Twitch is Falling Apart.

Twitch is Falling Apart.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Twitch is Falling Apart.”.
This one’s only pointing out a few um, but honestly, if we tried to point all of them out, we’d be here for an hour and we’d probably miss some, because probably more have happened since this was written. So it’s probably fine. I said probably a lot uh twitch has announced the layoffs of around 35 % of their staff, considering the 400 employees laid off from Twitch in March. This means the company has fired nearly half of its original staff, um of the staff that was around at that time. Uh in a blog post, CEO Dan Clancy called the layoffs, an attempt to rightsize Twitch, which he says will still uh was still far bigger than it needs to be. Despite ongoing sustainability efforts, this is crazy, like I think is Twitch done, like you know, the big new feature that they announced alongside NV, video, where um even smaller streamers, can support multiple resolutions, Oh by them doing it themselves the transing themselves by Nvidia and streaming software Companies working together to do all the encoding client side and then just allow twitch to ingest the various resolution streams. I actually think it’s pretty cool.

It is pretty cool but twitch. Talking about this as a feature is like okay, I so I don’t I don’t. I don’t disagree with you and I understand that this might be unpopular but uh. The fact that I think it’s like over 90 9 % of streamers on Twitch are getting effectively no viewers like three to zero um.

It costs a lot for them to do all that, which is the reason why they haven’t had access to transcoders this whole time, so creating a method for them to get. It is actually cool. I understand people are upset about this, but the fact of the matter is Twitch is not profitable, hasn’t been for a long time. Um they got to do some stuff, you know and like just expecting, expecting more money all the time with them carrying more weight. All the time doesn’t work when they never made money in the first place, but that that last bit is the the fact that this whole thing is just obviously unsustainable, yeah.

So building new features basically amounts to figuring out how to offload more of your processing. To your users, it’s like: okay, yeah, good luck, everybody! So I I agree. It’S super cool and honestly, if we could support it on float plane, I’m sure we would that’d be sweet. Yeah it’ be it’d, be awesome like if you could just use. You know OBS and encode at 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080P and oh for streaming yeah for streaming.

Oh, no! No! No! I was thinking vaud for a second yeah. No, but if you, if your car, if if and this is basically Nvidia like unlocking functionality that already existed on their professional cards, just more enen streams, hey, which, which is good – which I fully support, I would like them to just unlock all of them. Another thing they’re all on there, that comes with some yeah frustration – I guess yeah yeah yeah. So that’s that’s. Twitch Google laid off about a people. Discord laid off 170 people also about 17 % of its staff, and the laundry list of companies just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on Tech and gaming.

Twitch is Falling Apart.

Just got ravaged you mentioned um, they haven’t stopped getting ravaged since basically the I I don’t know what sort of the kind of the end of the the lockdown period. Essentially yeah uh. You mentioned game engine Unity, Unity, yeah Unity got hit really hard. Has it really Unity if all the people are scattered to the high winds? Hey got them lay offs got 25 % of their staff.

Twitch is Falling Apart.

Yeah it’s rough there’s. There is a huge list of companies that are taking like 10 to 25 % staff hits I was. I was talking in the in the uh in the executive staff meeting a few weeks ago about how like we need to.

Twitch is Falling Apart.

We need to change our messaging intern a little bit to be reflective of how hungry we’re going to need to be this year. It’S It’s Hard Out There hard out there, and so you know everyone’s going to be rough. Money is not really flowing like it, normally does yep, and so you know if we want, if we want to be sustainable, we want not do layoffs.

We have to understand that we need to work harder for every view. We need to work harder for every screwdriver sale we need to, we need to, we need, we got to get hungry um and I think that’s, that’s probably something that Taran will craft into sort of a more wow, a more comprehensive message and kind of kind of Work with everyone on and get the you know all the managers to work with their teams on but like like figure out what we need to do. We’Ve weathered storms before, but it’s yeah it’s time to get.

This is starting to look really bad. Yes, between the way that money is not flowing freely anymore, with interest rates being what they are, with the the way that you know it’s, it’s it’s a funny thing like you know. Oh inflation’s, like you, know, not bad anymore, it’s like right, but but all the inflation that like happened, it didn’t go away like everything is still more expensive yeah, so I mean did: did your hourly wage go up to match it before okay? So then, this problem hasn’t gone away at all, just because inflation’s leveling out that’s like actually not how that works. Um it’s it looks rough so out there handyman um, as he tends to be, was handy again with yet another link. Um I’ve heard of this site uh. I I think I clicked on it as like.

A middle click Mouse wheel into another tab at home, but never actually ended up. Looking at it, you can filter so click the drop down due 2024 yeah 5686 employees from 37 companies laid off this year. It’S been 12 days we’re 12 days in we’re not even two weeks in sheesh dude yeah.

Google is a fifth of them. Almost a thousand twitch there’s twitch. Okay. I have no idea what branch is, but I’m sure it’s something fin a fair amount of these.

I hav personally heard of yeah. You can filter by industry um all right rough Etsy laid off a bunch of people, 11 % Intel 311. I don’t know what Intel title title laid off: 10 % of their Workforce rivan lost some Cruz 24 % Spotify 1,500. I forgot about that.

One. Oh here hold on. Why am I by this? Oh, what oh man I yeah, I I guessed and I did the wrong one. Spotify 1500, that’s wow! Vmware 2,837! Now this is every year now.

Um wow rough uh and another bad news valve has cracked down on a couple of fan projects recently. .