Transformer Pad 300 vs Transformer Prime!

Transformer Pad 300 vs Transformer Prime!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Transformer Pad 300 vs Transformer Prime!”.
With the recent release of the asus transformer pad 300, we’ve been asked a lot how it stacks up to the raining champ of android tablets, the asus transformer prime, so basically pretty much everything that differentiates them is on the outside, not on the inside. So you can see pretty much straight away that the transformer prime is a bit thinner than the newcomer. It’S also a bit lighter, but when you actually hold it in your hand, the prime feels a bit sharp on the edges. While the transformer pad 300 feels nice and rounded it’s a little thicker, it’s a bit softer and the buttons were actually a little bit easier to press, even though they’re in the same spots. So i really actually like the feel of the slightly less expensive transformer pad 300..

The materials just feel a bit friendlier. Maybe that’s a weird way to put it around the back. The cameras on these tablets are both very good for tablet: cameras which is nice and there’s a new plastic back on the 300, which is less of a fingerprint magnet and has a new grippy finish to it. That i like a lot as opposed to the solid metal back on the transformer prime, now on to the front panels, we have hardened glass on the transformer pad 300 here in blue and gorilla glass on the transformer prime in red.

Did i notice a difference nope, but there is a slight color reproduction difference. So prime actually has a slightly more accurate color reproduction, while the 300 in blue tends to reproduce a slightly cooler colors with more blue hues. But you can’t really notice that when they’re not side by side now in terms of performance you’re going to get nearly the exact same experience with these two tablets, they’re both running that beast of a quad core nvidia tegra 3 chip, the transformer primes will go a Little bit faster and the gpu is a little bit faster, but really they benchmark within a few points of each other. So the difference isn’t noticeable. And if i didn’t tell you, which was which you probably couldn’t tell – which one seemed faster because they’re nearly identical in this mark so i’d say the biggest advantage you have in going with the cheaper 300 is actually that plastic back. You get absurd, wi-fi connection, strength, pretty much 100 at all times, destroying the metal back transformer, prime and ipad and other tablets.

It benchmarked very well with wireless, when the prime has some known connectivity weaknesses with wi-fi, also just just so. You know the transformer prime 300s dock was better than expected. You can watch my full review of the transformers dock right here. If you want, it provides a lot of useful utility, you know shortcuts, it has a sweet track pad and you get about five hours of extra battery life just know that the primes dock does not work with the 300 and vice versa, so make sure you get The right dock for the tablet that you choose and yeah i got ta, say performance for the 300 for that price, which will be in the description by the way.

Next to that, like button, uh is pretty awesome. I’M loving android, 4.0 and tegra 3 combo works. Really really well and if you’re an android person, you know exactly what we’re talking about here. I guess i just have faith in the integra 3 chipset. Now the processor is extremely fast and it’s been really successful in other tablets and in other tegra 3 phones. That fifth companion core makes using the tablet really smooth.

Transformer Pad 300 vs Transformer Prime!

The ui just flies, and i guess you could say it’s pretty much a boss so which one do you get the transformer prime tf201 or the transformer private? 300.? Well, honestly, it’s a tough decision. There are a couple of main factors that can make your decision like, if you mostly use your tablet outdoors i’d, suggest a transformer prime. It has a super.

Transformer Pad 300 vs Transformer Prime!

Ips plus display gets really really bright up to 600 nits and that’s going to be useful for reading it. Outdoors, if you use it indoors again, it’s a toss up. If you’re flying on a budget, then you’re definitely going to want to consider the transformer pad 300. It’S 100 cheaper! It’S only 399 for the 32 gig and 379 dollars for the 16 gig and you’re. Definitely gon na get a lot of value out of it if you’re still stuck between them, i would suggest definitely check out the transformer pad 300 because of the value part of it.

Transformer Pad 300 vs Transformer Prime!

It’S only right now available in blue by the way, but it’s going to be in red, white and blue in the next couple. Months again, i like the plastic body because of the ergonomics it’s a little bit of an improved design. It’S easy nice to hold, and really you can’t go wrong with value on this one, but of course, for the android enthusiasts and the spec enthusiasts out there.

The biggest thing you’re going to want to wait for is the third transformer, the transformer prime tf 700t. That is a tablet. That’S going to bring the overall combination best of the most world’s experience, you’re going to get an updated design you’re going to get the plastic back on the top. So you get better wi-fi and gps you’re going to get the fastest tiger.

3. Processor that asus can get in this tablet you’re going to get an awesome design. It’S just going to be an amazing tablet, so you’re still up to weight 100 more than the prime you’re going to get the tf700t 100 less than the prime you’re going to get the tf300 there you go, you have pretty much a full arsenal of choices.

There hope this video was helpful for you, guys in choosing which of the three transformers that you like for your experience, either way thanks for watching this video and give a thumbs up on it. If you enjoyed it, that really does help out the channel and help out uh getting the videos out to people who want to see it. Thanks for watching guys talk to you later peace, you .