U.S.-China Tariffs Claim 1st Victim :(

U.S.-China Tariffs Claim 1st Victim :(

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “U.S.-China Tariffs Claim 1st Victim :(“.
Let’S say a man doesn’t fully know himself until he knows the tech news, and I know the tech news, because I read it off a teleprompter I’ll read anything they put on there. No, that’s a lie, so the time has finally rolled around to rip the wrapper off of AMD’s thread ripper. You know I was hoping this thing would suck so that I could be like thread river more like pants Ripper get it that would have been so funny. So reviews have been pouring in from every corner of the web, including over at Linus tech tips, a shameless plug, and there seems to be a pretty clear consensus that the chip is extraordinarily powerful in certain workloads, which you would certainly hope would be the case for A processor with 32 course and 64 threads reports from sites like Anand Tech and PC world indicate that the top-end 2990 WX absolutely crushes even the highest end core.

I nines from Intel in certain rendering and ray tracing tests, especially when you consider things from $ 1.00 per core perspective and running several multi-threaded workloads at once, though it still lags behind in other benchmarks, such as handbrake. So while it’s a beast of a chip, make sure it makes sense for what you do before foking over all of your money, hey, you know what will help with that checking out our full video right up here: Wow technology now Monday’s, usually kind of suck. If you have school or work, what do you need it sucks you’re having fun right? Do you? Are you loving work, good perfect, but I’d be willing to bet that the folks who work for caseloads are none too happy that their mondays are suddenly open after the company announced that it will be permanently shutting its doors case, Labs has been known for a long Time for catering to the high-end and enthusiast side of the case market and they had developed what we thought was a pretty good niche following the company is citing high tariffs on materials as one of the primary reasons that they are filing for bankruptcy.

U.S.-China Tariffs Claim 1st Victim :(

Along with a large account that suddenly defaulted cake guru is speculating that the recent US trade war with China may have something to do with this. So if you ordered a case from them, there is a possibility that it will not ship. So many customers will undoubtedly be disappointed. Hopefully we will see someone fill their shoes in the enthusiasts case arena anytime soon and we are hoping for the best for everyone who is over on the case labs team guys.

U.S.-China Tariffs Claim 1st Victim :(

I think we all know which key we need to be pressing to pay respects, although it’s not much of a secret that Spotify still isn’t profitable. Despite this massive user base, the streaming giant is rolling the dice on a new feature that it is rolling out as a test to listeners in Australia. If you live in the land down under you’ll, be able to skip advertisements as much as you like. If you have the free version and Spotify won’t make advertisers pay for ads that get skipped. So the idea is that Spotify hopes to gain some insight about what users are interested in and how to serve them more relevant ads, which should ultimately help the company’s bottom line.

U.S.-China Tariffs Claim 1st Victim :(

But then I wonder how many people will just end up spanning that skip ad button. I hope it’s not the F key, because then they might span it by accident, so yeah, something something we’re not experimenting with that. Here’S! Today’S sponsor brought to you by private Internet access.

If you’re looking for an easy to use, V and solution that gives you real privacy, like burrowing underground living with the mole people, type privacy, look no further than P ia and they’ve got servers in 28 countries to help you get around geo. Blocking multiple options for strong encryption that keeps your data out of the hands of snoops like Snoop, Dogg and Snoop lion and Snoopy, and and go check it out at the link in the video description. Now, if you are going to pick up that new thread, Ripper chip, that we mentioned, you might want to check out the new Coolermaster x AMD clapper.

What is with this two brands with x’s in the middle? It’S making me angry. No, no! No! You decide on a brand, you decide on a brand, and everyone gets behind that and then it’s like featuring okay, the music industry had this figured out decades ago. Okay, the song is by the primary artists featuring whatever okay cool AMD had nothing to do with designing a cooler cooler master made it okay, it’s it’s a for AMD.

No, it’s called the raze Ripper. It’S a beefy tower cooler with us. Tell if you look, that is as long as you turn off the built-in RGB lighting, it’s rated for up to 250 watt TDP, which is which is good. On the other hand, it will set you back 119 euros, which is less good, but then you bought a $ 1,800 processor. So that’s what you get also. It just became a little harder to play your favorite old-school games on a desktop emulator as major emulation to cessation, I’m sure they met site. Emu paradise. No, that is not a community about flightless birds and the enthusiasts about flightless birds. Emu paradise will stop offering roms for download following a string of lawsuits by Nintendo against similar sites out of fear of suffering the same fate.

What we can only hope is that Nintendo will make these older games available through legitimate channels at some kind of reasonable, sensible cost, but, given that Virtual Console didn’t even make its way to the switch, you might not want to hold your breath for that. Unless you’re going through a tunnel on a road trip and so you’re just holding your breath for an unrelated reason now, you know about Verizon’s constant, boasts about how good their network is. Well, I don’t because I’m Canadian and Verizon’s not up here, but that anyway, those claims may have landed them in hot water, with the FCC.

As an interest group has filed a complaint saying that their LTE coverage map wildly overstates the services availability in rural areas, which is an issue because a major carrier covering a rural area can shut out smaller providers from getting subsidies. So maybe they should just ask the you know. Can you hear me now, guy to start working a lot of overtime? I don’t get that joke, because it’s probably an American commercial. Airbus has found a way to keep a plane aloft for 25 days without landing, using only solar power and the world’s most sophisticated bathroom, because I wouldn’t want to be on a plane that has had basically an outhouse in it for 25 days.

But I mean. Can you imagine the actual volume of feces that would have to be stored on that plane anyway? Don’T get too excited because I’m talking about the Zephyr drone, oh good, it’s not a passenger craft uh. So basically, it’s designed to provide communications and Internet access to specific areas. The Zephyr flies more than 70 thousand feet off the ground higher than even the Concorde, which I mean anything above 0. Feet is higher than the concorde these days. So I think Facebook and their crash prone Aquila drone, could learn a thing or two from this Conchords grounded yeah anyway, have you ever had trolls in MMORPGs, try and pick a fight with you. While you were just minding your own business, you know slaughtering boars well. Bethesda thinks it has a way to combat this as its new game Fallout 76.

Well, yeah boars wild boars you got, ta kill them, so you can get their meat and tusks it’ll. Mark players who engage in this kind of behavior on the in-game map and reward others with bounties for taking them out. They are literally trying to fight trolls with trolls. So this isn’t the first game to have such a mechanic, but it’s notable to see Adam Bethesda’s.

First, online multiplayer title – I guess not even a nuclear apocalypse – can stop people from being petty, irritating griefers I mean realistically, it would actually make that issue much worse and that’s our show so, unless you think we’re petty and irritating come back again on Wednesday for all The latest in tech, I love you guys so much. I don’t actually. No, not you not you them them. Not you not you.

I mean it’s like I didn’t say I don’t I just I wasn’t talking to you. .