This Phone has HOW MANY Cameras!?

This Phone has HOW MANY Cameras!?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Phone has HOW MANY Cameras!?”.
Hey James guess what what Linus isn’t here today? That means we can talk about whatever we want like what, though tech news, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I’Ve never seen that coming. Oh Wall Street Journal apparently has information about Samsung’s plans for the Galaxy S 10, including the fact that one of the s10 models will have six cameras, yeah, that’s kind of lackluster, it’s not even shocking anymore. So, according to the WSJ report, there will be three main variants of the s10 small, medium and large, with a fourth variant: the galaxy s 10, beyond X or beyond 10.

This Phone has HOW MANY Cameras!?

I guess featuring 5g connectivity with four rear cameras and two front cameras, along with a 6.7 inch display. The four rear cameras will probably be similar to the Galaxy, a 9 setup, which also has four rear cameras. The phones are expected to launch in February 2019, the normal time for Samsung to launch their phones. So that’s not surprising. Samsung is also expected, however, to launch their folding phone, the so-called Galaxy F aka Galaxy flex, we’re still just trying trying to decide what to name it sometime next year.

This Phone has HOW MANY Cameras!?

I can’t decide whether Samsung is actually innovating, because these are useful technological embedment or whether they’re just coming up with new phone features in a panic, because no one cares about phones, anymore. What you like it! Google has padded in a way to make VR more immersive without requiring the installation of a body harness and omnidirectional treadmill in your living room. Those are so annoying. I have at least three motorized rollerskates, okay, okay, settle down settle down; there’s not an actual confirmed design for the product, but Google’s patent describes Footwear with a system of wheels and motors that would synchronize with the VR program to allow you to walk endlessly quote-unquote.

This Phone has HOW MANY Cameras!?

While staying within the VR safe zone, there’s a few suggestions of what the omnidirectional wheel system could look like launch titles could include banana peel, simulator 2020, okay, but Octodad VR. Have you play doctor dad? I haven’t played it either, but it seems like it could work. Well and fire up your TIE fighters because ion drives are no longer the stuff of science fiction.

Tie fighters twin ion engine yeah, okay, fine ion thrusters have been used in space for a while now in real life, but researchers at MIT have made history with the first atmospheric flight of an aircraft powered by ionic propulsion in propeller or jet powered aircraft. Air is physically pushed to the rear of the vehicle to produce forward movement, but the researchers prototype ionizes, the nitrogen and oxygen in the air, liberating electrons that flow from one electrode to another. Those electrons collide with neutral air molecules, creating an ionic wind that provides thrust to the aircraft. Yes, you’re, following along the little plane, only flew about ten meters in this test, the length of the indoor gym where the tests were taking place. But if this technology can be scaled up, we could be traveling around in largely silent aircraft with cool blue thrusters. Laser guns probably could transform into a robot too, while we’re at hoverbikes. That’S silly.

What that’s you? That’S your idea of a futuristic vehicle and in that silly string on it. It’S time for quick bits brought to you by Vince, Aero, watches, whens arrow makes luxury timepieces that aren’t minimalist, but rather are designed to help. You stand out and up your fashion game at an accessible price because they sell directly to you, the consumer and cut out the middleman. You’Ll get the look and feel of a watch that might cause ten times the price somewhere else with free worldwide shipping in over eleven thousand five star customer reviews you’ll be sure to be a winner with Vince Aero check out their site now is they have an Amazing sale going on for Black Friday and it won’t last long at Vince, Aero, watches com forward. Slash tickling, Sam on to the quick bits YouTube is taking even more steps to draw the public’s attention to the european union’s copyright directive and specifically, article 13, which would put legal responsibility for the infringing of copyrighted content on to youtube or whatever platform. The content appears on pop-ups are appearing in the YouTube app for European users, who are prompted to learn more and tell their representatives. They don’t want to pass article 13 in its current form. Tell your friends tweet about it.

Hashtag save the Internet, hashtag EU be trippin. Hashtag come on, you can use all of those. If you want just some options. Google has removed 13 driving games from the Google Play Store, which weren’t actually driving games at all. They were a malware that simply crashed every time. It was open.

It’S not clear what the malware did, but it was malware and malware is bad. That’S why I don’t play racing games except Mario Kart FCC, Chairman 2g. Pi. Isn’T all bad he’s got some bad ideas, but one of his good ones is raising the standard for rural broadband from 10 megabits per second to 25, which puts should put pressure on ISPs to meet that standard, or else they can’t say their services. Broadband sure pi is only doing this after suggesting that the standard be lowered last year and facing backlash, but hey yes, you know people can change. I still like them since Alexan 410 are such good buddies. Google assistant is cozying up to Syria on iOS Google’s adding prompts to enable some series shortcuts, like you, can set Siri to recognize when you say: okay, Google, and then that redirects you to the Google assistant app. It’S like there’s two competing AI assistant sleepovers, and maybe they prank each other, and it’s like I don’t like you, but it’s still fun. You know and here’s a juicy rumor Sony is allegedly going to release the 8 core rise in CPU powered PlayStation 5 in 2020. Along with a new psvr, the information comes from the same redditors that leaked the news about Sony skipping e3 this year it might not be legitimate, but it’s a real juicy story. I couldn’t resist talking about this big juicy rumor ooh. I can’t wait juice juice and that’s it for today’s tech linked because there’s no more stories, there’s no more there’s, no more stories, oven, teleprompters! I don’t know what else to say other than love you so much subscribe.

If you like tech news and if you want more and I’ll see ya while I won’t see on Friday, somebody will see you it’s not up to me. .