This tool lets real drums play any kind of electronic beat

This tool lets real drums play any kind of electronic beat

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This tool lets real drums play any kind of electronic beat”.
Cool hi: this is Sam Dean with The Verge, and this is sensory percussion. My name is Caleb Martha, I’m the co-founder of Sun house, along with my brother at launch, and we started this company based on this. This product senses percussion. How does it work? Can you kind of explain the hardware to software? Yes, so this is our prototype sensor. It’S a highly specialized sensor to listen specifically to the vibrations on a drum, so it works good on stage in the presence of loud sounds, and it feeds our software, an audio stream that it can analyze and figure out what you’re doing on the drum and from There, so if you didn’t catch that what’s happening here, is that the actual sound of the drums is being picked up by those clamped on microphones and being translated instantly into a digital signal, which then is right now being fed into a MIDI processor.

When you enter the studio, you can you don’t have any limits you can put whatever sounds you want on your record, but then, when you try to go play, it live you’re, limited by acoustic drums and the number of limbs you have, and so I was putting Triggers on things and having pads everywhere and I in the end it was just very frustrating because it’s not drumming in the end, it’s kind of like just like driving a car, a very complicated piece of machinery. Right when I learned more about signal, processing and machine learning, I realized that there was a way to kind of were more intimately bridge the worlds between acoustic individual, and so that’s really. What we fed into this project can’t do that with a trigger right and you can. You can also make it so that it will control an effect on the whole drum set.

This tool lets real drums play any kind of electronic beat

So I’ll have two drums here, but it’ll be interesting to see this on a full kit too, when you can have every drum interacting with each other and actually see how flexible it is when there’s four different sensors going at once. If everything goes according to plan with the kick starter, the unit should ship in January of next year. .