i have no idea what’s inside. in this case i see this symbol which looks aggressive and scary.. I mean it says, battle box on it: okay and i sort of know what it is. It is a survival box, or at least there should be survival, slash tactical gear inside of it, but I had no idea exactly what it is. We’re gon na find out together in classic Unbox Therapy fashion Woah. What is this hay? What are we working with here? Grass Is this dry grass already found like a little blade thing.

It says MIL on it. I think thats military. We will find out battle box survival in tactical gear cool, alright, so it’s a subscription box.

They send you one every month. Well, here you can see the value of the various boxes. I think we have the Pro Plus either the pro or the Pro Plus.

What is some kinda like renewable, packing material im gon na place that down softly okay cool? We have the Survival Guide here., The department of the army field manual Whoa. Yes, my five-year-old will is really gon na, like this. identifies various creatures. This is cool alright, so you keep this with you and all of a sudden. You can survive in the woods or at least that’s a step in the right direction, the Kershaw black wash series. I think this is a knife. “ WOW”, pretty solid, dare I say a new un-boxing knife Whoa? Oh, that’s! No! Joke! Don’T try this at home! Look at that it even cut’s through the organic packing material. its got a little clip on it..

It’S got a frame lock on it. You see right here its. What holds the blade up, gives it rigidity structure to put it down. You just push that over to the side and clamp it down.

Unboxing Cool Survival Gear

nice little package. I, like the color too rugged looking metal, finish, … Solid next up emergency blanket up to 90 %, reflection of body heat, really “ wow” its kinda, like uh foil.

Unboxing Cool Survival Gear

I probably shouldn’t use this right now like i should save this for an emergency, it’s hard to believe that a material that thin could reflect 90 % of your body heat.. Alright, I need to save this for real survival situation. What is this? It’S a mirror: a survival signal mirror with a little compass in it.

Unboxing Cool Survival Gear

Flash this off. The Sun hold the mirror close to your eye, slowly turn and angle the mirror, so the aim.. indicator is on the object. You wish to flash you your flashing people from a distance, so they come to help you. This is an old school compass, “ wow”. When I was a kid, I always wanted a legit compass like this look at this thing: again: tried-and-true old school tech, doing the job, solar charger for iPhone and cell phone. Now. Everybody here certainly understands that. So it’s part of the case lay it out like that. There some old-school phones listed on here Nokia, n70, Motorola, v66, Sony Ericsson, k750.

I think I had that phone.. It’S got micro, USB thats, the important one. Of course little flashlight LED flashlight, probably needs a battery “ ohhh !”. This is cool aquamira, frontier, emergency filter.

Water is a big issue. When you’re out there trying to survive, you might see a stream or something and you’re like damn that looks clean and I just wan na drink from it. Well, there is some bacteria and whatnot thats in there. No good, you don’t want them your going to get “ umm …” diarrhea.

So this this little joy here, this little arm filter with a straw, allows for you to drink the wilderness, water …, The wild water, active carbon, helps reduce water-borne chemicals and it also improves the taste “ ohhh”. This is cool too a fire starter kit right here. This “ oh” this actually has some signals imprinted on it. Various smoke signals for emergency situations. You strike this thing, I believe, with this other side of the object or with a hard surface, a knife blade something like that and you can create sparks fairly easily. That’S probably what this grass is for: eat, eat-n-tool, eat-n- tool, what a name a rugged stainless outdoor spoon fork, bottle, opener, screwdriver, pry tip and metric wrenches and a carry carabiner. Does everything …, that’s cool? That’S way more useful than you might imagine, life and death situation where you spoonless forkless carabinerless, bottle openerless. You need that this is a can opener, isn’t it? Yes, its like a military can opener AJ from the control room agrees. This is a can opener, but if you found a can of food during the zombie apocalypse, that’s like that’s Gold, its a gold mine right there.

You know what listen you guys have all the tech and gadgets in the world. Can you even survive didnt? Think so. Look at how rugged this all looks.

instantly more rugged, rugged meter, elevating survival and tactical gear. Alright, that wraps this up thanks very much for watching guys If you enjoyed this content, make sure to leave a thumbs-up down below and I’ll you catch you very shortly in the next episode Later, … bottleopenerless … .