This PC is cooled by FLAMES – Hacksmith Collab

This PC is cooled by FLAMES - Hacksmith Collab

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This PC is cooled by FLAMES – Hacksmith Collab”.
Why? Oh that’s so nice! The case is on fire. The case is on fire. Our friends from hacksmith industry came all the way to Vancouver. To show us something. Amazing Elias has absolutely no idea what it is. I am so stoked do you want to see this? I think so as long as it’s not too dangerous, we brought two, don’t drop, don’t get hit by the flames and don’t die. There’S nothing in this. No. This is just a flame expander to make sure that we don’t get liquid propane on the computer. Oh, my God, that’s the ignition Source. That’S we’re gon na light.

The whole thing off oh shut up, I’m in just like I’m in to tell you about our sponsor AMD amd’s, Radeon, RX, 7900, XTX and XT are some of the best graphics card options for 4K gaming under a thousand dollars check them out at the link. In the video description, pretty simple setup got liquid propane goes into our electronics box, so right now we’re just running it at full power, and then that goes into our uh propane expander. This gets Sub-Zero. Theoretically, this can drop down to negative 42 degrees Celsius, and then we have our flame expander that just has uh.

You know a nice warming effect all right, so you can just oh that’s fun. Okay! Is that on? No it’s not on that should be on yeah. Probably yeah yeah: what could go wrong? We do have a fire extinguisher handy. Can someone actually be holding this? No okay, that’ll, be here.

Let’S just see how we’re doing here, wow minus 25 at the cooling side, and what’s our flame doing uh more than 130 yeah? Can someone me the principle of this? I mean I understand that the the liquid propane is extremely cold right. Air conditioners work by having a liquid that expands that cools the thing you compress that compressor and turn it back into liquid. Yes, here, instead you’re just burning it think about it.

This way, right, let’s say you have a natural gas line going into your house instead of just burning it for your natural furnace, you can also use it to cool your computer and that tank will last a good two hours. I mean it’s not the first time we asked Mother Earth to take one for the team. I guess the flame expander is standard 240 millimeter mounting, so that just goes right on you know top mounted CPU Cooler.

This PC is cooled by FLAMES - Hacksmith Collab

Are we actually doing that yeah? It is literally the hottest CPU Cooler. This goes for a while, hey yeah, there’s a lot of liquid in here right so, like all of that has to evaporate before it actually shuts down, give her a little. You know yeah.

This PC is cooled by FLAMES - Hacksmith Collab

I can actually warm it up with your hands. It goes quicker for the components of our sub-zeroed on fire PC. We have an I9 13900k for the motherboard, it’s a strix e z790 for a GPU. We have the strix 4090, and this thing is a freaking Beast. Now we do have two, not a flamethrower PC coolers, and we just want to put two of them on the CPU that’ll, be so much more fun.

All of these components, spare the GPU are actually going in the spiffing Brits, PC, so uh Tom. If you’re watching this, I am incredibly sorry that I put Vaseline all over your motherboard before we go any further. We need to just set a baseline 39 512 points in cinebench she freaking rips. What do you call this fiery boy? You know what they say.

Any machine is a smoke machine if used wrongly enough. Ah, it’s actually fine 38 degrees. That’Ll feel a little bit warm to your hand, give a man a fire. Keep them warm for the day set a Man on Fire, keep it warm for the rest of his life.

One of my absolute favorite things on these new Asus boards is that, instead of having to stick your hand in there to hit the little pcie release thing, there’s a little switch a little button right there. Now you might be wondering. Why did I take this apart? If we’re not going to be Sub-Zero, Cooling and that’s because I want to have an external voltage controller, so what we are doing is by just very simply sticking a little header here that allows us to connect to the i2c bus and with that we’re going to Talk to the voltage controller and be like what about you, give us just way More Voltage than you think you should and then it does. Then we have a very fast GPU right now, since we don’t have a 3900.

This PC is cooled by FLAMES - Hacksmith Collab

The only way I can make a mounting bracket for it is by buying a mounting bracket that already existed and then hoping to match up the bolt patterns. I think this is a Cooler Master bracket that I got from Amazon and hopefully it fits onto this motherboard. Oh, I think I can do you one better. We have this thing.

