This PS4 runs Linux now…

This PS4 runs Linux now...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This PS4 runs Linux now…”.
[ Anthony ], Oh hey, I’m just playing Mario Kart here., Oh yeah! This is an Xbox controller., See I’m I’m using Linux to emulate it right. Oh right.! This is a PS4. Yeah.! I’M running Linux on my PS4., Pretty cool right, Almost as cool as our sponsor Zoho CRM. Zoho CRM is a 360 degrees solution that offers an intuitive UI AI predictions and a design studio to help you get your sales done. Faster.

This PS4 runs Linux now...

Learn more at ( upbeat music ). This exploit humorously named pOObs4 is a kernel level exploit that makes use of an out of bounds exploit. Hence the name. P-O-O-B-S 4 “ play Out-Of-Bounds station 4” And playing out of bounds is correct.. With this exploit, you can do all kinds of crazy stuff from basic stuff like accessing debug menus and loading up, cheats and game trainers all the way up to running a full fledged Linux install there, it is.

This PS4 runs Linux now...

The PlayStation 4 Pro actually isn’t as optimized on this Version of Linux than the PlayStation 4 itself is.. The hardware is slightly different., So the drivers aren’t optimized for the extra horsepower that the PS4 Pro can provide.. So it actually, ironically, runs better on the standard. Playstation 4.. All right, so we let up the web browser Karo Host Manual, Exploit., That’s the URL there you just punched that in manually, if you didn’t, have a tab already opened.

This PS4 runs Linux now...

GoldHen v2.1., There is not enough free system, memory., Trying again. There, you go.! So now I get to insert this USB drive and then click OK on the popup notification.. The reason why this is a little bit weird is because memory scrambling is a thing to kind of make it difficult to do this kind of thing..

So you kind of got to brute force it a little bit.. Then we wait. Jailbreak done., Please remove USB drive and click OK., So what’s happening when we put this USB in is due to a programming error in the PS4’s version of WebKit, the web, browsers that we’re using here we can take advantage of a buffer overflow and That’S pretty much a exactly what it sounds: like.

A buffer is a region of memory. That’S used to store data right, while it’s being moved between locations., When too much data is sent to a buffer. It gets written out of bounds which can cause things like crashes.

Blue screens or the ability to run some malicious code at the kernel level.. This USB, though, uses a buffer overflow to inject code into the PS4 that allows us to access all sorts of fun. Things., Like I saw RetroArch on the Main Menu there, a Homebrew browser and a whole bunch of other stuff.. So let’s take a look around and see what this gives us access to now.

The Homebrew store, I kind of want to look what see. What’S in the Homebrew store, PS4 temperature, You can make the fans scream. So turn the threshold way down. Ooh getting ready for takeoff. Yeah.

I noticed this Patch Installer. [, Adam ]. These will just show your installed applications and their version numbers which is helpful., And then you would just have to like drop files in over FTP.

[, Anthony ], Okay. [, Adam ], Or you can use a USB.. So this is the main downside of this particular exploit is that it’s already been patched..

This is something that requires an older version of the PlayStation 4s firmware. And if you go on PSN to download games or updates or even play online it’ll force you to update in order basically be one with the Sony.. And if you update, you no longer have access to any of this.. So as of Dying Light 2, there are still major releases coming out that you can still play with this version of the system software.. But yes, despite the fact that it can run these new games, you’re not going to be able to play online [ Adam ], Not through PSN. Yeah right., Not through PSN., [, Adam ], Any game that supports local multiplayer.

You can basically forward your LAN. Right. The Homebrew Store I wanted to see what’s available in there.

Okay, so why is Twitch and Prime Video and Crunchyroll and Plex even on here when we obviously have access to those through the PSN? Well, the PSN is not available to you anymore and those apps actually do have re-check in them. That makes it so that you have to use the PSN to launch them.. So what this does is gives you the version of the app that has that check disabled. And therefore you can just log in with your Twitch account or your Crunchyroll account or your Amazon account.. Let’S see what else do we have here Test application yup.? That sounds about right. Dead, Island Riptide, Dev Menu Edition..

