Ultimate Water Cooled Gaming PC Build!

Ultimate Water Cooled Gaming PC Build!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ultimate Water Cooled Gaming PC Build!”.
So we are coming to the end of a nearly year-long journey when this video sponsor usaa asked us to build the craziest gaming, pcs we could possibly think of so one was for the esports team for the navy. Another was for the air force now for the coast guard and each has been bespoke and unique in their own right. This one might be my favorite one yet so to catch you up. This is build number three of three: the finale, the bookend to our pc, build for the coast guard and here at jfl we all have personal connection to the military in some form. So for a lot of us, this goes beyond just a sponsorship with usaa. If you’re not familiar with them, they’re, actually the insurance company that i’ve been using for the better part of a decade but insurance company that provides financial services and products to military members and their eligible family members, they offer a ton of insurance services for your car. Your home, if you’re, renting and way more so if you want to learn more about usaa check out the link down below okay. So, like the previous two projects, the goal was to build something bespoke here for the esports team, for the coast guard academy to use and hopefully compete with so the ones that we’ve sent to navy and air force have already been sent out. Hopefully, they’ve been a pretty key component to some big team, wins and mobile.

This one for the coast guard will do the same. So what isn’t the same, though, is the design of each computer, so we tried to come up with something unique for each branch and no different. This time, when we were planning this one for the coast guard and trying to come up with concepts, there was some pretty far out there ideas we knew the goal was obviously water thought about trying to have the pc sort of sitting in fluid. I went with something a little safer uh in my opinion, so now keep in mind. This isn’t going to be any sort of build tutorial or anything like that. There are a lot of people online that can do much better tutorials than i ever. Could i’m not going to show you step by step, how to build a computer or how we built this computer i’ll show you the highlights of the whole process all the way to the finished product of this absolute banger of a computer? To do that? Let me hand it over to our pc building guru um, my jedi, that has taught me about how to build computers throughout this whole process.

It’S all your stance today is a good day to build a pc we’re back. This is our third build for the us military uh. We are back with our last and final one for the us coast guard. We figured if it’s your last one, oh hey, we might be doing more, i mean who knows i mean so guys. These have been fun, that’s bait, we’ve got space, force, space force, we haven’t hit and we didn’t get a chance to do army um boy scouts.

I mean we can do all kinds of things. Who knows so? I think we brought the thunder this time uh, especially with this case, so it’s a coast guard it’s water everywhere. This case is true to theme. Oh also, this is terence. Terence, is back hello.

Ultimate Water Cooled Gaming PC Build!

How are you doing you guys know? Terence from the past two videos? Yeah yeah and uh this case is water personified. I mean this is like true water cooling case. This whole back side is a distribution plate. It’S that’s what’s like holding up this entire pc. So when it came to coast guard we’re like hey coast, guard water.

Ultimate Water Cooled Gaming PC Build!

This is the case to go. It’S called the thermaltake distrocase 350p. So it’s a lot but yeah.

Ultimate Water Cooled Gaming PC Build!

It’S it’s a beauty of the case. I do want to say that this stuff on the front, these are not stickers. We actually went and had this etched into the glass, which is not an easy thing to get done uh, so our first build was intel.

Second, bill was amd, went back to intel uh for this build and if there is ever a fourth one we’ll go back to amd4 yep, so 12900 kf processor uh, we have the brand new rg strix z690, a gaming wi-fi with ddr4 ram. We went with ddr4 ram because uh this ram right here. This is nice.

This is the dominators corsar corsair 32 gigs. It’S gon na look really really pretty and white. With this white motherboard – and you know it’s a coast guard theme, so like blue white, and so it’s just stay tuned. It’S gon na be nice and they’re gon na again the uh coast guard’s gon na use this for their esports event, so they’re gon na game on it. So all this hardware, plus of course blue fluid across the whole thing, because coast guard blue oceans, uh made sense so day one. What are we doing? Well, we have to start with the motherboard as usual, so we have to put the processor on uh the ek quantum magnitude cpu water block. So this thing is really really nice and, of course, the ram – and you know then uh – attach it to this thing right here, which has a nice little feature to make it easy to build in this case. Love it all right. Let’S do it so it looks like we’re like no time has passed, there’s been months uh since you last saw us uh on here, and we got uh this bill done so terrance.

Why does this look different? Well, because opportunities came about um when it comes to pcs and just technology. Overall, there are opportunities to do a nice little upgrade or get like things in hand. First, yes, sometimes so um. I realized that i could get my hands on this new ek, water block. That’S the ek quantum velocity squared and the performance has been stellar, so i actually did get to put this whole pc together and i had to disassemble it for transport and all that stuff. There are things i had to do because of the coast guard right, um. One thing that i feel with the coast guard is: is safety that kind of comes to mind yep, you know, and with water cooling, pcs, there’s plenty of opportunities for failures, so the more like uh, 90 degree fittings. You have the more opportunity for water to leak and just bad things happen.