It has all of the bull patterns piece of new eoprene, so you go like this. We’Re actually going to want to take this socket cover right off and underneath it we’re going to put a little bit of artists eraser when there’s air and your Subzero condensation forms condensation on the back of your CPU. You know where this ends how’s, that aha, it’s on all right leave i2c now, dear viewer, I would like to apologize. The storyline for the strix and the external voltage controller ends right here.

We tried to get it to work later, but sadly our monitor was melting and we ran out of time instead of installing this retention bracket on that came with the motherboard. We’Re going to use this thermal Grizzly CPU contact frame before we put this on, though, please everybody clip this and send it to spiff there we go. I forgot to uh conformal coat the bits, all the little chips that are around here, but I have a solution. How do you feel right now? I can get into lots of cooling on a single into line iron heck yeah uh get fed two beside each other there.

So we’ve got two radiators. The plan is to put one here and then that will create a lot of Fire. Now, instead of three brackets, we have a single double bracket. Basically, we’ve just mutilated one of our mounting brackets, so we can mount two of the coolers onto a single CPU that’ll.

Give us full coverage of not just the dye, but also the integrated heat spreader that will actually double our total cooling capacity Alex the motherboard is stuck yeah it’ll, be fun. Next time Alex you’re cooling, a computer with a fire extinguisher, no she’s from neoprene might be a little bit bigger than the case can handle uh. Let’S just mount it like normal. Using the thing you brought add some more Dielectric grease that’ll be fine, neoprene’s nice, but since we have schmooled it just do that yep all right. I can tell you this isn’t going to be enough. You will literally have water dripping off the back of this bracket.

We have to keep air off it. The best part is, if we do this outside there probably won’t even be any condensation on this. It still smells like propane in here. You guys see the thing that they add to propane, to make it really nice and smelly. It lasts for about three to six months is what I’ve read online. I just did the math on how much heat this is going to create okay well for reference electricity. A kilowatt hour is equal to 3400 BTUs we’re going to be close to half a million. More expensive, though, that we just have like bolt down kits right. Yes, but I don’t know where it is going back to my office. It’S in. I look for that. So long yesterday, do you know why I keep my bolt through in this bin in my office, because we had lots of them and nobody puts them back where they’re supposed to be, which is why we don’t have those other ones, and mine is not in here Anymore, what the hell happened to my bolt through? Why can’t people return things? Oh, this is cute.

I did find one cool thing in here, though check this out. This pen has a Lee and Lee catalog. I would call this whole thing Half Baked, but with like half a million BTUs, I think it’s probably full baked, maybe even over baked one thing’s for sure it’s baked see my initial prototype was 200 watts and Alex is like that’s not enough double it. I was like okay, so now it’s 400 watts and Alex was like. Oh, I wonder if we can put two of them on here. Yes, I know I work with them every day. What do you want if we had 200 Watts on this thing? That CPU would be hotter than the sun. This is what it takes to make me even more grateful for my team that I work with working with some someone else’s. As soon as I asked I’m like hey, can I get Alex’s contact you’re, probably like? Oh, no, I’m pretty sure that I actually said that, should we you’ve had enough thoughts Alex this ain’t, no amateur hack job. That’S why we’re using propane! That’S one of the worst things.

You’Ve ever said: man. I’Ve seen builds from our community using actual computer cooling components that look less clean than this yeah. I feel like there’s not many people that are running the 3900 with a 40 90, all overclocked, modded and sub-zeroed, so we might set some high scores here. You’D be surprised how many Nerds have already set those high scores.

The difference is that their system is Not Practical day to day yeah in the Canadian weather. It’S great for heating. Your house fishing Bread’s Gon na Get Us computer.

It is going to be covered in dial extra grease and smell, like propane. It’S gon na be very confused yeah In fairness, his computer was already going to be kind of confusing anyway, because it’s going to be cooled by T so well he’s British Virgin people from Vancouver. They don’t clear off any of their stuff. You realize how long it would take to just like I cleaned out the spot under the fan, so it won’t be sucking snow up into the power supply. That’S thoughtful. It was Brandon’s idea, there’s snow in the USB connector fine. Once you turn your computer off. It’Ll solve itself, we now have the ability to dump over 20 liters an hour of propane through this computer. I see nothing that could go wrong. I feel like we’re going through a nuclear launch sequence or something all right Alex.

You want to go ahead and hit it sure why okay cool just a bit further away. Oh, oh, that’s so nice yeah! That is very nice, so that clicky noise is actually the solenoid being controlled by the pan. Header keep the flame in a minimum, while the CPU is uh not doing any work.

