This robot could deliver your pizza someday soon

This robot could deliver your pizza someday soon

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This robot could deliver your pizza someday soon”.
Imagine if the next time you ordered a pizza instead of a person bringing it to your house, a robot brought it to your house, it’s closer than you think this is the starship it’s made by a company called starship technologies, which is founded by some of the Cofounders of Skype, it’s a self-driving delivery, robot and the plan is to get it in the hands of small businesses all around the world so that they have a low-cost delivery option. Now we’ve heard a lot about the future of delivery. Lately, Google’s got a patent on self-driving delivery. Trucks. Amazon has been testing its drones, but this has made more for local delivery, something more in the two-mile range as the top speed of 4 miles an hour, and it uses cameras in the front and in the sides for collision avoidance, so that when it’s going down The sidewalk, it won’t run into people it’ll, actually stop and in some cases, move out of the way so that people can get by it and it can continue on its way. So it’s flashy and ideas a delivery drone, but it seems a lot safer now.

This robot could deliver your pizza someday soon

This is just a prototype, and starship technologies have only driven at about 700 miles so far, but they’re already going into limited production on 12 more models and they plan to drive 20,000 more miles in the next six months, starting in the UK and then bringing it To the US can also carry more than a drone can right now this thing can fit about 20 pounds worth of stuff in it, which starship says it about the weight of two grocery bags. But what’s really awesome about this idea is that it can play a big part in what’s bound to be a revolution in how we send and receive stuff all around the world. That all sounds great, but starship technologies is gon na have to do a lot more testing before we get there and they’re gon na have to have infer come a lot of regulatory hurdles. Just like Google and Amazon are trying to overcome right now. So until then, this robot is just a dream and you’re stuck with your regular pizza delivery. Guy .