So i was like well. Let me spend some time doing some creative bends to reduce the amount of fittings and it also kind of looks a little wavy like water and coast guard stuff and uh. So that took a lot of time. So basically, like this little thing right here and when i saw this, i was like oh this coast guard, like you turn this like that and like the valve opens up and the whole.

The water looks like a helicopter yeah yeah this whole the whole water. Just like comes right out, so this is going to be really cool plus. I also thought that um we were going to go with one style of gpu yeah.

I was like hey: let’s go with the xfx 6900xt again, because this is also water, cooling, personified. It’S the water block built into the view like amazing, and so this is our our last build for the us military. So we built for uh air force we built for navy and we are now finalizing it with the coast guard and terrance.

You’Ve obviously been the most instrumental part of sort of all all three of those builds. It was a team effort yeah, but like on a team. We were building pcs, especially at a time when it was like impossible to possibly get components uh, and we had a lot of. I guess – help. None of the brands had any like sponsorship stake right, but they did something kind of unique yeah. They um. Basically, they they said that hey. We see that you’re doing things for the military usaa. You know as a whole and like different branches of military and normally when it comes to brands like pc, brands, water, cooling brands.

They want to see a build of just their hardware and when i told them hey like we’re doing this, for you know, coast, guard or navy for air force, they were just like hey, you know, just whatever you need just let us know yeah and we’re gon Na do our best to help you out, and this was when, like you, couldn’t find a gpu, and so all of these companies, like ek, thermaltake they really stepped up and and just helped us out geez. I don’t even know what we would have been trying to. I don’t know i have no idea and i think, wrapping it up with coast guard with this case with this build or this color scheme.

When you guys see this thing fired up, you’ll get it [ Applause ], a big shout out, and thank you to usaa for making this whole series of videos possible to the us coast guard obviously uh to terrence. I went to this whole process having built or at least been involved with building, i believe about three or four pcs. It was really an area of my like knowledge that was very deficient, which is the reason that we invited terence to come and help, because i don’t think i could have done it uh on my own. I it was, it was fun showing you different things and you picked up on a lot of things really quickly and so not some yeah.

You need to work on your thermal paste. You know [ Laughter ], i mean, but i think this build came out really dope. I love and this credit to taren for design cue on this, the red, white and blue, for you know obvious reasons, and especially the blue liquid. In the back, like the water yeah, it’s like ocean blue type of thing and uh, obviously coast guard colors, and you know it’s basically patriotic as well. I it, i think it really turned out very well plus a build like this with, like the hardware we selected has three different rgb softwares. You know so that actually uh kind of forced me to be kind of creative. With this as well and uh, i just like the fact that it’s a silent running pc uh because one it is custom water, cooling. You know we have a nice size radiator here the fans are great they’re, just blowing air through and they’re.

It’S not creating any. It’S crazy quiet, yeah and, like we went from the navy, the big like desk pc that was fun kind of like a nuts yeah biting off biting off a lot with that video to the air force it kind of looked like a chopper. I think this is probably our simplest build, but i think it’s probably the best looking out of. I think i’ve poured more of myself into this one.

It’S the cleanest, even like, even in the back to like the valves to sort of drain. The fluid like there was a lot of time spent on the little details if you could do kind of like a less busy build, maybe yeah um. So a build like this, i wanted to kind of showcase the capabilities of water cooling without taking away too much from the the actual appearance of the build too. So it like kind of mirrors the two, because this case i think i said it before it’s like water, cooling, personified like the whole case – is water cooling um. So you didn’t have to do too much. It’S more just kind of connecting the dots, but i didn’t want to use too many fittings to take away from yeah. What’S going on here as well, we may not have any more military branches to film for but um i may try to recruit you to help build a new giving pc for me. Ah now we can just have no restrictions, okay, build whatever, whatever we’re interested in, we can do something fun, yeah, maybe build it in a.

I don’t know a car we’ll see we’ll see yeah yeah, as always man. So thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. If anybody told me, like 10 months ago, working on a project that would span almost a year, probably wouldn’t believe that my attention span is, is not that long, we did it. We made it to the end of the show and instead of feeling exhausted, ready for the curtains to drop and head backstage kind of hoping usa asks for an encore.

Like you know, i got a taste for it and i’m ready for more. I mean space force needs a computer, but for now looking at this build, i think everything about this came out. Amazing uh. It was expertly assembled rgb, i think, looks just incredible. The fluid looked great and the performance makes it obviously a really powerful machine, not just in looks. It also means something to me and the whole team here they’ve got some connection to the military.

So, for me it was an absolute honor and a privilege to learn what i consider to be a very new skill, sort of a big gap in my geek knowledge and to do it and to build these computers for cause. That is near and dear to me. Also, just the icing on an already awesome, rgb cake, so to usaa the us military branches. Thank you for letting us be a very, very small part of the process. You .