Tinder’s Creepin’ Your DMs

Tinder’s Creepin’ Your DMs

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Tinder’s Creepin’ Your DMs”.
Do you want to talk about Mozilla, uh blasting dating apps, this one’s really interesting to me, yeah, according to De into the dating apps yeah yeah, we’re both very active in this in this realm uh, according to a recent report with Mozilla dating apps, are growing increasingly Aggressive and invasive when it comes to collecting users, personal information having declined significantly since the last time, Mozilla reviewed their privacy practices in 2021 uh around 80 % of the apps reviewed, share or sell or sell personal information, and do not guarantee users right to delete their Data most apps requires users to opt out of precision, geolocation tracking and do not appear to adequately protect the data that they collect. At least one Catholic group was able to out a priest after buying grinder Scruff and Okay Cupid user data. Grinder is also facing a class action, lawsuit alleging that it unlawfully shared UK users, HIV status with vendors, something which, which grinder admitted to doing, though it denies doing so for commercial purposes. What what you just did it? Because you thought it would be fun like what uh, due to the nature of dating apps.

Tinder’s Creepin’ Your DMs

Much of this information can be incredibly personal and revealing, including religious affiliations, political beliefs and sexual history. These companies also automatically aggregate information from users, devices, social media, third parties and the metadata of uploaded content like photos match group who own over 40 dating apps, including Tinder, hinge, match and Okay. Cupid say that private DMS are scanned by automated tools and may be reviewed by human agents if the bot Flags potential, illegal or unsafe behavior. However, DMS are also reviewed mind in order to evaluate train and improve their automated tools. Okay, this one blew my mind because, basically, if it they left it at the beginning, if they left at okay there’s something potentially unsafe here, it has to be reviewed by a moderator. You know what I kind of get that, because inherent to a dating app you’re going to have monstrous things happening, you’re going to have human trafficking. Potentially, you know, like you, oh yeah, that these platforms do have to be moderated to at least some degree. Yeah. However, saying look, we can review basically anything we want for the purpose of evaluating training and improving our automated tools.

That’S basically saying yeah. It’S like selling you a camera, that’s like yeah, I’ll, just and I’ll just tune into it. Whenever I feel like it, um cool cool like I I haven’t, I haven’t used a dating app before so I’m going to sound, potentially kind of out of touch here, but I I I I don’t imagine that this is clear to the user when they sign up. For this thing, like guys, let me know, are you on one of these platforms and was it? Was it clear that they might be? You know, collecting and sharing your sexual history and uh? You know any infections you might have, or man like reading your DMs yo, like what I’ve I’ve heard. Tell that some of the younger Generations are are trying to go back to more archaic versions of dating skipping the whole dating app thing, which I think is fantastic. Very good job keep going wow it’s buried in the T. I’M sure these apps have also become significantly more gamified and addictive in part to cope with declining revenues and market share. As Millennials have gotten older and settled down.

Gen Z users have become the largest population of singles. However, they are typically less interested in hookups and casual dating than previous generation. Did I just get shamed, I think so our whole. I think our whole generation did, which you know, sounds probably about accurate.

Tinder’s Creepin’ Your DMs

You know what pre love man, yeah man, uh yeah discussion question. Is there an inherent problem having platforms involved in something as intimate as personal dating uh? I don’t think it has to be, but it looks like it. Obviously is you respect yeah? If you respect user data, then no it shouldn’t be a problem. You should have it all if you just make it so that you can’t read DMS unless you’re like basically way is brutal yeah.

I don’t know why it’s so delayed you’re, not that far away, but I’m noticing the same thing um. If, if um, it would be nice, if they couldn’t read any DMS, unless one of the users involved flagged the conversation that would that would make sense to me in float plane chat, says when I was at this place. We had a presentation by Tinder exacts on data usage and getting to profitability, and it was a very creepy conversation yeah. I don’t. I don’t doubt that I don’t doubt that at all, but like this, this really does seem like the kind of thing that could be done, and it’s it’s just it’s just people.

You know, power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely or whatever right like, because people who enter personal information in a dating app compared to uh political survey or compared to uh. You know um a workplace profile survey or something like that, assuming that they have um an Earnest desire to find a partner um. I was reading about how people will answer questions much more honestly and transparently, because by hiding it they all their.

