This Wasn’t Youtube’s Fault

This Wasn’t Youtube’s Fault

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Wasn’t Youtube’s Fault”.
Oh, how about the ad block bug that was blamed on you know. I was ready to like go to war with YouTube. So was I over them throttling the experience for I I basically, I sent them an email before I was aware of the full context for this. That was basically like look guys. You know as a as a YouTube Creator.

I am as supportive as anyone when it comes to. You know, monetizing the platform effectively as long as you guys continue to share with creators. I mean I have some very different thoughts about the ads that they run on nonp Partner channels and then just keep 100 % of the revenue from because that whole thing doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. But when it comes to monetizing the platform and sharing Revenue with creators, obviously I have a vested interest in that being successful.

This Wasn’t Youtube’s Fault

However, as I said, as I laid out in my my email, this is clearly a step. Too far. You can’t interfere with the basic functionality of the platform for users who happen to have a particular extension installed in their browser like that is not it’s not even just the platform. Are you talking the platform as the Computing device yeah? It was increasing, CPU usage. Well, when loading YouTube videos yeah, so they were, like the computer, yeah sure fair enough, so either way. I was like look I plan to talk about this this week. I hope sorry playing footsy. I I hope you have a very compelling statement um and then shortly after that, it came out that um well uhoops uh whoops.

This Wasn’t Youtube’s Fault

Last weekend, users noticed an extreme slowdown for YouTube videos. Whenever ad block was enabled, oddly even YouTube, premium, users who happened to have Adblock installed were also affected. A test by PC Gamer found that CPU usage increased by by 177 % when loading YouTube videos with Adblock, while the Slowdown was initially blamed on Google. So this is why I sent my original email it you did send it.

This Wasn’t Youtube’s Fault

I did yeah, I send it. It turned out that users of other ad blocking Services weren’t affected and the Slowdown was also noticeable when loading videos on other websites, um ad block has since confirmed that this buffering problem was caused by a bug. In its most recent update, our discussion questions are twofold. One should we be slower to assume malice in these kinds of cases. Man, I don’t know, I just don’t think I don’t think Google has earned the benefit of the doubt. Lately I mean there was the incognito mode thing, there’s the general war against ad block and how that’s think in general, though people jump on things too fast sure I just I I think you’re right.

I think that is correct and I think that, but I think the second the Luke’s take is bad here and we should hate him yeah. We should all hate him. Yeah go after me, get them pitchforks. I think sometimes people, it’s it’s the do a bit of evil. That’S their new Company motto, just just don’t make it too much just do a little bit: evil um, but yeah. I think. Sometimes it’s it’s the problem.

You know people read a headline without reading the article and then now they’re at War, and they don’t even know what they’re at War about um, but they know they’re supposed to hate somebody or something – and it’s just like, oh, my goodness, um, to be clear. Ad block is fixed now um, so they they have since issue a patch, but no the the issue was not in fact, YouTube. However, I don’t know it wouldn’t.

Surprise me: if some of the ongoing develop, I’m sure Adblock would be happy to you know, update their extension once every six months. What I suspect is that they are so frequently updating their extension because of mitigations that YouTube or Google is attempting to put in place to prevent the service from working on the site. So is it still Google’s fault or is Google well within their rights, to try to prevent the ad block extension from working on their platform? Yeah? Okay, I don’t know and like you, you can be mad about that. You can Pitchfork that for sure you can do whatever you want, but let’s uh they’re still allowed to do that. I don’t know by the way apparently um. I I read the headline only today, so I haven’t looked at it yet I this is my first time.

Looking at it, apparently they have updated this and other people who use this device won’t see your activity. However, downloads book marks some reading list. Uh your activity might still be visible too. Okay, no, it still doesn’t say us. Okay, maybe you don’t have the yeah. Maybe it hasn’t been rolled out, or maybe I don’t have – the latest update yeah um, it’s Pro it’s probably it’s probably a rolling thing, but I I heard I heard that they are upda full said.

The canary warning replaces browse privately with browse more privately, oh hold. On oh well was that what that said, let’s try it again: new incognito window, hello, no mine still says now you can browse is one of their builds called Canary. Is there Google Chrome Canary, oh that, makes sense, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah? Okay? So that’s uh, okay yeah, so that, like forgot about that yeah yeah, okay, makes sense, see I’m more familiar with the Firefox one. So Archangel of death death points out that Firefox got slowed down on YouTube. Popular fix was using an agent switcher um that wasn’t a bug in an ad blocker yeah fair enough um did we did we manage to prove that that was malicious? I I I heard about that one, but didn’t dig into that. This is my thing. If you prove that it is go after him, I’m not saying don’t go after.

I see I’m saying maybe maybe look for 3 seconds before before you do so um. I don’t know I just I think sometimes with with no actual real knowledge. People will dive head. First into hatred on something um never experienced that um, I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I think I think there is plenty things that deserve the the full dive of hatred and you should go after them. I think you’ve imagined this whole thing um, but I just yeah, I don’t know.

I think people should be a little bit more careful. Sometimes what are you even talking about? I don’t even know how to respond on this .