Twitter Advanced Tips Tricks and Tools

Twitter Advanced Tips Tricks and Tools

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Twitter Advanced Tips Tricks and Tools”.
This is advanced tips and tricks for using Twitter for professional development. I do have a previously released video titled, the beginner’s guide to using Twitter for professional development, and I highly recommend that you start with that video. But in this article tutorial, we’re gon na take a look at for those of you that have used Twitter a little bit, you’ve gotten accustomed to it. What else can you do with it, and I want to focus on some of the third-party tools that are out there and some other opportunities that you have when using Twitter.

Twitter Advanced Tips Tricks and Tools

The first tool, I’d like to show is called TweetDeck and TweetDeck can be accessed a couple of different ways. You can go just on the internet to TweetDeck and you can sign in that way using your Twitter, login and password now TweetDeck used to exist in a different incarnation, and so, if you use TweetDeck back, then you may even be able to sign up with Your original TweetDeck account, but most people will just want to sign in to TweetDeck using their twitter, login and password, and this is what you should see once you do, that it’ll say: welcome to TweetDeck, create a custom, Twitter experience and, as you can see here, this Is what TweetDeck is really good for organize and build collections, keep track of lists, searches, activity and more, and you can also use it to manage multiple accounts. There’S other things you can do as well with it, but I’m just gon na X out of this, and you can see that I have signed into my TweetDeck account and some of the nice things about this.

Twitter Advanced Tips Tricks and Tools

Is you can see all on one page? I can see my Twitter homepage, so these are people posting people that I follow are posting and I can see that real time without refreshing anything without doing anything. I just get updates from my Twitter homepage, so that’s really nice. I also get Twitter notifications here. In a second column, some of these notifications are saying that people have favorited my tweets.

Twitter Advanced Tips Tricks and Tools

Some of them are saying that I’ve been retweeted, and you know, there’s just different notifications that are sent to me over here on the right are some messages, direct messages that have been sent to me. So I can look through those and see what they have to say a and then there’s other activity as well. Now, here in TweetDeck, I can also go over to the left side and add another column. If this isn’t enough information for me, I could pull in even more information by clicking add column, and I can specify what that column should be a list of followers or it could be trending topics or mentions, and I do want to add mention so I’m gon Na click on that and then I’ll click add column, and so now I have a custom column that will show me exactly what I want in TweetDeck, and so TweetDeck is just a wonderful tool for bringing lots of different information about Twitter and from Twitter into one Place for you to look at now. We do have other tools here at the left and if you want to see exactly what they mean, you can click this button here to expand and you get the full view there of what you can.

Click on notice that there’s an accounts button here at the left that you can click and if you want, you can add another Twitter account. So you can basically manage more than one account right here from TweetDeck, which is nice. If you have a professional account and a personal account, or something like that now, each of these columns is customizable.

You can go up to the top of the column in the upper right corner and you can click to determine what kind of content shows up do. I want to see all tweets or only tweets with videos or only tweets with links, so you get to decide what kind of tweets exactly show up for you. You can put in specific searches so all tweets on my home page, that have let’s say the hashtag ISTE 2015, which is a conference. I could exclude certain phrases or words and I could include retweets or exclude retweets now you can see because I made that change the results that are coming up. It’S only showing tweets that mention s.d 2015. So, like I say, each of these columns can be customized.

Similarly, and as you can see, this messages column has even more tools in the upper right corner. You can mark all the messages as read, or you can compose a new message right. There TweetDeck also does have tweet scheduling, so I can click here on new tweet.

In the upper left and I can compose a tweet and then I can schedule when that tweet will be published. When will that be sent and I’ll schedule that to be at 6:09 p.m. today and then click tweet at 6:09 p.m.

so you can see now. I have a scheduled area here, so that was it just a quick overview of tweet deck, why you might be interested in it and a little glimpse into how it works. Let’S look at another tool and this is a third-party tool called HootSuite or hoot suit. I guess you get to decide how to pronounce that, but what this is in some ways it’s similar to tweet deck, but it allows you to manage more than one account more than one social media account. Really it doesn’t have to be just Twitter. It could be Facebook and Twitter, it could be Google and Twitter, and you know there’s there’s different options there that you have now.

There are different plans available. There is the free account, which is what I use with the free account. You get lots of great features. You can track social success. You can manage more than one social profile. Let’S look specifically at the differences.

The free features include managing up to 3 social profiles, so putting your whole social life in one place. Now a lot of us have more than three social profiles. If that’s the case, you’re gon na need to upgrade to HootSuite or houtou Pro there’s some basic analytics reports with the free account basic scheduling, so you can schedule when to publish your posts and, as you can see, you are limited to setting just one post at A time to publish so we do have several great features here in the free version. So I’m going to now close that out – and this is my HootSuite or HootSuite account – and you can see here in the upper left that I’m connected to my Google Plus account as well as my Twitter account. If I put my mouse there, you can see that there’s even more accounts that I have set up and you can click here in the upper left area where it says ads stream to add another stream. It can be from Twitter, it could be from Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, WordPress and there’s some apps as well and then from within that stream.

Look at the different things that you can pull from. You can also click here to add social networks to connect with Facebook, Twitter, Google, all these other tools, so you can see that this is quite similar to tweet deck in a lot of ways you can set up these columns that give you additional information, there’s also Some reports and things like that that you can access here at the left, so it does have some similarities, but the nice thing here is: it pulls not just from Twitter, but from of these other social networks as well – and I can post right here where it Says compose message: I can click type and then I can select where I want to post it. Do I want to post it to one of my Twitter accounts? Do I want to post it to my facebook account LinkedIn now remember that there are some limitations with the free account, but it’s just a wonderful idea here that we have with this website and HootSuite or who’d suit, does have an app an iOS app that you Can install while TweetDeck does not seem to have one at this time all right. Our third advanced tip for Twitter is a tool called query addcom and what you do with tweet. Is you sign up with Twitter by clicking this account and it basically grabs information from your Twitter account and it does an analysis of your tweets and your followers tweets and you can figure out when is the best time to reach others now what this does? Is it gets a sampling about, I think, about a hundred of your Twitter followers and then it analyzes your behavior and their behavior, and then it sends you an email you can see. I just got at weari adran my email and I can click on that and I had to sign in again using my Twitter account, but now that I have it gave me an analysis and you’ll notice that it does limit how many times you can pull this Report looks like about once a month, but I’m gon na click.

My analysis and you can see that I get the most exposure when I tweet on weekends. Between 6 .