Unboxing a pizza

Unboxing a pizza

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing a pizza”.
I’M gon na unbox a pizza, my name is brad hall and i am very excited about this. Lou stepped out and kind of, let me hop in his seat and i talked to jack and he said i could unbox whatever i wanted. I really wanted to eat something and i love pizza, i’m going to be unboxing a pizza, very sturdy. It’S got air holes here here we go nice hinge and look at that pie. Look at that pie that looks nice perfect, wilting, going on nice, pockets of cheese.

Unboxing a pizza

Pretty good paper placement now i like this crust, you can tell hand tossed nice and soft. I don’t know if you can hear that’s what the crust sounds like look at how this separates, that it just pulls apart so easily and now. This is something that i always look at with pizza is: how did they distribute the toppings? You can see it’s not very even on this one. These two pieces do have the wilted greens.

Unboxing a pizza

This one’s got a tiny one, but that is not sufficient and this one has none. So that is the weak link just want to get that in place. So it doesn’t cause a problem, i’m going to do a classic fold and then just it’s so soft. You almost don’t have to use your teeth.

Unboxing a pizza

The crust gets a little bit firmer, not right now shoe shoe. What’S that, what’s over there stop there, you go back to the pizza. Moving on to slice number two. This one has that wilted green down down. Maybe later a real spiciness, it’s a it’s a zesty pie, i’m gon na keep moving, give it that classic fold and then gum and lip it very similar flavors as a first two slices, then we’re going to move on to the biggest slice slice number. Four.

The finale i got a lot of cheese on that one i like that and i’m gon na give the crust a try, light and spongy and crust like very good. I’M gon na meet it like a pair of lips slice number. Three and four. I can feel the powder on my lips, so that was unboxing a pizza.

My name is brad hall. Lou will be back at some point, but until then enjoy a pizza pie always good to have leftovers a lot to eat for dinner. I always say: stop eating when you’re on the brink of feeling full, then you’re gon na get hungry again then you’ll eat again down. Is that down stop it? .