Top 5 Best Android Games – August 2016

Top 5 Best Android Games - August 2016

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Top 5 Best Android Games – August 2016”.
So guys welcome to my best android games of august 2016, I’m making a huge effort to climb up the quality of videos on this channel. So if you do like the video, I’d really appreciate it. If you slap that like button anyway without further ado, let’s get started so Game. One is big hunter mammoth and, to be honest guys, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an Android game that is made to this quality seriously. It feels like a PlayStation 4 title in terms of the production value, so what it basically is is you’re a stickman. Your village is under attack by a series of increasingly difficult mammoths, 100 to be precise, and you basically go through the game.

Slaying them all. Gameplay mechanics are simple, but top-notch. You can basically step back to avoid its attacks and aim your shot and even get critical hits, but unfortunately it just gets a little bit repetitive, but nonetheless a very fun title to play number two dual but notice spelt wrongly. So basically, this is a ragdoll physics game, but none like I’ve ever seen before, essentially you’re a Russian spy and you go through the game, basically killing people, it’s sort of similar to the cowboy s kind of duels, where it’s basically the first person to draw their Weapon wins if you shoot them before they’ve drawn, then you’ve got a foul, but the game keeps things constantly interesting, with a slew of minigames lots of unlockable customizations and some rather bizarre bonus rounds. Oh and it doesn’t force any ads whatsoever. Number three space fuss now for those you who are into your strategy games. This is a legendary title to get.

I really really enjoyed it similar to games like cartoon Wars. You have one base and your opponent has the other and you’ve got to send your troops to attack them. So the premise is simple, but the depth is absolutely fantastic.

Sending out a group of monsters of a particular type will actually charge up that type special attack, which can then be used with devastating results. And then, if you combine the potential depth of play with an AI that can crush you from level 1, then you get a rather interesting gaming experience. I was literally playing for about two hours in one go and didn’t even notice.

Top 5 Best Android Games - August 2016

Presentation of the game is also really great. The graphics are nice, 2d and cutesy number 4 hopeless to so. I never actually played the original hopeless, but having downloaded number 2, I had to go back and try the original 2 and after I can see why it became a bit of a classic, it’s dark. In fact, I can’t even see sometimes why it’s a children’s game. The goal is basically to travel through caves, collecting, minions and killing the monsters. You can then use the coins that you earn from killing them to increase the power of your weapons.

Top 5 Best Android Games - August 2016

Simple. As that it can mind me a little bit of games like zombie Ville, the mechanics are solid and it’s an enjoyable gaming experience, but I do think the higher level weapons are a little bit too hard to get and they do almost force in-app purchases on you. So combine the jumping elements of doodle jump with the music sinking of the game, like geometry and you’ve got beat stomper and it’s really good fun.

Top 5 Best Android Games - August 2016

The goal is simple: get as high as you can, but the combination of solid mechanics are ridiculously catchy tune, and some flashy animations makes this a game that I kept coming back to what’s quite refreshing is that the levels are all unlocked in a slightly different way. So you’ve got a constant goal to try and achieve on top of that they had a really interesting policy with ads. If you beat 200 points, the ads just instantly disappear, which I thought was unusual, but really quite cool, so there we have it guys.

Those are my top 5 android games of august 2016. If anyone has any games, you think i missed, or that should be on the next list. Let me know in the comments below and I’ll have a look so with that being said, guys thanks a lot for watching. I love you guys and I’ll see you next time.
