Top 5 Most Unusual Phones In The World…

Top 5 Most Unusual Phones In The World...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Top 5 Most Unusual Phones In The World…”.
So, a little while ago i made this video about weird phone. My goodness did i find some strange phones for that video. I decided to take it up a notch. The universe of strange phones is bigger than i thought, and the ones in front of me today are even weirder than the last one. Five, very weird phones. Now, let’s kick it up with this one over here, it’s the kr999. This thing is gigantic kind of resembles. The whole zack morris giant flashlight on it triple frequency, dual sim, dual ultra long stand by big horn. It’S got a big horn, a big horn sheep.

Top 5 Most Unusual Phones In The World...

There. It is now who is in their right, mind gon na yeah, yeah yeah yeah. No, it’s actually a motorola. Oh boy, it’s definitely not a motorola just to complete the look, bring that thing to the high school cafeteria right, well, lady, and do it hilly.

Top 5 Most Unusual Phones In The World...

This is the battery 16 800 milliamp hours. Sometimes these things are labeled a little incorrectly. This thing does become a power bank sim card slots.

Top 5 Most Unusual Phones In The World...

In there expandable storage. There we go see if it’s got any juice. Color lcd display fm radio, mp3 flashlight, pretty uh serious little flashlight there is that it northbound on the tv, northbound northbound northbound northbound on yours. Same over at davis drive and lastly, this week, so the driver pulled up to the curb the lady, let down her window and asked. Excuse me, sir: where are we? The gentleman on the street replied: saskatoon saskatchewan, the lady rolled up the window turned to her husband and said we really are lost these people.

Don’T even speak english here be listening for the jewel joke of the day. The joke of the day is brought to you by the fireplace stop the one and only stop for all your fireplaces. Today’S light hits in yesterday’s light, hits cool. Okay, it’s a novelty thing, a little bit of fun.

I feel like. I know what this is: gon na, be good old, jack’s, favorite phone he’s a happy looking guy, though i’m in line at the the grocery store. I’M talking on that, but serious like a serious business, call buy low, sell high. You have a little face here as well in case you’re, a proper psychopath me loves, you am i able to power this up. It just goes on for a second and then dies. I don’t think it’s a power thing welcome. I don’t know what that is. Not a power thing, someone in the audience can tell us what this says right now that tell us there you go well, i mean you get the gist of it.

Yeah you get a heart in the in all the right spots. Next up this one’s fancy, if you’ve guessed correctly, this is the ultra limited, uh louis vuitton. This is incredible. Look at this thing.

It actually has some weight to it as well. Look at that luxury battery compartment in the back this plate is thick metal. Oh another battery, oh luxury, the menu is like clothing items, a wrench.

You see the wrench up there. What there’s a camera on here, not too many pixels there huh, oh okay, nice little puzzle game there for you. You notice a theme here with these weird phones.

They all have some little gimmick like that. Look at the flashing. It’S bizarre! It’S certainly bizarre! Okay! Next up it’s like a secret phone.

You could have this on a shelf or something and it looks like a model of a car, but it’s a backup phone boom call. The authorities, oh whoa, that battery is large, 8 800 milliamp hour, two sim cards, plus an sd yeah. Oh loud speaker, too suv theme carrying through here the headlights, that’s kind of cool another terrible camera 320 by 240, so the camera’s in the front here right there, that’s like a spy camera for people who love suvs range rovers. The last phone is the weirdest. This thing’s going to blow your mind, filter plus flavor 20 cigarettes.

What this is a phone? What, if you turn it around? It’S got a dial pad, so it must be your phone right, a cigarette pack phone fake cigarettes in there there’s a mini usb port and space for more cigarettes. That’S the weirdest phone show me a worder phone than that. You can’t do it like, there’s no way they have clearance on that track. For some reason, this one has a land rover vehicle in the background like just because why not? It has a camera as well.

Oh, my goodness, this is even worse. 128 by 160 pixels. That’S the camera. On the side of the thing. Look at the resolution there you’ll notice that the interface on a lot of these weird phones is almost borrowed. It’S very similar.

That’S an actual thing. That’S a phone! That’S a marlboro phone! I cannot answer the. Why someone somewhere was more interested in the? Why not and so be it it’s the weirdest phone in the world as far as i’m concerned, welcome to crazy town where people’s phones are cigarette packs. Oh, my goodness, i apologize.

Today’S episode of unbox therapy is brought to you by dollar shave club in front of me. I have their trial, sets a little taste of everything in the dollar shave club lineup, and you can actually try this right now for five dollars. That’S a special deal for unbox therapy. Viewers link is in the description you can go to on box therapy. Okay, let’s go ahead and check. What’S inside the box, to kick it off, you get the one wipe charlie, that’s right: aloe vera, gentle and effective.

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