Ultimate TV Buyers Guide 2022!

Ultimate TV Buyers Guide 2022!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Ultimate TV Buyers Guide 2022!”.
Thanks to software, keep for sponsoring a portion of this video, so we’ve been busting out tv videos fast and furiously, and it’s been kind of a selfish endeavor, as i sort of tried to decide which tv was right for me as i’d like to upgrade my set Um that have been sitting on my wall for the past six years and in doing all these exercises and tv review videos, i’ve learned a lot about tvs. It was something that i didn’t know that much about as we get into the holiday season. Perhaps you are looking to get a new tv uh, so i want to sort of make a buyer’s guide, sort of walk through all different acronyms all the tech and try to help you guys pick not only which tv but which tv technology is right for your House, unlike reviewing phones, tvs, get crazy subjective. It is not always the more money you spend the better set you’re going to get with color calibration. There’S a lot of those online that can walk you through step by step. You can make a lower cost set.

Look as good as a more expensive set and if you’re primarily looking for a tv for gaming – and this is a big deal, make sure to find a set that has at least one 4k hdmi 2.1 port and also a tvs capable of 120 hertz will go. A long way if you’re planning on hooking up, you know playstation 5 or an xbox series x and the biggest wild card out of all this is where your sets gon na be placed. Is it going to be in a bright room? Is it going to be in a dark room and that is going to help determine which tech is right for you, let’s get started, so i do want to jump in and say that for me, after all those tv reviews that i did, i ended up going With oled uh, i picked lg’s g2, it’s w oled technology. So it’s older oled, it’s not cutie oled, but it does get 30 brighter than traditional oled sets. And for me that has been awesome and there’s a lot of advantages for oled.

It’S been around for a while they’re, obviously known for their black levels, because diodes are off you get near and limited viewing angles. Profile is generally pretty thin, really easy and looks good for wall mounting and sleek design. High contrast, you’ve got great color reproduction. That’S really good for an avid cinema fan on the flip side, it ain’t, perfect, uh, older models have been known to have issues with burning, which is less of sort of a thing. You have to worry about the newer models to sort of do some tech to mitigate that, for you also oleds, typically with some sort of modern exceptions, haven’t gotten as bright as our led counterparts and the the biggest downside of oled is the price.

Typically, a lot higher, so here’s who i think should get an oled. This is a big variance of alex. If you get an oled set from last year, it will not be as bright, probably less expensive and if you opt for an oled set for say this year, something like the lg g2 and we’ll talk about qd oled. Later uh it’ll be more expensive but will get brighter if you’re looking for perfect black levels, i think oled is going to be a great choice if you’re constantly looking for blooming and you’re very aware of blooming, and you can sort of see that when you look At a bright picture on a dark background, then oled is going to be a perfect way to go. But if your tv is in a very bright environment, i will look for one of the newer models of oled sets. If you have more controlled lighting. Last year’s older even the year before be perfect all right. Let’S talk about qled, there’s a lot of cula tvs out right now. Essentially, it’s an led tv with a layer of quantum dots.

Sometimes it’s called nano cell tech over it. These additional layers kind of help create a more vibrant color image, as well as a much brighter one, and the tv tech in general is not as thin as oleds are typically no thicker than like a picture frame or like a thinner canvas print. These sets are known for their brightness levels, so if you know your tv is going to be in a brighter room, a lot of direct sunlight coming in these are really well suited for that, and then, unlike the brightness scale like they tend to come in sort Of the middle of the pack, which is saying something while that might not be the brightest options out there, we’ll talk about those they still get very very bright, so a huge amount of direct sunlight killer might be something you want to consider. The modern qlet sets. It’S an editor of evolution of the original attack that came out a few years ago, newer ones so past year are a little brighter, a little more vibrant, but also a little more expensive. You also have more affordable options here that have smart tv, os’s, built-in amazon tv, google, tv roku tv built in as their main ui. They are bright, very vibrant. You can get them for relatively affordable prices and, if you dial in the picture settings that can go a long way with these sets you’d be surprised.

