Tiny Tech That Can Change Your Life!

Tiny Tech That Can Change Your Life!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Tiny Tech That Can Change Your Life!”.
Thanks to abbot for sponsoring today’s video, what’s going on guys, it’s your average consumer and today, we’ve got a very different kind of video talking about some extremely important tech, so abbott reached out to sponsor a video and when they told me about some of the tech That they have coming out and already have out not gon na lie, blew my mind, and i was a little upset that i didn’t know that these things existed even earlier. So for those of you who don’t know, abbott is a company that literally makes life-changing technology. Now on this channel, obviously we cover all kinds of tech like smartphones laptops, whatever you name it, but i really feel like some of the stuff that abbott works on is even bigger than those things so today we’re talking about some of the tech that they make In their announcements at ces and i’m not gon na lie, you guys. This is one of those videos i feel like you should really pay attention to, because it can change a lot for you or someone.

Tiny Tech That Can Change Your Life!

You know now, of course, abbott was at ces 2022 and one of the coolest products they have. In my opinion, is the freestyle libre 3.. Now i’ve actually got a small demo unit right here of it and for those of you who don’t know this guy is a continuous glucose monitor if you have to monitor your sugar if you’re a diabetic, this is a game changer. So if you’re constantly pricking yourself getting your blood and doing your, you know glucose readings in the morning afternoon, whenever you do them, this pretty much takes away all of that no more pricking yourself uh. This thing, i believe, pretty much lives on you. I think you can kind of like have it in your arm and it will live there for 14 days and it’ll. Give you continuous readings it updates by the minute.

Tiny Tech That Can Change Your Life!

Let me tell you guys: my mother, unfortunately, is diabetic, so she is constantly pricking herself to the point where it just it makes me super uncomfortable just to see her losing that much blood from just having to check her numbers, and with this thing the second abbott Told me it existed, i immediately thought of her and how badly she needs it. So this thing will basically just live on you and it’ll. Give you 24 7 updates every minute and, what’s also nice, is that this thing can give you updates and alerts on your glucose status. So if it gets to a point where you need to you know kind of handle, it it’ll tell you right on your phone and you can take care of it before it gets any worse and what’s crazy that this thing is so tiny. It’S the size of two pennies, so i can’t imagine this being a bother to anyone at all, especially considering you won’t have to prick yourself anymore now. For me, this kind of tech really hits home because, like i said my mother deals with diabetes and her blood sugar tends to drop, really low, and sometimes she doesn’t even have an idea of how low it is.

But with something like this she’s going to be able to get alerts, sent straight to her phone, so she can handle it before it gets too bad and i’ll tell you guys from experience when those numbers drop really low. It can lead to some really really scary experiences and something like this just really makes life a lot better. Now the freestyle library 3 is going to be launching in europe. It’S not going to be in the u.s just yet, but the freestyle library 2 is out and since my conversations with abbott, my mom is already using it and even she said it, it changes everything and obviously i’m glad she doesn’t have to prick herself and she Gets a little bit more freedom uh just by opening the app checking her numbers, and you know just monitoring it from there instead of the whole process.

Tiny Tech That Can Change Your Life!

This is tech that i am absolutely happy exists now. Clearly, abbott knows a thing or two about monitoring the body and they’ve got another piece of tech that can really change things if you have an irregular heartbeat. So i got a couple things over here you guys, but what we’re looking at is this tiny thing called the jot dx. So this little guy is an insertable cardiac monitor an icm, and this is able to continuously monitor your heart rhythm and it can securely send that information directly to your clinic. So, with the data collected from this, your doctor can accurately diagnose it even remotely and if you happen to have an irregular heartbeat, your doctor can help you come up with a plan to accommodate that your doctor can pull up the data from your heart. Take a quick look at it in case something comes up or even get alerts.

If something is happening with you and make a decision about what your next steps would be. If anything were to happen, it’s crazy guys we’re not talking about faster frame rates here or higher resolution. We’Re talking about your actual heart, beating in your chest and your doctor being able to pull it up from their phone or device and say hey. You need to do x, y z, that’s just insane, and once you get one of these things inserted to monitor your heart, they last up to two years, so that’s a pretty long lifespan for something. That’S just like this tiny. We need two year batteries on our smartphones.

Can we can we work on that, but also decide? This is also something that’s like really impressive and just can help so many people and with avid sync up service it’ll, make sure that your jot dx sends all of your data through the my merlin app. So it’s automatically sent over to your clinic so, like i said guys, this is another piece of awesome tech that clearly can help save a life, but we’ve got one more thing to talk about now. Chances are today. Some of you might already be familiar with this.

This is the binex now, and this is a covet self test, so you might have heard kovites are becoming readily available over the counter, and this is one of them and abbott is the one who makes this one and do i even need to explain why this Is important uh, knowing if you’re safe, is crucial to making sure we’re getting back out there to the real world real life and keeping those around you safe? So we’ve got the test over here so inside you get everything that you need in order to take the test and measure whether or not you have covid uh. Now they give you two tests inside of the kit and abbott says it’s best to take the test and 36 hours later you take it again so that you can get the accurate results and make sure you are definitely clear. Now there is a navica app where it tells you pretty much how to go about using this and doing it accurately, and you can even upload your results, and this can help you get into events that need to make sure that you are covered free, so being Able to take the test get your results within 15 minutes, like i said, can help you get back to the real world and something that looks like real life.

Yeah 15 minutes so 15 minutes, and you get your results right. I’M gon na hold on to these. You guys find your own, i’m not gon na lie to you guys it’s pretty tough, to get a test at a clinic right now. Lots of people are in line and it’s freezing cold. So if you’re going to your pharmacy or local drug store, definitely see if they’ve got it, it doesn’t hurt to just pick up some and have them stored away in case you do come across like a scare, you can go ahead and check yourself and make sure You’Re good to go, especially if you want to keep those around you safe abbott, does a lot of cool things you guys, because it’s changed things for me and my family and i’m hoping that this video can do the same. For some of you guys out there, like, i said before, there are lots of people who suffer from some of the things that we talked about and it’s all game changers, but that about wraps it up for this video guys i’ll of course, have links down below.

In the description, so you guys can learn more about everything we discussed uh. Hopefully this helps some of you guys i’ll catch you guys in the next one till then it’s your average consumer, huge shout out to abbott for putting me on to some of the tech that exists out there i’ll catch you guys in the next one. Until then, it’s your average consumer get out of here.
