Turn Your PowerPoint into a YouTube Video

Turn Your PowerPoint into a YouTube Video

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Turn Your PowerPoint into a YouTube Video”.
In this article, i’m going to show you how to use powerpoint to create videos. These could be videos that you post to youtube, so you can start a youtube channel. It could be videos that you add to your web page to your website for teachers. This is a great way to support online learning and home-based learning, as well as just providing resources for your students and their parents and family. So you can see i have a pretty simple kind of short powerpoint presentation here for a spanish class.

If i want to turn this into not just a powerpoint presentation, but a video, all i have to do is go to the slideshow tab. Now, if you have microsoft 365, then you’ll have this option, but also some of the modern versions of microsoft. Powerpoint will also have the slideshow tab, and this option here is what we’re looking for. In the setup group, you should see record slideshow and if you click this arrow next to record, slideshow you’ll see that there are a couple of options. We can record from the current slide or we can record from the beginning.

So let’s say i’m on slide. Three i’ve been working on that slide to make it better, then it might make more sense to click and choose record from beginning. So, let’s do that now when you choose that option by default, your webcam should activate and you’ll see yourself here in the lower right corner. If you don’t want that, you can just click this button here to turn off the webcam, or maybe you want to keep the webcam, but just hide it temporarily, so that you don’t see it and aren’t bothered by it. There’S also a microphone button that you can use to turn off the microphone and then turn it on again. If you’d like in most cases, you’ll want to keep that on now, in addition to those controls in the lower right corner, what else are we seeing here? Obviously, my presentation itself is here in the center of the screen and i can advance that by clicking this button here or go back by clicking this button.

But there’s other things that you need to be aware of too up here in the upper right corner notice. That there’s a button that you can click to set the microphone for your video, so this is already set up well for me, the camera as well. You can change which camera is activated when this is clicked down here.

Turn Your PowerPoint into a YouTube Video

I’Ll just leave the defaults because they look good to me. This button here doesn’t do much, but eventually i can use that to clear existing recordings to get rid of them to delete them start over. Here we have notes if my presentation has notes that i’ve set up, they can show up here or i can hide them, and that way, it’s kind of like having a script for myself. As i record my video down here at the bottom of the screen, we have the slide number that i’m on one of five and then a timer once i start recording i’ll know how much time has elapsed on the slide and also overall and then to the Right of that, i have some tools. I have a laser pointer tool that i’ll be able to move around the screen so that the viewer knows where my mouse pointer is. There’S also a pen tool that i’ll be able to click on the screen to draw things and there’s a highlighter tool.

Turn Your PowerPoint into a YouTube Video

And, as you can see, we can change the color of each of those items at the right, so the pen color, i can make it green if i want to, and then we have an eraser to clean up the mistakes or things that we regret, that we’ve Done now, you’ll notice, i was able to erase a lot quickly by just clicking and dragging over the things i wanted to erase okay. Having said all that, i’m ready to start my recording. Let’S begin so, i click start recording hi students in this article we’re going to learn el transporte, the transportation words in spanish. So let’s get started. This is el avion. Okay.

Turn Your PowerPoint into a YouTube Video

So at this point i could just keep talking. I could describe the avion. I could highlight different parts of it.

I could point out the wings etc and then advance the slide, you’ll notice in the lower left corner. This is the overall length of my video recording and next to it. We have the amount of time on this particular slide.

So i can just keep talking and doing my presentation recording my video el alto, el alto boos. When i’m done with my presentation, i can click stop and if i’m happy with how that went, i can just click this x button, and here i am back in the regular powerpoint layout and now, if i go to from the beginning and just show my presentation, You can see what’s happening, you can hear what’s happening in spanish, so let’s get started. This is i’m going to tap escape? Basically, what i’ve done is i’ve put in some timings and my voice, and i could have included my face as well using the webcam, and so this now is basically a narrated powerpoint show and that’s a beautiful way to use this, and i could certainly save this. As a powerpoint presentation and make it available to people, the problem is, if i send this home to students or to parents, if i post it on the internet, do they have powerpoint at home? Are they going to be able to access this? Is it going to work the way i’ve set it up to work on their computers? A lot of that depends on.

Do they have powerpoint? Is it set up properly all of that kind of stuff? So a really good option that we have is to go to file and choose export and we have an option to create a video. So i’ll choose that. Let’S say i want to post this to youtube for my students and their parents and the general public to watch. If i want, i have a couple of options i can choose.

Full hd is a great option and that’s what i’m going to choose but notice that you can also do ultra hd. You can do regular hd standard 480p, so we have some great export options for video, underneath that i can choose to use the recorded timings and narrations. That’S what i just did as i recorded myself talking and i recorded some timings of when to advance to the next slide. So it makes a lot of sense to leave that setting the way it is here, use the recorded, timings and narrations.

But if you don’t want to, you can switch to this and you can make some changes if you need to here, so i’m going to go with these options and choose create video there’s the name of the video. I do have the option of changing the video type in most cases. I think you’ll just want to keep it mp4, that’s what i use, but there’s also an option of windows.

Media video, whichever you choose, just click, save and now microsoft powerpoint – is combining all of the elements that make up this video. Yes, the powerpoint presentation, but also my voice, maybe your webcam. That shows your face: the laser pointer or the drawings that you put into a presentation, the timings of going from slide to slide.

All of that is being packaged together and rendered as a video, that’s a standalone video. It will not require powerpoint. It won’t require any special software to show or to watch, let’s give powerpoint a minute or two to finish, rendering this video and then i’ll resume my video okay. It looks like it’s done. The progress bar has finished, so i’m going to go to my files to my downloads, there’s the video that was just produced and i can double click on that to open it up. Hi students in this article we’re going to learn el transporte, the transportation words in spanish – and this is a video like any other mp4 video, the same format, the same settings and everything as a typical mp4 video.

Look, how beautiful the images look? Let’S look at how the drawing goes onto the slide. How smooth is that i could highlight different parts of it. I could point out different features, so this is a great way to produce basically khan academy style, video, tutorials presentations, other educational materials or professional materials board. Meeting presentations whatever it is, that you need to create and have people watch the videos and think about how you could use this in order to create or build up your own youtube channel. Let’S say you could make all of these videos just using powerpoint and your voice and your face if you want and then when you’re done, you’ve got an mp4 that is perfect for uploading into youtube thanks for watching. I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful.

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