This Would Solve Stick Drift

This Would Solve Stick Drift

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Would Solve Stick Drift”.
To the next section, yeah: let’s talk about Microsoft, embracing repairable, Xbox controllers, oh cool yeah. They sell replacement parts for Xbox controllers, they have posted, step-by-step repair guides and the parts include pcbas. That must just be pcbs. That’S got to be what’s a pcba PCB assembly, oh, that must be it uh, buttons top cases and motor assemblies with attached Rumble Motors. This is, I mean on the surface at least Microsoft, following through with a promise to explore helping customers repair their own Hardware from 2021 when they promised to explore it.

This Would Solve Stick Drift

I basically went ugh we’re, never going to see anything from this, because I mean it’s just explore in our defense. We had just come off opening up some surface laptop or something or tablet. I forget exactly what it was, but it was like very poor repair. It was like one out of ten repairability score from iFixit.

This Would Solve Stick Drift

We could barely figure out how to get the stupid thing open, um, and here it is okay. They actually did. I mean there’s still a lot of things that they could do in their designs to make them more repairable by their nature, but this is something. Oh, that’s great.

This Would Solve Stick Drift

Our next uh talking point says many. Microsoft products are still compromised by past design decisions yeah exactly uh. Two months ago, for example, Hardware technician the coder criticized Microsoft for the design of the ssds in their Xbox series consoles, which are encrypted in a way that makes them impossible to replace independently. It’S like we harp on Apple for this stuff, so we’re certainly not going to let it slide when Microsoft does it that totally sucks, and it doesn’t need to be done with the kind of r d budget men, the Apple SSD thing was even like actually deeper Than I thought I linked a really great Forum post under the um starting at is, is the biggest lie in Tech.

There’S a really great post on the Forum that goes into how very different Apple’s SSD architecture is pretty much. All of it is completely unnecessary, like literally completely unnecessary, but over complicates it and makes it proprietary, because why use a wheel that exists when you can reinvent the crap out of your own and make it the realest wheel? That is different from the other Wheels um. This one’s got spokes if the amount of resources that companies like apple and Microsoft, dedicate to making their devices less repairable instead went to making them more repairable. How much better of a place would the world be uh plug-in PlayStation says: wasn’t this just in a game-linked video? Yes, the WAN show is late news from white guys with beards.

It’S not even really news. I mean it’s right in the name new, it’s not new! Yeah Luann show has always been always been like that yeah I mean uh, the probably right to trash on them for certain things, but they did a cool thing. Thank you. That’S good! .