I see uh we’re at -10 degrees Celsius so far minus 11., but – and this is with restraint. This is with the regulator going. This is our pilot flame.

This is a proud Canadian tradition, the annual computer cook should we be worried about the Flames being on the lines. It’Ll be okay for a little bit they’re directly in the fire, though yeah. That’S, probably not ideal, yeah they’re, they’re kind of smoking, they’re, they’re, cooking. Okay. We don’t want to get these out of the way yeah there’s a bit of wind if you’ve got a bit of wind factor going on.

Oh, I don’t know that. I want this to be that close. No, no! It’S fine! It’S fine because we’re going to rotate it this way like this, oh yeah, that power supply is now sucking in snow. Just uh, yeah, perfect, oh okay, yeah! It should be fine.

Well, do you want to hit it again? Oh, your mother is getting a little toasty. Now, ideally, we don’t cook the monitor, ah um wow. The front of this case is looking pretty gnarly wow she’s sweating boys all right hold on back of monitor’s warping a little. Oh, that’s not great! Oh that’s too hot on the hands. That’S really hot wow! Okay, all right so we’re gon na overclock this thing or what? Let’S get a baseline run with the with the cooling distance to TJ Maxx 100 degrees. We are starting to build some froth on the back as long as the frost doesn’t turn into water. We’Re good CPU package, one degree Celsius. 39, 795 points.

What was our Baseline 39 500.? Oh, so we’ve got like 30 wow XTU has a new automatic overclock. Should we just hit it and see what happens? Let’S see what it thinks of this CPU package, we’re currently consuming 260 Watts. 40. 481 points, though, should we just give her the beans see what happens all right.

We are now deregulated who needs regulations, but you can’t be any geek off the street. Oh, my goodness, I don’t know if Max was a very good idea. Oh my God, the fittings are on fire. The case is on fire.

Oh yeah, the plastic at the front of the case is on fire. Who was it? Who didn’t want to have the fire extinguisher handy? You? I think I can solve this. Ah, oh, did you turn it off yeah? I turned it off. Oh boy, why yeah? We can just press that one okay, it’s back on in case it hasn’t been adequately covered. Yet the Flames themselves are not what are doing the cooling.

These are propane cylinders, instead of having them right side up, so they release gaseous propane. We flip them upside down so that they release liquid propane, which is between negative 40 and negative 45 degrees Celsius. That runs through this regulator right here, which then dumps that liquid propane directly onto our CPU now, obviously liquid propane, is gon na have to go somewhere.

It gets heated by the CPU, turned into a gas and then released through these tubes into our flame expander. Up here where, obviously it’s going to be lit on fire, so you can roast marshmallows all right. Do you guys think this can do six gigahertz um yeah? Are we going to turn on to Max again? Ah, it’s running Center bench right now, at 60 gigahertz! Oh, it’s actually at 95 degrees, so uh it did six, no problem: what score did we got? 40? 990.

yeah. I think that we can do 41 pretty easily here crackers. Oh yeah! I could really go for some by the way I love your portable marshmallow roaster.

Get one at hack some dust store. Oh, would you like a pair of safety glasses too safety? Oh 41, 604. 6.1 gigahertz, not too bad 4.5 on all the efficiency cores. This thing’s actually ripping. It may not be as cold as some methods of cooling, but it certainly has plenty of cooling capacity. Oh wow, that’s really hot! Since we’re getting some liquid coming through at full power.

The bottom is actually completely frozen over if we had a maze, style, design or otherwise more complex evaporator head over the CPU, it’s possible. We could be seeing much better heat exchange and getting better efficiency out of our propane cylinders. Oh it’s hot! So it turns out having flames on your stuff, does make it go faster. Oh I don’t know if we can do 6.3, all core six points, all core 6.2.

That would be impressive, so hot. Let’S do your math. Do this what’s up Jay? Also, the CPU is running at 6.4 gigahertz right now, nice, okay, okay, hi yeah, it’s a little unpredictable! Oh no! The back of the monitor is all liquidy again, oh balls! Oh my Jesus. It’S very ergonomic! Now, no more sharp Corners! I don’t think that’s whoa, oh and it crash okay crashed and burned just like this Segway to our sponsor. Ah, Nord security, if you keep up with the tech news, you’ll know that hackers are always looking for new ways to compromise everything from Tech Giant servers to Grandma’s computer.

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