Top 5 Best Android Games: May 2016

Top 5 Best Android Games: May 2016

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Top 5 Best Android Games: May 2016”.
So guys welcome to another episode of best android games this time for May 2016. Now I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited to show you guys a set of android games. Well, let’s just say these ones, weren’t good for my spare time, let’s get straight into it, so number one mob fish, literally one of the most addictive games I’ve ever played. So the idea is very simple: you throw a mine down in a lake, you go as far down as you possibly can, and as soon as you hit your first fish it’ll, send you straight back up.

You’Ve then got to destroy as many on the way up and collect points you can combo, you can get multipliers and there’s a ton of depth. There’S lots of different bombs. You can get and they all act in different ways. What’S unusual is the serious amount of depth in the game. It took me about three hours just to unlock the second area and there’s a total of twelve. Now it is a free to play game, and occasionally you will be incentivized to watch videos, but it’s never actually forced upon you and to be honest, I much prefer that to having to purchase stuff number two and no less strange.

Top 5 Best Android Games: May 2016

In the first game, we have launched a soros, not hearing that name. You’Re, probably not really gon na have a clue where the game is on about until the answer took me about ten minutes to work it out myself so yeah. This is gon na sound.

Top 5 Best Android Games: May 2016

A little bit strange, but essentially you put together a dinosaur, and this is no dinosaur that you’ve ever really seen before. You could, for example, have a human skull attached to a Brachiosaurus spine and then a mammoth tail. It’S all a little bit strange, but essentially you then after compiling this dinosaur, launch it and try and land it in the white circle and avoid the red circles. The game gets more and more complex and there’s a ton of different parts to unlock.

Top 5 Best Android Games: May 2016

You can use the coins that you’ve won from actually playing the game to dig up new fossils, which are new parts which give you new abilities. So it’s a pretty bog-standard formula, but it works and it’s an unusual format, so definitely worth a try. The people who want more of a challenge we gotcha Covered – this is flail Rider, and this is one of the hardest games. I’Ve probably ever played on my mobile phone and not because it has some dangerous, mechanics or incredibly difficult to avoid obstacles.

The controls are just messed up, but actually that makes it a very entertaining experience on those rewarding to master but also difficult at the same time and gives you something to strive towards the a lot of vehicles to unlock. And essentially, the goal is to destroy as much as possible and create a high score multiplier. It’S simpler than the first two games, but absolutely every bit is fun. Number four, I’m not gon na try and say the name, but essentially this is a really interesting puzzle.

Game the idea is basically for you to create pictures. You start with a set of disorganized parts and each one has a specific path that can follow. So you have to kind of use your foresight and a little bit of trial and error to try and see the bigger picture right from the beginning and move accordingly, it’s very very rewarding, but there is no sort of progression mechanism. You simply just one puzzle after the next and the last game: the game that I’m crowning number one on this episode is gon na be flick.

Golf extreme now I’ve played flip golf on quite a lot of different devices. It’S been around for a really long time, but this is the first time flick off. Extreme has reached Android for those of you who don’t know it’s basically a golf game, but not how you’d expect all you actually do is try and get the ball in the hole, there’s no sort of intermediate shots. But it’s made very interesting with things like wind direction, to consider and, more importantly, the ability to actually spin the ball forward backwards to the left, to the right to try and tailor your shot after you’ve hit it.

It makes for actually quite a skillful game, but also one that’s incredibly rewarding and accessible to play with two game modes and seven maps. It’S hardly the most expansive title, but it’s a very nice pick up and play game, and we guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed this episode if you did be sure to slap that subscribe button, I would really really appreciate it. I’M mister he’s the boss and I’m signing out you .