Top 10 BEST Smartphones of 2018 so far.

Top 10 BEST Smartphones of 2018 so far.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Top 10 BEST Smartphones of 2018 so far.”.
We’Re only halfway through 2018 and we’ve already seen a pretty diverse set of new trends in smartphones, big steps forward in the camera department, the first phones with over 90 percent screen on the front and a new emphasis on intricate color options. So today we’ve got the budget phones, we’ve got the china phones, we’ve got the flagship phones. These are my top 10 favorite smartphones in 2018 so far and a quick disclaimer. Whilst I have used pretty much every major phone release this year, there are a couple of exceptions, notably the latest, from LG and HTC. Just because there’s are two companies that aren’t very good at dealing with youtubers, and I think it’s a mistake: they’re actually paying quite dearly for okay, let’s get straight into it, and the first phone number 10 on our list is the Oppo ar-15 Pro with a fantastic Display design and cameras the ar-15 pro is easily one of the best flagships under $ 600. The only sticking point for me is the mid-tier snapdragon 662, which is not slow, but we’ve now seen the same chip in Ferns costing less than half the price. Moving on the honor 10 – and this is probably the best example of a company really pushing themselves to pursue the more ambitious color options, the phantom finish as they call it, can shift colors depending on which angle you look wrong. So when you get bored of looking at the front of the phone, you’ve always got the back at the equivalent of just over $ 400. It does fall into unusual territory, but for those of you who want a close to flagship experience in terms of performance in camera and have no room for maneuver would budget. This is probably your best bet not to mention. Honor have just dropped their new GPU turbo feature which I’ve been playing around with and has drastically improved frame rates when playing games.

Number 8 is the elephone? U pro, which i’ve gone ahead and given away both units I had, but I did spend two weeks with the phone and couldn’t help but be surprised at what the company has done here. A six inch curved AMOLED display snapdragon 660 and a great battery life. It was released at 389 dollars, but given the amount of time that has passed be able to find it even cheaper than that, but even at this price I actually ran a social experiment where I handed the phone to people and told them how much it was And let’s just say, most of them were pretty impressed. Okay, number seven is actually the Samsung Galaxy S 9 plus, whilst on one hand the s1 plus was disappointingly iterative in nature and not hugely exciting, compared to the more experimental phones this year. That doesn’t change the fact that this is one of the most well rounded devices you can buy right now in terms of camera, display, design and even audio.

I can still safely recommend the s9 to almost everyone who’s looking for a flagship phone and be rest assured that they’ll be happy with it. Bear in mind that, as of the filming of this video, we are just shy of the Galaxy Note, 9s launch and I’m sure that’s also a phone that would fit comfortably in my top 10, but because of how expensive, it’ll probably be based on. Last year’s.

Top 10 BEST Smartphones of 2018 so far.

No taped, probably not in the top three but well after wait and see. Number six is SHINee’s new mix 2s, and this is a firm that really defies its price when you’re spending just over five hundred dollars, you’re kind of expecting a phone where the company is just trying to cram as many flagship features in as possible, but with no Real Flair of its own, the 2s has Flair in spades. It takes most of what we loved from the original mix, but has bumped up the chip to the latest.

Snapdragon 845 introduced a solid your camera and added some cool little software features like full gesture control. Ok top 5, the Oppo find X, which is a firm that I decided within minutes of picking it up for the first time was one of the most beautiful bits of tech. I own from the huge six point: four inch panoramic arc and will air screen to the top-tier performance and the 25 megapixel front camera. This is a phone with very little compromise and in fact the only thing holding this phone back from being even higher on my list is the lofty price tag and is not even unreasonably expensive. It’S just a case that, in mid 2018, better value exists elsewhere. Number four – and you might have seen this one coming because in fourth place, we’ve got the vivo NEX, yes, which is the phone I’m using on a day-to-day basis right now. It has a lot of what makes the find X so great, but is nearly $ 100.

Cheaper, the in display, fingerprint scanner is not that reliable and the dual cameras are only okay, but most of the time you’re going to be too engrossed in the six point, six inch Super AMOLED screen on the front to let it bother you too much and I’ve Got to say after having used the vivo necks for a period of time, using any other smartphone feels like a compromise, because their display will either be smaller, surrounded by a bezel or with a notch. Third-Place charmese brand new me a two, and this is a bit different to other phones in the list in that a targets, a completely different segment at 250 euros or just under $ 300. The me a2 is hands-down the best value budget phone I’ve ever seen. Xiaomi has dropped pretty much every optional extra like wireless charging, IP certification and fuss charging in exchange for a really fast, powerful core Android experience. Number two is Huawei p20 Pro it is striking to look at and the battery and camera are not just good, but incredible. In many cases, such as super low-light, no other phone camera even comes close to the p20 pro. There is so much difference that this feels like it is from a different generation. It isn’t as powerful as Snapdragon 845 powered phones, and I would put that down as the phone’s biggest deficit but at the same time, Huawei is really flexing their AI muscle here and as a result, the software, the user experience and even uploading times managed to keep Her up quite well, while they did also at the same time drop the standard p20, which is also a pretty good phone.

But it misses out on a lot of what makes the pro special and so hasn’t quite made. The cut on this list number one and you probably will have got it by now, just by a process of elimination, but in case you haven’t the one plus six and the reason I say this is that everything has to be judged based on its price and So, whilst the one plus six is not a better phone than the Oppo find X or the Aviv own XS, it is better value. $ 500 couldn’t be spent better on any other smartphone right now. What is interesting about the 1 plus 6 is that it actually shares a lot of DNA with the Oppo r15 pro they were featured at the beginning of the video, but for the same price you get a faster chip which helps not just in performance and games, But also in the camera and a much cleaner software experience relative to other phones, even phones that are twice the price.

Top 10 BEST Smartphones of 2018 so far.

The camera is the only main area where you make some sort of unambiguous compromise, and even then it’s not by much. Also. Whilst there is a standard midnight black version, I really dig the red on this phone. It isn’t subtle by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a lot of fun now just bear in mind that this is a list based off my preferences. There are some things I can say about one phone that are unambiguously better than some things about another phone, but at the same time, things like color preference things like the importance of wireless charging. For me, all of that stuff is gon na be on a scale, and you just got to decide yourself where you sit on it also. I did mention it at the beginning of the video, but just to reiterate, this list only contains phones that have been released. This year there are a couple of great phones like the iPhone 10, like the mobile pixel 2 that are still relevant today, but they’re not on this list, because they were released last year.

Top 10 BEST Smartphones of 2018 so far.

I do also, as a bit of a bonus, have a couple of other phones that didn’t quite make the cut, but that I really do like the red magic. A gaming focused phone with this one-of-a-kind breathing RGB light strip and Sony’s exit 2, which is a really solid all-round phone that can record video in 4k with HDR. But aside from this, just doesn’t do quite enough to differentiate itself all right guys. I really hope you enjoyed the video and, if you’re new, to channel, if you can smash that subscribe button down below it would really mean a lot to me. My name is Erin. This is mister who’s, the boss and I’ll catch. You guys next .