What kind of picture you can get out of these qled sets again. If you don’t know how to calibrate a set, you don’t have external gadgets to do it. It’S okay, literally just google, the tv model, you decide to buy uh and there will be a lot of options that will walk you through step by step. How to change your settings get the best picture uh some of the disadvantages, though black levels obviously aren’t anywhere near oleds, they’re, still backlit, tvs, uh, and so, instead of pictures being black there’ll be some version of gray and with that blooming tends to be more noticeable On these sets and the viewing angles tend to not be great unless you’re sitting directly in front of the tv, but if you’re off to the sides, the picture can definitely get washed out. So cute lid, it’s a great option. If you’re more of a casual tv fan and you’ve got a lot of light in your room, no risk for burning here, you can usually find these at some really good prices. Brands like tcl come to mind.

They’Ve got a huge range of tvs in this category. At varying prices, newer q, leds samsung especially do come in at higher prices, they’re brighter and, i think, are better versions of the technology. Sometimes don’t have gaming features.

You might find on oled with 4k 120. uh. Some do but not all definitely check for an hdmi, 2.1 port and then the refresh rate, but if you’re just streaming using like an apple tv or something, especially if you’re using the dolby vision settings you’ll, be absolutely fine. Listen, no matter what tv you decide to get they’re, expensive and you’re going to want to save money wherever you can one of the best ways to do that is on software. You got to buy the software anyway, you might as well get it for the most affordable price possible, and that is where software keep comes in, and i want to get this out of the way at the beginning. You are getting 100 certified above board serial numbers for software.

There. Nothing shady here happening in fact: they’re microsoft, certified gold partners they’re only getting sort of actual legitimate software, so you’re looking to buy software anyway. We all need it. You might as well save money.

While you are doing it, and should you have any issues, they offer 24 7 365 day support, no matter what so, this isn’t like a fly by night thing. This is a reliable company. They’Ve got over a hundred thousand five-star ratings and you don’t get that microsoft.

Certified gold partner status without being legitimate and completely above board. I’Ve used software keep for years. If looking to get really anything in the microsoft suite or any other software, you owe it to yourself to at least check software keep and to make your life even a little bit easier. When you check out just use code jr20 and i’ll save another 20 they could put towards, i don’t know, maybe your new qd or what set, if you want to learn more about software, keep and probably should we’ll put a link to them down below the mini. Led, at least to me is really interesting.

This is the evolution of cula tech and, it seems, like brands, have gone out of their way to make this tech, in particular, just as confusing as humanly possible. Uh sometimes you’ll see brands like tcl call their sets just mini led that makes sense. Brands like samsung call their mini leds, neoqled and lg calls theirs qnet, but they are all mini, led tech, just sort of know that those extra acronyms is the exact same thing. They’Re, all mini leds, they’re all backlit panels like qled, but the leds are just shrunk way down: they’re mini uh that way, you’ll have more local dimming zones to help you create sharper contrast and at least the illusion of deeper blacks, and to my idiot brain things Did look black to me uh when i was checking out mini led and we’ve got a bunch of videos of mini, led tech which we’ll link you know everywhere. Essentially it’s mini, led tech, doing its best oled impression. I’M trying to do that. Typically, at a decent price – and there are a lot of advantages of mini led, these sets are insanely bright and generally much brighter uh. Thank you attack.

These are the brightest sets. Typically on the market. Now, like i mentioned more local dimming zones, traditional q-lead, so you’re getting less blooming around bright objects on a darker background. They tend to come in at larger sizes.

So if you want a giant set and more affordable prices than oleds, they also tend to be decently. Thin not like razor thin, but you know thin enough. Uh no risk for burning and some of these sets you’ll see come in 8k. Obviously, there’s not a lot of 8k content out there, but if you’re looking to sort of future proof yourself, you do have options here. Uh with this. These sets also tend to have great color reproduction uh up to peak brightness, and they also benefit from color calibration. As you can make, these sets really look near older, for when you spend the time to dial it in these typically are great for gaming, sports and cinema fans. So pretty much everybody, it’s not perfect.

Ultimate TV Buyers Guide 2022!

There are some disadvantages same thing. Is that plagues sort of q led sets too uh? Viewing angles tend to not be the best since you’re sitting right in that sweet spot, uh still better than traditional q led sets, but nowhere near what you get with oled and out of the box. These sets tend to not be the best when it comes to calibration, and if you don’t go into that color calibration, you need to look at it. You may not be impressed initially with the black levels on these sets.

