Toys So Good You’ll Steal Them From Kids (My 2022 Favorites)

Toys So Good You’ll Steal Them From Kids (My 2022 Favorites)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Toys So Good You’ll Steal Them From Kids (My 2022 Favorites)”.
Who needs Candy Crush? You can crush your Bubbles and physically feel it satisfying on time. Right now today, I am here to teach you that sometimes toys for kids can also make really good gifts for adults. I know that sounds nuts. I am 100 serious and these toy companies – they know it too they’re targeting adults now and you shouldn’t feel guilty this year for buying toys, because maybe it’s been a hard year, maybe you deserved a little off a little steam with something like a gel ball.

Blaster. Sorry I’ll clean that up, it’s fine, I’m fine! I’M going to show you five toys so good that you’ll want to steal them from kids and I have links in the description below to learn more now. I’M not saying you should steal toys from kids, but maybe you buy one for you and one for a kid. Maybe you play with them when the kid’s taking a nap sharing is caring, okay, fun fact: the Toy Association, that’s the industry group that tracks toy Trends. It’S reporting more adults, are buying toys for themselves. We’Re talking, 58 of parents are saying that they’re buying toys now for themselves. So, yes, if you are shopping, you will notice.

Toys So Good You’ll Steal Them From Kids (My 2022 Favorites)

Many more toys are aimed at grown adults, like I’m sure, you’ve seen this with Legos that you can use as artwork or this amazing Ninja Turtle and stranger things, crossover that makes my 80s nerd heart so happy, but no, no! I am not talking about toys for adult collectors, that’s for another video, so I’m not gon na talk about something like this beautiful Power Rangers Megazord from Hasbro the kind I always dreamed of owning as a kid. It’S so detailed. I want to put it together. Bridget put your Power Rangers away: okay, we’re talking about great toy gifts, let’s start with a fitness tracking heart rate monitoring watch that puts Fitbit to shame.

This is called the vital hero, digital monster and inside it’s a digimon. If you don’t know what a digimon is, it’s kind of like a Pokemon where it can evolve and battle and the more active you are, the stronger your little creature gets and there are little workout Challenge Games built inside this. You can buy extra characters to keep leveling up more creatures. This has big Tamagotchi Vibes where it goes from an egg to a baby to a teenage monster.

Toys So Good You’ll Steal Them From Kids (My 2022 Favorites)

You know you’re cleaning, the house you’re leveling up your monster. This is how it’s done. Apple Fitbit Garmin take notes. I never got into Digimon as a kid. It really wasn’t my era, but I don’t care. I love this little guy.

When he’s ready to evolve. You just press a button on the side, foreign and yes, it also gives me the time. This is not distracting. It’S not beeping all through the day, unless I wake it up, listen, Bandai! That’S the company that made this! You got to make more of these. For my generation, because I’m in my 30s and apparently I only care about tracking steps if I’m leveling up a creature, it’s listed for 65, but I have seen it on sale for around 50.. Now I need to find someone else with one, because you can just engage in battles with someone else that has one of these.

The only downside is that they need to get a better band on this thing, because it’s made for grown men. It seems it’s such a big band for me and it’s too big for really little kid risks, which maybe is all the more proof that they know adults are going to wear this toys from our past are making big comebacks and you just might find them therapeutic Light bright is having another big moment, thanks to being part of the latest season of stranger things that that’s upside down, that’s appropriate. The new version is slimmed down, since we don’t need that giant light bulb in the back end anymore. These all come with a ton of patterns where you pop in the color pegs in the holes, and then you make pretty pretty light up patterns. The Stranger Things boxed Edition does come with a lot of stranger things patterns, but there are simple kid patterns you can buy for your kid who doesn’t know what a demogorgon is.

Toys So Good You’ll Steal Them From Kids (My 2022 Favorites)

I don’t know tell them it’s like a walking flower or something it could be sweet. The light bright stranger things Edition starts at around twenty dollars, but you can get a normal light bright for thirteen dollars and here’s another classic toy. With a new twist, it’s spirograph classic old toy new twist new swirl. If you may you’re gon na like this one. Kids, go to bed you’re gon na, take it and you’re gon na have a little bit of relaxing Journey.

This is the mandala maker and you make some Exquisite patterns with it. So you stick your paper in and as spirographs go. If you’re not familiar, you have different size gears, there’s dots in here to stick your pen in, and you go around the pattern. The teeth roll it around see what swirl you get take your time you go too fast. You mess it up. You’Re aggravated! There’S enough frustration in life what’s interesting about this particular one is not only do they have these places to make little designs, but you can make patterns that move around the entire circle by lifting it up, come on baby, put into a separate slot and now go Around and do it again, you know I had a spirograph as a kid. It was not this intricate. It was not this complicated, oh my gosh.

