Unboxing a $1300 Professional Fighting Robot

Unboxing a $1300 Professional Fighting Robot

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Unboxing a $1300 Professional Fighting Robot”.
Would you look at that? Oh my goodness, every so often I’ve said it before I’ll, say it again. You get something here in the studio. That’S just it’s not like something you’ve ever seen before. This is one of those items. This is one of those moments. It’S the super Anthony robot fighting League, it’s fighting robot, it’s all because of Willie do he’s a maniac he’s a psychopath and he arranged for these to show up. I don’t know anything about this.

Apparently you run these things off of a Playstation controller. I’M a little bit pumped whoa got the signature in the front with the paperwork. You know it’s serious, some cabling. Does he stand on this, I’m guessing that he does and then super Anthony himself. Oh man holy. It’S like a mini little Boston Dynamics, whoa, okay, then.

So when he’s not fighting, you give him a little rest. This is where he’s gon na, be, I suppose, in the other box, PlayStation 4 controller, but it looks like a like a generic version of one, an easy balance: charger couple of batteries. I mean: how are these things really gon na? What are we really meant to fight them like this? Has a tripod mount.

Unboxing a $1300 Professional Fighting Robot

This looks like you mount a phone on there. The visual takes form with the decals. It’S like the old days. The decals bring it to life. Oh, look, you can train punching a water bottle.

Unboxing a $1300 Professional Fighting Robot

Does his heavy bag? Should I get this charging? Probably let’s see here. That’S hang on a second man. What is first of all they’re not supposed to be on the stands anymore. I think you should take your guy off the stand because he’s trying to do something right now, I’m not touching it him.

Take him off the stand. It’S yours! Oh, oh, well, you’re, gon, na break it before you can get this thing going gon na bust. Why? My god just chill for a sec, you know no video is you’re gon na break this thing. Oh man, this is so cool move slightly fluidly. Let’S put all the mat on the surface, [ Applause ]! Well folks, as you can tell, there was a battle and I don’t know where everybody else went but yeah it was a great time. These robots are a lot of fun and super cool, and that’s about oh I’d say about that all right. That’S it see you on the next episode. Well yeah.

I guess you can put smartphones on their heads. I wouldn’t try that they fall down sometimes, but I think that was a user problem. They’Re different, though I mean there’s, there’s nothing else out there that I’m aware of that’s like these, and I’m I’m here. So I know about a lot of cool stuff.

Okay, so they’re way more powerful than I would have guessed. I think that they they got a lot more reach like the arms. I would, if I was really you know short, but that the punches – I don’t can’t really tell they go all the way there like that right. So I could see some good battles. Wasn’T there like there’s like a league for these things, so I think obviously there’s other people that are having these these battles she’s getting down here battle them I’d like to actually program to get some more moves right, that’s possible! I think right thumbs up if you liked it. I couldn’t afford one to be honest with you.

Unboxing a $1300 Professional Fighting Robot

You need, like your friends or other people to you, know play with it. You can’t. I don’t know, I don’t know I don’t nobody owns one.

I would do it if I had some extra dough lying around, but eventually gon na have to get some more moves, which apparently you can program these things. But don’t quote me on that, because I have no idea Pratt put some time into it, which I don’t have any of that either. So maybe they’ll come down in price.

You know in the future when things are cheaper and maybe they scale these things, nothing against the people that made these. I think they’re amazing units and you know super cool and for the for the gadgety guy gadgety guy, get your parents to get off our wallets and grab one for ya for christmas or maybe think our weapons. I don’t know weapons.

Maybe that’s too much. I don’t know guns or something I guess. Maybe they got knives.

I don’t know, maybe that’s a little too much noise. I don’t know what am I talking about? It’S just different they’re, just they’re unique and someone put a lot of time and effort into putting these things together, pretty sure they did. I want to thank everybody for being here with me today. It’S been tough and I’m just happy that I’m alive and well and things are going great.

So thank you I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m not a robot guy, just not a robot guy! .