So this is the kind of stuff that you can get with this.. You can get patches or versions of apps that have been modified or tweaked. To give you access to things that, for example, the developers would’ve used during development modding, your console basically turns it into a PC in terms of what you can do with your games.. Like we’ve got RetroArch here, we’ve got PS4 Explorer, that’s a file manager. I believe. PSN Enabler Yeah, that’s a troll app.

Half-Life Blue Shift, [ Adam ], Ooh. [, Anthony ]. That’S on here Is that a Dreamcast simulator Yeah Reicast.. So what have we got installed? Let’S try River Raid.

This like the old Atari River Raid Yeah. This is absolutely River Raid with some very interesting music.. I’M not quite sure what this is all about.. I like this.

Like this is probably not legally distinct from Atari’s River Raid, but it’s here – and this was somebody’s project., Something that somebody decided hey. You know it sounds like you got like a really fun idea.. Let’S take some assets from the Unity Store and recreate this old arcade game.. That’S the kind of thing that Homebrew has always kind of had.

[, Adam ] Go back to the web. Browser. [ Anthony ] Go back to the web browser.

[ Adam ], And we’re going to get some trainers. Running. [ Anthony ], Oh trainers., I like those..

Those are available on PC 2. [, Adam ], So you’re going to go to we’ll go to WebRTE [ Anthony ], The blue boy, PS4 Trainer.. For now, let’s go with The Last Of Us Part II and do some training. [, Adam ], See notice now you’re here just so, you can leave it. [ Anthony ], Okay., [, Adam ], And we’re going to go back to the web. Browser. [ Anthony ] Back to the web browser., So The Last Of Us is running.

Yeah One thing you might notice here is in the top left corner under PS4 Trainer. We’Ve got an IP address..

If we go to on our smartphone or a laptop or even a desktop, we could punch that IP address into that and then actually load exploits from there.. So we can enable the Dev Menu.. We can enable Infinite Items and Infinite Silencer too. Why not? On L3 plus right there, it is. [, Adam ], Yeah.

[, Anthony ]. There is the Dev Menu. Weapons Gun, Cocking Aiming Accuracy..

I don’t know how much of this I want to play with’cause it. This is a deep Dev Menu. Let me tell you that right now I read The Cutting Room Floor. All the time.

Most Dev Menus do not have all this stuff.. So let’s pause that L3 and L3. Woo.. I like she’s meditating.. This is the sky box.! Oh, you can see what was that? Oh there’s some water.

(, both laughing ), Oh okay, cool. She’s, displaying dominance with two hammers. One in her hand, and one just kind out of floating there back there.

The little mini animations that she’s doing those are done, but she’s going back to the T pose Because that’s the default animation state.! This is the kind of stuff that I love.. I love Dev Menu stuff.. It shows you how the game was actually made: gun cocking, tunables stealth delay combat delays., So you can choose how quickly the gun, cocks, visualize bullet, spread. Yup.. Mario Camera, I’m supposed to have infinite ammo here yup., I don’t have anything in reserve, but I can keep shooting forever. And of course I can go into no clip mode to just go wherever I want.. Oh, is the camera supposed to turn like that when you move with just the left, stick [ Adam ], Wait left cam left, stick No. [, Anthony ], That’s Mario camera then. [, Adam ], Oh yeah., [ Anthony ]. Now we still have The Last Of Us Part II into this console right, now.

Yup., No disk, but we got it off the disk.. Oh, the 60fps patch was made with love by Lance McDonald. Ooh.. This key is normally locked to 30..

The PS4 Wasn’t capable of going much higher than that.. I think you can. You can apply this patch.. I was reading up about it earlier.

You can apply it, but you’re not going to get 60. [ Adam ]. The physics were tied to the frame rate in the original Bloodborne. [ Anthony ]. Oh that’s, good. Yeah.! When physics are tied to the frame rate, that’s always horrible.! So if you just removed the FPS lock, then the game would just run faster.. This patch must have been an actual endeavor to put together made with love. Actually 60fps mean it seems mostly 60. [, Adam ].