I would spend hours doing this and it was pretty limited. It was just a circle. Back in the day, there are different spirographs for all ages, there’s beginner, if we’re just getting used to it. This is a little more advanced.

You want a little more of a challenge, and that’s why I like it. I could see myself buying this for her. Oh hello, daughter of mine, enjoy this new Advanced spirograph, so really Mommy can play when you’re asleep later you can use any paper. It comes with a bunch of paper, but you can you could just stick your own paper in there.

Here’S a version of spirograph that can get a little trippy. This is called the animator. Everything is tucked in the bottom. All your supplies, basically a pad of sticky notes and what you’re going to do is you’re gon na grab.

One put it on your little square here once again: lots of uh different options for geometric swirlies. Here, depending on where you put your pen in the dots and what size gear you pick, you just stick it on the teeth at the edge, keep it around and round. Where are you going? I don’t know so you stick your artwork in the animator hit the on button. Now give it a spin and it has a strobe light effect to change how what you drew looks and it sends you into the Vortex.

If you stare long enough, it’s very trippy. I, like my spirograph, to be a little more peaceful than this. It definitely is a cool effect I’m getting sucked into it, but you know what I might stick with something a little more calm. They come in Keychain form. You know you just take it anywhere any size, it doesn’t matter where you are doesn’t matter. What you’re doing it’s with you on the go. Kids are happy. Maybe you are commuting to work now, because your office is making you commute to work, even though you could still see the same Zoom meeting at home.

They want you to do the zoom meeting in the office here. You find something that you know just gives you a little something to Doodle when you’re in that Zoom meeting and it has Bluey on it. Kids love the bluey.

Parents love the boy. The spirograph animator is just twenty dollars: the mandala maker, thirty dollars a lot more pieces, a little more intricate still good deals. Another big category fidgets we’re talking things that you clicking you’re spinning your hand because you’re nervous, you just got ta pop, but you got ta twirl them like this fashion.

Fidget is gon na, be a big stocking stuff where you just yank things and you twist things and pull things, but now now they have one that is an electronic game. This is called the popit pro it’s bubble popping, but with a speed challenge. Let’S go is so simple if you love Bubble Wrap if you love popping bubbles now it’s a Speed game. You just have to pop all the bubbles in time. Let me show you and I just got ta pop and then reset until you run out of time and and yeah oh level, two, let’s go okay and you can’t do two at the same time, or it knows you’re cheating, there are three modes. You could play a game where you pass it to other people, but I don’t want to pass it to my children.

This is my game now and if you’re really upset at something, that’s really good at getting your frustration out or just zooming out. They actually made this a game, isn’t it crazy? It takes three batteries. I bet you’re watching right now going. I could do that yeah. This is only twenty dollars again later. Not all toys are for little kids.

Sometimes a teenager wants to have a little fun too. This is the Nerf pro gel fire mythic. This is not for little kids. Let me go over all the mechanics here.

There is a safety lock for your trigger uh. There is a way to extend it for your shoulder. Of course, your battery slides right in it does come with safety, goggles very important you’re going to get a bunch of ammo it’s these uh orangey dry pellets and you just add water. After about three to four hours, you get a bunch of uh Soft, gel boinky balls, as the technical term, I believe, is I’m told they’re non-toxic, so you don’t have to worry so much if the dog gets it or if they get lost in your carpet. They’Ll dry up and you just vacuum them up right. There are two settings: you can shoot one at a time: a rapid fire.

This comes with a ton of ammo, it’s listed for 80, but I’ve seen it on sale for as low as 60.. This is a pretty intense toy. I just have one question: what does it feel like to get hit with one of these things? Let’S, oh Safety. First, you need your safety, goggles, kids, okay, oh it’s not so bad! I can handle that. Oh my name.

Don’T take that, how do you? Oh? Are you? Okay, I’m a little tender, but I’m okay, good job, good job impact from rounds may cause temporary marks on skin ages, 14 and up this is not a toy. Maybe this Blaster is one that you should steal from kids, because it’s very much a gift for a responsible, older kid that won’t shoot their friends in the office and then feel really bad about it. It’S fine HR doesn’t watch our videos I’ll be okay.

I hope you learned a lesson here today that toys are not only for kids and it’s not your fault. If you go and buy one for yourself, maybe it’ll be good for your inner child. Maybe it’ll make your friends laugh as an awesome white elephant gift. Let me know in the comments which one you want the most from this list until next time, I’m just gon na be here working on my spirograph art project. .