Unboxing ALL New PS5 Colors!

Unboxing ALL New PS5 Colors!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing ALL New PS5 Colors!”.
What’S going on guys, it’s your average consumer and not too long ago, playstation announced a bunch of new colors coming to their dual sense controllers, as well as the faceplates for the playstation 5. and lookie lookie. They sent them over to us to check out so today. We’Re going to be unboxing the new colors that are going to be available really soon, so, let’s jump right into it all right fellas. What do we open? First? Do we save the the face plates for last? Okay, okay, so we’ll start off with some dual sense controllers. So we’ve got some of the original colors over here we’ve got the white, the midnight black, the cosmic red and as for the new colors, we’ve got nova pink, starlight, blue and galactic purple.

So if you can’t tell there’s a whole galaxy theme here, which one do we open? First carl pic yeah yeah you i i should have known – i should have known carl lost purple all right. This looks clean. I’M not gon na lie. Listen, i’m not a huge fan of purple and the acting purple’s. Looking alright, it’s not bad. How does it stack up against what we’ve got over here? You think it’s missing something! What’S it miss blue, we’ll go for that next, okay! No! This is better than the purple bro [, Laughter ], you got ta admit it. This is so clean.

Unboxing ALL New PS5 Colors!

I’M actually really proud of sony sony. They usually take a little while to come out with different variations of like their colors and consoles, and they just hit us with like a bunch of new colors at once. I’M really excited to see special editions come, but for now these colored controllers, they look super clean. I think for me personally, white stays at the top.

Unboxing ALL New PS5 Colors!

Listen something about the white controller. Looks it’s crazy. It’S crazy right and the color options are nice, but the white still holds it for me at the top, but the blue, i think, might be this might be second, so for this nova pink, i’ve got some feelings about this: one: [ Applause, ], okay, nova paint. This is not bad looking at all, but for me it’s it’s. It’S too close to the cosmic red.

Unboxing ALL New PS5 Colors!

I’M not sure why we got two of like almost the same color, just different shades sony could have picked one or the other. I would have been fine with either one just not both, especially when green is missing, heck even orange. You know it’s a miss opportunity here still looks good, but this could have easily been a different color or this one.

But i will say, though, these all look really good, like you can’t you can’t go wrong now. I don’t know if you guys saw, but i did a recent video about just cool accessories that i’ve come across for the playstation 5. i’ll. Have it linked down below. So you guys can check it out, but at least with these uh, i don’t know if you guys know this, but you can actually replace the black portion of the controller with other colors. This gives you more options for different kinds of combinations, really inexpensive.

You can find it on amazon i’ll have those linked down below as well with these new color options, you can get real crazy, really fast, all right, favorite ones, though i mean i think i made it clear. I think i prefer the white over all of them, but carl who, what which one are you going for, which is your absolute favorite here. The blue is tough, the blue, jay, the cosmic red okay, that t-mobile magenta. I feel you i like it now. Sony didn’t just come out with new colors for the dual sense controllers. They’Ve also got new face plates, something that we saw coming a mile away and that a lot of third-party manufacturers have been making.

But now we’ve got the official ones. Now we’ve got the faceplates for the first colors that came out from the dual sense controllers: we’ve got cosmic red and, of course, the black that everyone’s been waiting for. So if you’ve been waiting for sony to drop like a black ps5 scratch that you get a ps5 and then you get the face plates all right, so i feel, like we’ve, seen a lot of black faceplates third party faceplates already we’ll get to this. But i want to see what the cosmic red looks like if you’re wondering where the new colored face plates are those are going to be coming later in the year as of right now, only these are going to be available for you guys to order.

Okay, i mean pretty simple packaging, and here you have them now something that separates these from. The rest, of course, is going to be this guy right here that official playstation logo, as well as the etching for the triangle x square circle, buttons you’re, going to see that all engraved right here but yeah, let’s get the swap okay now putting them on should Be relatively simple slide them up. You hear the click and on the other side there you go now. I will say the official sony faceplates very easy to pop on i’ve encountered with third party face plates.

A lot of struggles, trust me, but either way this is a cosmic red ps5 right here in the flesh. What we think guys we like this one or is it just too much too much color on the ps5? Is this it’s cool, but you got to have like a very particular setup. I feel like to have a color this this bold and this large. Now i do like this on its own, but, like i said it might clash with a setup unless you’re looking for that pop of color.

But this is kind of cool, though like if you got a desk set up, maybe with some consoles there and you want to have this fit your theme, i’m just loving the fact that you can pick up color options, so the choice is pretty much yours. Alright, now the black: this is what everybody’s been waiting for: right: an official black ps5. Let’S check that out. Oh think about that.

If you want that two-faced, look, oh um who’s, paying for two faceplates to get this look um. I do wonder what a black and white one looks like all right. Let’S, let’s do that before we look at the uh, all black. What we thinking got you got you here: it is you guys, the official all black ps5 i mean this is what a lot of people said. It should have looked like from the start.

I personally don’t agree. I love the way it came out. All the white and black, but yeah it’s officially here.

I think i really want to get my hands on the starlight blue though starlight blue is gon na look pretty killer so, regardless of which version of the playstation you have faceplates will be 54.99, but, yes, huge. Shout out to sony for sending this out so that we can check out the new colors for ourselves. Listen, you can’t go wrong. They all look good, but you just got to think about how your setup looks and if uh the colors will match your vibe.

That about wraps it up, you guys just wanted to do a quick, unboxing checking out all of the new colors. I mean these are great, looking controllers, so the hardware is absolutely there and with what’s available on the third party market for the controllers, you can get some really nice looking stuff but yeah until next article guys, hopefully you enjoyed it. If you did be the cool guy or girl that gives this video a thumbs up i’ll catch, you guys in the next one till, then it’s your average consumer peace for the safety of your hand, i feel like i should take the controllers safety of my. What are you even saying, go: .