This VR Headset Can KILL You

This VR Headset Can KILL You

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This VR Headset Can KILL You”.
Uh there’s a couple other big news topics for the week: um the founder of oculus. Actually I would have loved to talk to Luke about this, but you’ll do uh the founder of oculus Palmer, lucky wow. You’Ve got that lined up pretty good. I like that.

Let’S try that looks great um created a lethal VR headset, where, if you die in the game, you die in real life. Now this is a very misleading headline, but we’re not the ones responsible for the misleadingness of the headline we are. We are that I actually clicked on a headline that was that click bait. He made a headset that makes you die, but actually it was more of a supposed to be like a thought-provoking art piece than an actual functional headset. Uh we’ve got a. We should have a good shot of it here in the LTT Forum uh. This was posted by Dragon winged. Thank you very much. Uh Source daily wire gets us a picture of the headset. I hope hello, headset, um sure it’s on Twitter, Hey everybody there. It is all right, so basically, it’s either like explosive charges or bullets or something I don’t remember, but pretty much if you die in game, it blasts out your brain um and it was meant to sort of provoke discussion around the types of um types of VR Experiences that we have now compared to the types of VR experiences that might exist in the future. So here’s what he says you instantly raise the stakes to the maximum level and force people to fundamentally rethink how they interact with the virtual world and the players inside it pumped up Graphics might make a game look more real, but only the threat of serious consequences Can make a game feel real to you and every other person in the game. The device pays homage to nerve gear, a helmet worn by a fictional killer in the VR themed manga Sword, Art Online. I thought it was actually you know, in spite of the click bait nonsense articles, he said he has plans for an anti-tamper mechanism that will make it impossible to remove or destroy the headset. There are also potentially bugs that could kill someone at the wrong time.

So it hasn’t been properly tested, but he doesn’t intend to ever actually make it and they are explosive charge modules. There you go um. I think it’s actually a really interesting conversation, because uh Bella you ever play paintball.

Oh yeah, it’s one of the things that I like and that I enjoyed most about paintball is when you’ve got the actual um and and honestly. The way that I would always play is without armor I would wear. I would play in a T-shirt and thin pants.

Just so that I’m not like scuffing my knees, while I’m you know kneeling around in the grass or sticks or mud or whatever, but I would I would intentionally actually wear very light. Clothing helmet, obviously – and I did play with gloves because getting hit like man. I I had like one of my Knuckles half like ripped off once by a paintball was very unpleasant um, but I would play in as light gear as possible because, from my point of view, the entire reason that paintball hurts is because it changes the gameplay Dynamic.

If I wanted to play video games, where there’s no consequences, I would play video games if I wanted to just run around and meme well, I could play laser tag, but what’s great about paintball, is it hurts right and so the the risk and the reward are Both elevated so much compared to other games like men, you ever um like get around Behind Enemy Lines and, like you know, manage to get within range like pop a couple people from like 15 feet away. No, I’m bad! Oh yeah! No! I’M I’m immediately out! Oh all right. Well, I was pretty good at it um, and that was that was like absolutely my favorite thing I loved to flank and uh.

I believe that’s called masochism. No because it like it’s, it’s okay, that’s not the point. I don’t! I don’t actually enjoy the pain and I don’t enjoy inflicting pain, but I enjoy playing a game with real consequences because it totally changes people’s behavior. You don’t just have people like running into running into fire. Yeah Leroy Jenkins, like you, don’t deal with that people are actually trying to play smart and it’s so much more satisfying to outplay Smart someone than it is to you.

This VR Headset Can KILL You

Just have the other team be memeing you’re, just like pelting them with little pieces of plastic or whatever um. It’S not sadism. My goodness, I think you guys are. I think you guys are trying to turn this into something that it’s not I’m just saying it’s more fun with real consequences. That’S all man, okay, you need skin in the game to take it seriously and that’s more fun.

This VR Headset Can KILL You

Yes, the bit man, that’s exactly what I’m trying to say exactly what I’m trying to say see the headset’s just cool, because sword on online is cool like you want to have that risk just because your favorite anime character did you know dark 24 says that makes It not a game. The point is that there are no IRL consequences. That’S not true at all. The world is full of games with in real life.

This VR Headset Can KILL You

Consequences like like prizes, money and like injuries and professional sports like no the world is the world is full of games that have real world consequences. Absolutely uh, Hydrox 777 says a lot of people who aren’t athletes might not understand this. I think it’s just a competitive mindset like it’s no secret, that I am a hyper hyper competitive person. It’S not something that I do on purpose, but no matter what I’m doing.

Uh Luke made an offhand comment to me years ago. He goes like man, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that you’re not like halfway decent at and it’s because I try like freaking hard like if I’m gon na do anything I’m gon na. Do it as hard as I possibly can, and so I, like I try to improve really fast. I hate losing and that’s not to say that I’ll never put myself in a position to lose losing can be fun, but I love to compete and especially love to win. .