Ultimate TV Buyers Guide 2022!

Uh also, some bransons have crazy, reflective screens. So it’s worth going to like a best buyer. Let’S take a look for yourself, so if you have a lot of practical lights or windows in your house, you don’t want to get a lot of reflection. So there are a lot of mini led sets that i want to take a look at, but i have looked at a few uh here in the studio one i was really impressed with uh was lg’s qned. This is a q net 90 in 75 inches and it was absolutely uh incredible. So out of everything, we’ve talked about so far, i think it’s easiest to recommend the mini.

Led is kind of the one set fits all. It does an incredible oled impression. Yet still it’s not oled uh, it gets incredibly bright, generally committed more affordable prices. You’Ve got different sizes, a mini led, is sort of the broad answer for mostly everybody, but there are other options at the higher end. So let’s talk about cutie, oled or quantum dot. Oled, which is this guy behind me here, uh, it’s, the newest and much brighter version of oled.

Now very few brands right now are offering this technology it’s sort of the first year release, sony and samsung started the only two, at least as of this filming uh. The one that we’ve got behind me: it’s the sony, a95k and 65 inches uh, and these take everything. That’S amazing about oled and enhances it, including price, so some big advantages here they get brighter than traditional oleds, which is awesome.

That was one of the knocks on oleds that takes a common complaint. Chucks it out the window, if you didn’t have a mini, led tv sitting right beside it and you’d assume. These were the brightest tvs on the market. They have crazy high color accuracy and in sony’s case it is the most color accurate tv on the market. If you’re looking for the ultimate movie experience, tv and you’ve got the budget, i mean it’s a great way to go. Colors are extremely rich and vibrant. Thanks that quantum dot layer over the oleds you’ll also get perfect black levels, perfect contrast near unlimited viewing angles generally striking design, you know really thin no risk of burning, which is really nice, especially for ole attack and amazing uh for gaming. So on the sony, it works in tandem with playstation 5 as well. It gives it some kind of unique features there.

If you had to go with samsung, you actually stream xbox game pass on those sets. If you use the built-in ui, which is awesome, it’s tizen based uh also, these generally have the lowest need for color calibration. This is more of a set it and forget it uh kind of tv, but it’s not perfect, they’re, expensive, really expensive uh. As of right now, i have not seen a cutie oled set, that’s bigger than 65 inches.

Ultimate TV Buyers Guide 2022!

I wanted a bigger set in my house. That was the biggest reason that i decided to not go i’ll. Take qd oled set probably next year, we’ll see larger sets, but not as of this filming they’re, not quite as bright as mini led, but they are getting really close and in a bright room with a lot of sunlight coming in the picture will dim a little Bit, but it is not bad at all uh much better than a non-lg g2 regular oled, but again big knock price, the expensive.

If money is no option for you and you only want a 65 inch or smaller set, it’s cutie oled. That is a no brainer, easy decision. It is sort of the king of tv tech and it takes the best that existed and made it better. If price is a concern, mini led is probably the perfect option for you. You can get really close to what cutie oled sets can offer.

This is confusing. There’S a lot of acronyms there’s color calibration. You don’t know what tvs to get what size to get it just can be a generally confusing process. So again, i’m going to just summarize it money no option and you want anything 65 inches or smaller cutie oled money is a concern, but you still want the best picture. You can get best bang for your buck and you want to have the option for larger sizes. You don’t have to have any concerns about light coming in from other sources. Mini led is an incredible way to go. If you are more budget conscious, uh cue led sets at least sometimes uh is an incredible way to go, and even some regular led sets is still uh an awesome, we’re gon na go and if you’ve got the option to control all of your lighting or you’ve Got a really dark space.

Uh oled is still one of the best options uh out there and you can get that in a larger than 65 inch set. But whatever you do try to make sure you can find a set. That at least has one hdmi. 2.1 port that will make a gigantic difference.

When it comes to gaming and be happy, you are buying a tv in a time where pretty much any set, you can get, will look incredible. You just got ta decide which version of incredible it’s right for you. .