You can see that the save file has already been tampered with. [ Anthony ], Yeah. [, Adam ]’Cause. You have a million blood echos. [, Anthony ], Wow., Yup., ( character, screaming ) ( gunshot, sound ), ( character, screaming ) [, Adam ].

Well, that’s enough.! How about we go and we we go and do some cheats, [ Anthony ] Cheats, yes. Cheats would be good. Bloodborne, oh God., Which version do we have Probably the latest right So start speed. [, Adam ], Go Infinite, Health.

[, Anthony ], Infinite, Health., Yup. [, Adam ], Infinite Stamina., [, Anthony ], Infinite stamina, yup. [, Adam ], R1 R2.

[, Anthony ]. Yes, thank you., (, Adam laughing ). Well, that’s the video.

(, both laughing ). You know it’s. It is what it is.. Maybe I should have used the other. Oh no.

Did the system totally crash now Junky software can sometimes crash, but you don’t have to worry about that at Our servers are always there for you and for me and for everybody else who wants to get cool merch like a WAN hoodie. Real nice..

Just like this Linux. Linux yes., I said Linux. Coming back to the Karo Host Manual Exploit here.. We’Ve got multiple different flavors of Linux here, up to five gigabytes down to one gigabyte..

What is that Basically you’re telling the PS4 how much memory it’s going to still have after you start running Linux., So one gigabyte would actually allocate more memory to Linux than to the PlayStation 4.. Now, if I do this it’ll probably error the first couple times I try it. One gigabyte is usually not enough, but let’s try it. Failed to load file, yeah. Okay.. So now I need to try again..

I think it’s that it just doesn’t have enough. Memory. [ Adam ], Well, no, usually we’ll throw like a there. We go.

Yeah. [ Anthony ]. There we go.

Do a terminal console yay Console.. What desktop environments we? Oh, we have. We’Ve got gnome and everything here, but the default is LXDE for obvious. Reasons. LXDE is a lot more lightweight.

All right. We’Ve got Linux and a Linux terminal. Yeah check this out.. It’S actually just straight up Linux..

So, like we’ve got full Chrome here., We can go to In a much better route than one that ships with the PS4.. It’S smooth smooth like that plaid flannel.. I can use the PlayStation controller like the mouse, even works with the touchpad..

Of course it is running off of USB., So it is going to take a minute to launch.. Let’S skip it. It’ll keep compiling in the background. Okay..

I mean it’s, it’s not terrible., It’s like 40 or 50.. It’S probably running better than it did on my PC. When I first played it. Settings and do 1080P., It’s not bad., It’s like 30, something like that., There’s tearing cause VSync’s, not on..

I imagine when I get into a fire fight, it’ll be a little bit different.! Oh, that’s why we should have let those shaders compile uh. Oh, that’s, not good.! Aw come on., [, Adam ]. It never crashed. When I played it.

[ Anthony ], So we’ve got seven gigs of RAM assigned to this VM.. So that could also be part of why it crashed. Okay.. It say: oh crap., There we go.

Exclusive full screen. It does not like that.. Can I play it with the PlayStation controller Doesn’t seem wait., I can kind of. I can use the touchpad..

This is terrible.. Stop running away you coward. Okay.! So that’s what happens when you try to use the touchpad on the PlayStation controller. Give me that Xbox controller. Yeah. ( upbeat music ), Another one. So you might be watching this and asking yourself why! Well, for the most part, the answer is because we can., But also this is a pretty great way to get more mileage out of a console. That’S just gathering dust or with certain mods and trainers.

You can get a glimpse behind the curtain and see how some of your favorite games were made.. These kinds of hacks have enabled the lure of ravagers from software fans to explore and discover cut content and development secrets that coy devs would never talk about.. So if you have a PS4, that’s gathering dust – or maybe you just love the chance to tinker.

We highly recommend giving this a shot.. A great place to start would be watching Modded Warfares extensive tutorial guides that were an invaluable resource for this video.. You got to love the modded community., Just like I love sponsor segues like these to Zoho CRM.

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