The only person they’re hurting is themselves, and so all they had to do was say: okay, okay and our service is to pair you up with someone, and you pay us for that, and we don’t have to have growth forever. We don’t have to have Limitless growth. I uh at at risk of sounding like um, like uh like like an anti- capitalist man. The the the inchid ification of everything just does seem inevitable.

Tinder’s Creepin’ Your DMs

When you have this mindset of needing growth forever like at. I understand it to much greater degree now, but especially when I was younger, I would I would come across a news. Article, that’s like big company X has missed their their estimated earnings that per share that analysts were expecting from them by 2 cents per share and their stock price tumbled 10 %. In other news, they made1 billion this quarter, and I would I would I would listen to that.

I’D be like sorry what so they make so they make. You know hundreds of millions or they make a billion dollars or billions of dollars in this time period, but they didn’t do like as good error as we expected and that we were that we were gambling on that. We had kind of priced into their their their gambletron share price, so so what they need to do a bunch of stock BuyBacks who, who announced like huge, huge stock BuyBacks? Just now I forget who it was but uh their share price when I think was Google on this until I find it, Google surges after buying back billions of dollars of its own stock a day ago, uh $ 70 billion. So do you know why a company buys back stock there’s two potential reasons.

One is they’re, expecting it to go up a lot um, and so that could be. You know good value to to own more of their company if they’re super confident they’re going to like do awesome, but do you know the real reason they do it? I I’ve had price goes up, which is the personal in yeah and the personal Investments that the executives have in that company and that the shareholders have in that company go up. It’S just to enrich them personally, and you know when you look at a company like Google over the last year, or so you know what were the big bumps to their stock, laying off a bunch of employees and using that money to buy a bunch buy back A bunch of stock uh – I was talking about this on the pre-show, but I was I was watching the John Oliver bit on um on Boeing really fascinating. You can basically Trace back their decline into crappiness to the moment that they started spending their money on stock.

Buybacks, instead of on making a good product, why don’t we have systems? Why don’t companies Implement systems that punish terrible, terrible, long-term thinking? I don’t understand it guys, yeah. I. I always had this theory that maybe not stock BuyBacks to the tune of $ 70 billion, but I always had this theory that smaller siiz stock BuyBacks were based around uh.

A lot of companies do stock as compensation, so I was like how do you? How do you just keep doing that forever, so you, you probably have to buy some of your own stock, and then it makes this like cyclical thing, where you’re increasing the value of your stock by buying your stock and then giving stock to your employees, which increases How much they want to potentially stay or try hard or whatever? If that works, who knows complicated than that? You can issue more stock without necessarily buying the stock uh? Does that dilute the value of the stock that you currently have, though, because you added more um I this is like I genuinely don’t know: yeah yeah every company Works a little bit differently. Okay, if, if Ivon Umbrella, Corporation group of companies had some kind of of Stock Program um, I personally would want to, I would feel that we should take a Bitcoin like approach uh, where not necessarily that you use gpus or as6 to Mint more of the stock. Um, you know I just like the stocks, that’s why I buy all these gpus um.

So so not from that point of view, but from the point of view that they are finite and in order to issue incentives, for example, we would have to actually you know, be profitable. We’D have to actually own what we give someone um. I don’t know how that would work, and maybe I’m just you know naive, but you know from my point of view. It’S it’s always been frustrating to me that um. If I, if I have something that’s worth of value, that someone can just like decide.

Oh yeah, no, actually it’s like less than that! Yeah! Oh well! This is not Financial advice, guys not final advice, I’ll, be the first to admit that when it comes to when it comes to stocks, when it comes to, you know real world, you know big Le Finance stuff, I don’t get it and I think I think part Of it is almost just like a rejection of it like I actually not sure. If I, if I care to get it, I don’t have to play the game, so maybe I just maybe I just won’t. Maybe I’ll take my ball and go home. I I know. That’S a the majority of it for me, I I hate it. It just feels so yeah, I’m I’m just not I’m not going to get into all the reasons why we’ll get to a new topic. .